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List of flags of Kosovo

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The following is a list of flags used in Kosovo.

Republic of Kosovo


State flag

Flag Date Use Description
2008–present National flag Blue with six white stars in an arc above a gold-colored map of Kosovo in the center. Dimensions: 5:7

Government flags

Flag Date Use Description
1999–present Flag of the Kosovo Police White with two blue stripes, and a yellow-blue emblem of the KP in the centre. Dimensions: 2:3.
Flag of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency White field, with the KIA emblem in the centre.[1]
2008–present Flag of the Kosovo Customs Service Blue field, with the KCS emblem in the centre. Dimensions: 2:3.[2]
2001–present Presidential standard Flag based on Ibrahim Rugova's "Dardania" flag proposal. Features the eagle of the flag of Albania. Dimensions: 2:3

Armed forces flags

2009–present Flag of the Kosovo Security Force Red field, with the KSF emblem featuring an eagle and six stars. Dimensions: 2:3.

Ethnic flags

Flag Date Use Description
1960s–present[3][4] Flag of Albania used by Kosovo Albanians A red field charged with a double-headed eagle. Dimensions: 2:3
2010–present Flag of Serbia used by Kosovo Serbs A horizontal tricolour of red, blue, and white; charged with the lesser Coat of arms left of center. Dimensions: 2:3
2008–present Former Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina used by Kosovo Bosniaks A blue escutcheon charged with a white bend between six gold fleurs-de-lis displayed on a white field. Dimensions: 1:2[5]
2008–present Flag of Turkey used by Kosovo Turks A red field with a white star and crescent slightly left of center. Dimensions: 2:3
2008–present Romani Flag used by Romani people in Kosovo The flag consists of a background of blue and green, representing the heavens and earth, respectively; it also contains a 16-spoke red dharmachakra, or cartwheel, in the center. Dimensions: 2:3
2008–present Flag used by Ashkali people in Kosovo A horizontally divided green-white-red flag with a golden eagle in the center. Dimensions: 1:2

Municipal flags


The "Law on use of State Symbols of Kosovo" grants the municipalities of Kosovo the right to adopt and use their own distinctive flags.[6]

Flag Date Use Description
Flag of Deçan Municipality[7] White with the emblem of Deçan in the centre and the name of the municipality in Albanian below.
Flag of Drenas Municipality[8] White with the emblem of Drenas in the centre.
Flag of Ferizaj Municipality[9][10] White with the emblem of Ferizaj in the centre.
Flag of Fushë Kosova / Kosovo Polje Municipality[11] White with the emblem of Fushë Kosova in the centre.
Flag of Gjakova Municipality[12] White with the emblem of Gjakova in the centre.
Flag of Gjilan Municipality[13] White with the emblem of Gjilan in the centre with the date "1600" above and the name of the municipality in Albanian below.
Flag of Gračanica Municipality[14] Dark blue with the emblem of Gračanica in the centre.
Flag of Hani i Elezit Municipality[15] Red with the emblem of Hani i Elezit in the centre.
Flag of Istog Municipality[16] White with the emblem of Istog in the centre with the name of the municipality written below in Albanian.
Flag of Kaçanik Municipality[17] Grey with the emblem of Kaçanik in the centre with the name of the municipality written above in Albanian.
Flag of Kamenica Municipality[18][19] White with the emblem of Kamenica in the centre with the name of the municipality written above in Albanian and Serbian in the Latin script below.
Flag of Klokot Municipality White with the coat of arms of Klokot in the centre
Flag of Lipjan Municipality[20] White with the coat of arms of Lipjan in the centre
Flag of Malisheva Municipality[21] White with the coat of arms of Malisheva in the centre with the name of the municipality written below in Albanian and Engliah.
Flag of Obiliq Municipality[22] White with the emblem of Obiliq in the centre and the name of the municipality written below in Albanian, Serbian (Latin script) and English.
Flag of Peja Municipality[23][24] White with the emblem of Pristina in the centre and the name of the municipality written below in Albanian.
Flag of Pristina Municipality[25][26] Light blue with the emblem of Pristina in the centre. The emblem features a statuette known as Goddess on the Throne.
Flag of Prizren Municipality[27] White with the emblem of Prizren in the centre. The emblem features the House of the League of Prizren.
Flag of Podujevo Municipality[28] White with the emblem of Podujevë in the centre and the name written below in Albanian. The emblem depicts the Orpheus mosaic found in the Dardanian city of Vendenis.
Flag of Rahovec Municipality[29] White with the emblem of Rahovec in the centre and the name of the municipality in Albanian below. The emblem depicts the Rahovec Clocktower and bunches of grapes.
Flag of Shtime Municipality[30] White with the emblem of Shtime in the centre.
Flag of Skenderaj Municipality[31] White with the emblem of Skenderaj in the centre.
Flag of Štrpce Municipality[32] Light blue with the emblem of Štrpce in the centre.
Flag of Suva Reka Municipality[33] Banner of the arms of Suva Reka Municipality.
Flag of Viti Municipality[34] White with the emblem of Vitina in the centre.
Flag of Vushtrri Municipality[35][36] Light blue with the emblem of Vushtrri in the centre with the Latin name of the municipality written above.

