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Draft:Milo Rossi

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Milo Rossi is an american Science communicator who specialises in archeologic content in line with his degree in Archeology from the University of Maine located in Maine.

Milo is known online as "Miniminuteman"[1] with his YouTube channel having 2,28 subscribers as of December 1st 2024.

His most popular videos are debunk videos, specefically the Netflix series of Ancient Apocalypse and tiktoker Filip Zieba with the 3 videos he has done on Filip having a combined view count of 8,3 million, with his 1st and 2nd most viewed long form videos being on Filip.[2]


  1. ^ "Miniminuteman". YouTube. Retrieved 2024-12-01.
  2. ^ "Miniminuteman". YouTube. Retrieved 2024-12-01.