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List of vegetarians

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This is a list of people who have permanently adopted a vegetarian diet at some point during their life.[1][2][3][4] Former vegetarians and those whose status is disputed are not included on this list.

The following list does not include vegetarians who are identified as vegan—those who do not consume produce that utilise animal derivatives such as eggs and dairy—who are listed separately at List of vegans.


Mahatma Gandhi, Indian politician
Voltaire, French philosopher
Christine Lagarde, French politician
Paul McCartney, British musician
Adolf Hitler, German politician
Surya Bonaly, French professional figure skater
Viktor Bout, Russian arms dealer
Forest Whitaker, Academy Award-winning American actor
Gustav Struve, German revolutionary
Pythagoras of Samos, Greek philosopher and founder of Pythagoreanism
Nikola Tesla, Serbian-American inventor
Shania Twain, Canadian singer
George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright
Kate Bush, British singer-songwriter
Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist
Lo Wing-lok, Hong Kong doctor and politician
Georgina Verbaan, Dutch actress
Abraham Isaac Kook, the first Ashkenazi chief rabbi of the British Mandate for Palestine, born in Latvia
Anni-Frid Lyngstad, Norwegian singer and member of Swedish pop group ABBA
Frederik van Eeden, Dutch writer and psychiatrist
Julie Christie, British actress
Ricky Martin, Puerto Rican singer
Isadora Duncan, American dancer often credited as the creator of modern dance
Fernando Vallejo, Colombian writer
Leona Lewis, British singer and winner of the third series of The X Factor
Amílcar de Sousa, Portuguese physician, president of the first Portuguese vegetarian society
Mojo Mathers, New Zealand politician
Antoni Gaudí, Spanish Catalan architect
John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, an important Early Church Father
Esther Ouwehand, Dutch politician
Dick Gregory, American comedian
John Harvey Kellogg, American doctor, best known as the inventor of corn flakes
David Koresh, leader of the Branch Davidians
Gabe Saporta, Uruguayan musician, lead singer of the synthpop band Cobra Starship
Yasmien Kurdi, Filipino singer, songwriter and actress
Fred Rogers, television personality and Presbyterian minister