Political parties' flags

Flag Date Use Description
Flag of Vetëvendosje[37] Red with the motto of the party Vetëvendosje (Self Determination).
Flag of Democratic Party of Kosovo[38] White with the logo of the Democratic Party of Kosovo.
Flag of Democratic League of Kosovo[39] White with the logo of the Democratic League of Kosovo.
Flag of Alliance for the Future of Kosovo[40] White with the logo of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo.
Flag of Social Democratic Initiative Purple with the four letters of the party NISMA.

Historical flags


Flags used in Kosovo under UN administration

Flag Date Use Description
1999–2008 Flag of the United Nations The Flag of the United Nations was used for official and government purposes in Kosovo until 17 February 2008.
2003–2008 Flag of the Kosovo Olympic Committee An outline map of Kosovo containing the emblem of UN administered Kosovo, the Olympic rings, a pictogram of an athlete and the name KOSOVE.
1999–2009 Kosovo Protection Corps Red with the emblem of the KPC in the centre. Dimensions: 2:3.[41]
1999–present Kosovo Force Blue with the emblem of KFOR in the centre.[42]

Flags used in Kosovo under Yugoslav / Serbian rule

Flag Date Use Description
1947–1992 Flag of SR Serbia used in SAP Kosovo A horizontal tricolour of red, blue, and white; charged with a red star. Dimensions: 1:2
1992–1999 Flag of the Republic of Serbia used in AP Kosovo and Metohija A horizontal tricolour of red, blue, and white. Dimensions: 1:2

Ethnic Albanian flags in Kosovo during Yugoslav rule

Flag Date Use Description
c.1918 National Defence of Kosovo The flag was used by Committee "National Defence of Kosovo"
c.1950–c.1990 Albanian Minority flag The flag was the official flag of the Albanian ethnic minority of Socialist Yugoslavia from the late 1940s to the late 1980s
c.1991 Demonstrations Flag The flag used by the Albanian ethnic minority of Socialist Yugoslavia in 1991 during Demonstrations

Flag proposals

Flag Date Use Description
never used State flag "Competition Candidate 1" Dimensions: 2:3. Winning proposal and inspiration for the current flag.
never used State flag "Competition Candidate 2". Dimensions: 2:3
never used State flag "Competition Candidate 3". Dimensions: 2:3
never used State flag Joseph J. DioGuardi's proposal for a new flag for Kosovo based on the Albanian and US flags. Dimensions: 2:3