See also


  1. ^ "He ate once a day, after sunset, sometimes once in two days, and often even in four. His food was bread and salt, his drink, water only. Of flesh and wine it is superfluous even to speak, since no such thing was found with the other earnest men."[21]: Paragraph 7 
  2. ^ (Original Dutch) V: "Wie is die man die 's zondags het vlees snijdt?" A: "De tofoe snijdt, want ik ben vegetariër." (Translation into English) Q: "Who is that man preparing the meat on Sunday?" A: "Preparing the tofu, because I am a vegetarian."[85]
  3. ^ (Original Dutch) "Wat hebben Paul McCartney, Claudia de Breij, Erik Mouthaan en Pia Douwes met elkaar gemeen? [..] Ze zijn vegetariërs..." (Translation into English) "What do Paul McCartney, Claudia de Breij, Erik Mouthaan and Pia Douwes have in common? [..] They're vegetarians..."[92]
  4. ^ "I became a vegetarian in 1976 while watching a deer being butchered."[136]
  5. ^ "It may be of interest to note, in view of his exuberant vigor and great powers of endurance, that d'Albert is a strict vegetarian"[156]: 196 
  6. ^ (Original Dutch) "Presentator Babs Assink vraagt vegetariër en dierenvriend 't Hart of het een angstaanjagend beeld is dat wij het varken tot op het bot verslinden." (Translation into English) "Presenter Babs Assink asks vegetarian and animal friend 't Hart whether or not it is a frightening image that we devour our pigs to the bone."[264]
  7. ^ "If the FRS knew Hartley as a friend, he would know him to be a mathematician with a special interest in statistics, an amateur violinist, and a vegetarian who saw animals as bearing a "near relation" to humans."[266]
  8. ^ Traudl Junge, who became Hitler's secretary in December 1942, wrote in her memoirs that he ate only side dishes, always avoiding meat.[287] Likewise, Margot Wölk, who was forced to work as one of Hitler's food tasters at the Wolf's Lair (1941–1944), stated that all the food she tested for Hitler was vegetarian, and she recalled no meat or fish.[288] Léon Degrelle, an acquaintance of Hitler, also recalled "He could not bear to eat meat, because it meant the death of a living creature. He refused to have so much as a rabbit or a trout sacrificed to provide his food. He would allow only eggs on his table, because egg-laying meant that the hen had been spared rather than killed."[citation needed] See also: the Vegetarianism of Adolf Hitler. In 2017 Russia's Federal Security Service granted permission to a team of French scientists to undertake an examination of Hitler's bones. An analysis of the tartar deposits found on the Führer's teeth and dentures found no traces of meat fibre.[289][290]
  9. ^ (Original Dutch) "Zijn gedrevenheid moet, zeggen velen, voortkomen uit religieus besef: de vegetariër Koffeman is net als zijn vrouw belijdend Zevende-dagsadventist, een klein protestants kerkgenootschap."' (Translation into English) "His determination has to, some say, come from religieus belief: the vegetarian Koffeman is just like his wife a practising Seventh-day Adventist, a small protestant denomination."[352]
  10. ^ [1892] "Under Diefenbachs theosophical influence Kupka becomes a strict vegetarian and adopts a regime of daily physical exercises".[364]: 21 
  11. ^ [1894] "Meets Nazarene artist Karl Diefenbach, who advocates man's return to naure. Moves to Diefenbach's home and participates in communal life-style there, which features vegetarian cuisine, outdoor baths, nude exercising, discussions about spiritual issues, music, and painting."[365]: 408 
  12. ^ "True it is that Lamartine ate flesh and fish at one period of his life; but we have the authority of Douglas Jerrold's London Journal for assuring our readers that he is again a vegetarian."[199]: 222 
  13. ^ "Lamartine said that, despite his conventions, in adulthood he conformed to society by eating meat. But contemporaries recall that later in life Lamartine reconverted to vegetarianism after travelling through India, and lived in Paris like a Hindu vegetarian..."[368]: 214 
  14. ^ Jaime de Magalhães Lima (1859–1936) was a Portuguese writer born in Aveiro. He studied Law in the University of Coimbra. He was an admirer of Tolstoy and visited him in Russia. In 1912 he wrote the essay O Vegetarismo e a Moralidade das raças.[412]
  15. ^ "The following season proved a very gloomy one for Mahler. Once more the "city of music" could furnish him no greater material consolation than that of a few piano-pupils. Evenings he would attach himself to a group of young, poverty-stricken Wagnerian enthusiasts and over a cup of coffee help wage the abstract battles of the music-dramatist's political and ethical doctrines. Of these sage utterances one the young musicians adopted unanimously was the proposal to regenerate mankind through strict, vegetarian diet. Perhaps the cost of meat-dishes had as much to do with this resolution as the realization that carnivorous humanity was going to the dogs. [...] Although two years had passed since those unforgettable meatless meetings of the young Wagnerians in Vienna, Mahler was in Olmuetz still a vegetarian, claiming bitterly that he went to the restaurant to starve."[413]: Chapter III 
  16. ^ "Keussler is also already here. A splendid fellow. After the Saturday evening rehearsal I'll be joining him for a vegetarian meal. (10 September 1908)";: 254  "I'll presumably have to assume the role of 'the flesh pots in the land of Egypt'. Ouch! What a metaphor for a husband with vegetarian inclinations! (June 1909).": 272 [414]
  17. ^ 'O consumo de animais é supérfluo, não há razão para continuar a comê-los quando é tão fácil ser vegetariano', comentou Desidério Murcho, filósofo e vegetariano convicto ['The consumption of animals is unnecessary, there is no reason to continue to eat them when it is so easy to be vegetarian,' said Desiderio Murch, philosopher and vegetarian].[478]
  18. ^ (Original Dutch) "De koeien waren moe en zwak, maar werden toch de vrachtwagens ingeschopt en geslagen. Toen heb ik besloten daar niet mee aan mee te werken en vegetariër te worden." (Translation into English) "The cows were tired and weak and were brutally thrown into the trucks. At that point I decided to become a vegetarian and stop supporting this."[515]
  19. ^ "Plotinus came from somewhere in Egypt and lived a frugal life. He was celibate and vegetarian and took little in the way of food, drink and sleep."[531]
  20. ^ "Outro autor muito afamado de nossos dias, Raynal, era igualmente sóbrio. A senhora Marquesa de Alorna, que muitas vezes o teve a jantar, me contou, que nunca o vira comer mais que algumas poucas ervas e fruta, nem beber senão água."[551]: 281–282 
  21. ^ (Original Dutch) "Of vlees-vrije stijlvolle godinnen als Marly van der Velden, Alyssa Milano, Isa Hoes, Jorinde Moll, Loretta Schrijver [..]" (Translation into English) "Or meat free stylish goddesses like Marly van der Velden, Alyssa Milano, Isa Hoes, Jorinde Moll, Loretta Schrijver [..]"[587]
  22. ^ "Sextius thought, that there was food enough for man in the world without shedding blood; and that the taking pleasure in butchering helpless animals, only inspired men with cruelty."[597]
  23. ^ (Original Dutch) "Of ik zelf ook vegetariër ben? [..] Zelf heb ik dat vlees echter niet meer nodig. Bovendien wil ik graag advocaat voor de dieren zijn en u snapt dat ik dan liever niet mijn eigenklanten opeet." (Translation into English) "Whether or not I am a vegetarian myself? [..] I do not to eat meat anymore. In fact, I want to defend the rights of animals (as a lawyer) and I guess you understand I would rather not eat my own clients"[651]
  24. ^ "Repin's contemporary the prominent sculptor Paolo Trubetskoi was also sympathetic to theosophical ideas and was a vegetarian and confirmed antivivisectionist".[658]
  25. ^ (Original Dutch) V: "Waarom ben je vegetariër?" A: "'Ik vind het onzin om vlees te eten terwijl er tegenwoordig genoeg vleesvervangers zijn. Vlees eten is ontzettend zielig voor de diertjes. Ik ben dus zeker al twee jaar vegetariër." (Translation into English) Q: "Why are you a vegetarian?" A: "I think there is no sense in eating meat since there are loads of alternatives available. Eating meat, it's so sad for those poor animals. So I have been a vegetarian for at least two years."[671]
  26. ^ "[..] or Zara Whites, a former Dutch porn actress. The militant vegetarian made a half-naked appearance at the last 'Salon International de l'Agriculture'"[..][692]
  27. ^ He (Wright) did not smoke or eat meat, rarely drank alcohol, and exercised with a rare determination".[702]