See also



  1. ^ https://www.facebook.com/NATOKFOR/photos/a.1109207279177477/3430469407051241/?type=3
  2. ^ https://www.koha.net/en/arberi/199778/dogana-e-kosoves-sivjet-mblodhi-mbi-nje-miliard-e-120-milione-euro/
  3. ^ Victor Roudometof (2002). Collective Memory, National Identity, and Ethnic Conflict: Greece, Bulgaria, and the Macedonian Question. Bloomsbury Academic. p. 165. ISBN 9780275976484.
  4. ^ Elena Păcurar; Eugen Wohl, eds. (2023). Language of the Revolution: The Discourse of Anti-Communist Movements in the “Eastern Bloc” Countries: Case Studies. Springer International Publishing. pp. 154–155. ISBN 9783031371783.
  5. ^ https://twitter.com/LavBosniak/status/1402220179669635074
  6. ^ "2008/03-L038 Law on the Use of Kosovo State Symbols" (PDF). Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo. 2008-02-20. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2017-08-16. Retrieved 2008-08-15.
  7. ^ "Është mbajtur mbledhja e X-të e rregullt e Kuvendit të Komunës së Deçanit".
  8. ^ "Kryetari Lladrovci priti në takim kryetarin e Zveçanit, Ilir Pecin".
  9. ^ "Kuvendi komunal i Ferizajt do të mblidhet të martën për një seancë të jashtëzakonshme". 10 November 2018.
  10. ^ "Ferizaj: Komiteti Olimpik i Kosovës, diskuton për Ligjin mbi Sponsorizimin e Sportit". 3 May 2018.
  11. ^ "Fushë Kosovë: Kryetari Berisha priti në takim Drejtorin e Institutit KLGI".
  12. ^ "Kryetari Gjini priti në takim ambasadorin e Luksemburgut në Kosovë, Eric Dietz".
  13. ^ https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=524778699006674&set=pcb.524780852339792 [user-generated source]
  14. ^ "Gračanica: Vladeta Kostić preuzeo dužnost predsednika opštine".
  15. ^ "Rufki Suma rikonfirmohet kryetar i Hanit të Elezit".
  16. ^ "Kryetari Ferati priti në takim Ambasadorin e Republikës së Bullgarisë në Republikën e Kosovës, Hristo Gudjev".
  17. ^ "Kaçanik (Municipality, Kosovo)".
  18. ^ "Komuna e Kamenicës: Nuk e kemi shkurtuar orarin e punës për punëtoret që agjërojnë". 29 March 2023.
  19. ^ "Kamenica (Municipality, Kosovo)".
  20. ^ "Në Lipjan është mbajtur dëgjim publik lidhur me KAB 2024-2026".
  21. ^ "Kryetar i Shoqatës së Pensionistëve në Malishevë zgjedhet, Maxhun Morina".
  22. ^ https://www.facebook.com/Komunaobiliqfaqjazyrtre/photos/a.614971192275478/686454048460525/?type=3&theater [user-generated source]
  23. ^ https://twitter.com/gazmuhaxheri/status/1051559602029035520
  24. ^ "Peja (Municipality, Kosovo)".
  25. ^ "Prishtina së shpejti me Qendër të Autizmit dhe Sindromës Down, nënshkruhet marrëveshja". 18 March 2019.
  26. ^ "LDK dhe PDK bojkotojnë votimet në Kuvendin e Prishtinës, e lëshojnë sallën". 6 February 2019.
  27. ^ ""Help Kosovo" mbështet 40 biznese në Prizren". 13 February 2019.
  28. ^ https://mediat.online/Home/Details/92827 [dead link]
  29. ^ "Kryetari Latifi nënshkruan memorandum bashkëpunimi me OJQ "Advancing Together (AT)"".
  30. ^ http://www.unmikonline.org/Pages/2016/UNMIK%20Chief%20visited%20two%20Kosovo%20municipalities.aspx
  31. ^ "Kuvendi komunal i Skenderajt miraton raportin financiar nëntë mujor".
  32. ^ "Општина Штрпце / Komuna Shterpcë / Municipality of Strpce on Facebook". Facebook. Archived from the original on 2022-04-30.[user-generated source]
  33. ^ "MPMH dhe Komuna e Suharekës të vendosur për të fuqizuar eko-turizmin".
  34. ^ "Kuvendi Komunal i Vitisë mbajti seancë të jashtëzakonshme kundër dhunës në familje". 8 March 2018.
  35. ^ "OSCE Mission in Kosovo on Facebook". Facebook. Archived from the original on 2022-04-30.[user-generated source]
  36. ^ "Komuna e Vushtrrisë me projekt për kyçjet e familjeve në rrjetin e ujësjellësit".
  37. ^ "Prizren Post | Nga qendra e Ballkanit!". prizrenpost.com. 14 July 2018. Retrieved 2022-08-04.
  38. ^ "PDK nuk mbështet Vjosa Osmanin për Presidente: Kemi patur mbledhje të jashtëzakonshme". Albanews. 2021-03-18. Retrieved 2022-08-04.
  39. ^ Osmani, Shqipe (2021-12-23). "Lidhja Demokratike e Kosovës shënon sot 32-vjetorin e themelimit". Kosovapost.net (in Albanian). Retrieved 2022-08-04.
  40. ^ "AAK-ja: Ka pasur probleme me energjinë elektrike në disa qendra të votimit, por që janë tejkaluar". Sinjali (in Albanian). 2021-10-17. Retrieved 2022-08-04.
  41. ^ "ImageShack - Deleted photo".[dead link]
  42. ^ "NATO Military Missions".