  1. ^ Berry, Rynn (1993). Famous vegetarians & their favorite recipes : lives & lore from Buddha to Beatles. New York: Pythagorean Publishers. ISBN 9780962616914.
  2. ^ Puskar-Pasewicz, Margaret, ed. (2010). "Vegetarians and vegans, noted". Cultural encyclopedia of vegetarianism. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood. ISBN 978-0313375569.
  3. ^ Wolfe, Frankie Avalon (2000). The complete idiot's guide to being vegetarian (2nd ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Alpha Books. p. 25. ISBN 9780786534494.
  4. ^ "8 of History's Most Famous Vegetarians". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 26 September 2020.
  5. ^ a b Murphy, Danny (3 February 2016). "Diversifying Metal With Lamb of God". vegasseven.com. Archived from the original on 5 February 2016. Retrieved 21 May 2016.
  6. ^ Arioch, David (15 January 2017). "Agathocles: "Por que matar animais quando há muitas alternativas de comida saudável ao seu redor?". DavidArioch.com (in Portuguese). Archived from the original on 16 January 2017. Retrieved 31 August 2018.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g Schwartz, R. H., 2001. Judaism and Vegetarianism. New revised edition. Lantern Books.
  8. ^ The Extra Stuff (13 April 2010). "Everything You Wanted to Know about 'Glee'!". Warner Bros. Retrieved 14 January 2011.
  9. ^ Dianna Agron profile, Marie Claire UK. Retrieved 1 September 2013.
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Iacobbo & Iacobbo, 2004. Vegetarian America: A History, Praeger.
  11. ^ Akasha Richmond, Hollywood Dish: More Than 150 Delicious, Healthy Recipes from Hollywood's Chef to the Stars, Avery Publishing Group, 2006 p. 114.
  12. ^ LIFE – Vol.24, N.º 19, 10 Mai 1948, p. 132.
  13. ^ William Alcott, The Vegetable Diet As Sanctioned by Medical Men and By Experience in All Ages, New York, 1859.
  14. ^ Altman, Sam (10 April 2018). "Productivity". Sam Altman. Archived from the original on 31 July 2022. Retrieved 3 August 2022.
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  18. ^ Gourlay, Dom (29 March 2013). "Label Profile: Labrador Records". Drowned in Sound. Archived from the original on 26 July 2014. Retrieved 21 August 2018.
  19. ^ "LAURENANDERSON.NET". www.laurenanderson.net. Archived from the original on 16 May 2008. Retrieved 5 May 2009.
  20. ^ a b c d e f g h i Roberts, H., 2004. Vegetarian Christian Saints, Anjeli Press.
  21. ^ "Internet History Sourcebooks". sourcebooks.fordham.edu.
  22. ^ Uribe R., Ignacia (25 December 2012). "SIN CHORIPÁN: Alex Anwandter". vegetarianoschile.cl (in Spanish). Archived from the original on 28 June 2013. Retrieved 19 June 2016.
  23. ^ a b c d e f g h Walters, K. S. & Portmess, L., eds., 2001. Religious Vegetarianism from Hesiod to the Dalai Lama, State University of New York Press.
  24. ^ Miller, Gerri (21 November 2007). "Christina Applegate Poses for Revealing PETA Card". Archived from the original on 29 March 2011. Retrieved 21 April 2012.
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  26. ^ Staff, Straight Dope (20 January 2004). "What's the story with Johnny Appleseed?". The Straight Dope.
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  28. ^ Wheatley, Jane (19 June 2004). "I want to be by myself". The Times. London. Archived from the original on 16 June 2011.
  29. ^ Jae-Ha Kim (18 January 2011). "Go Away With … Olafur Arnalds".
  30. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Berry, R., 2003. Famous Vegetarians, Pythagorean Publishers.
  31. ^ a b c Phelps, N., 2007. The Longest Struggle: Animal Advocacy from Pythagoras to PETA, Lantern Books.
  32. ^ a b c Gregerson, J., 1994. Vegetarianism: A History, Jain Publishing Company.
  33. ^ Roberts, H., 2006. The Vegetarian Philosophy of Índia, Anjeli Press.
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