User:Eyu100/Wikisort script scratchpad
(Redirected from Wikipedia:WSS2)
function write_to_ratings_page() {
document.getElementById('ca-edit').click(); document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value + "(" + quality + " and " + importance + " and " + pagename + ")"; document.editform.wpSummary.value = "Added rating"; document.editform.wpMinoredit.checked = true; document.editform.submit();
function get_rating() { var quality=prompt("Please enter a quality rating from 1 to 6, 1 is stub, 6 is FA","") var importance=prompt("Please enter an importance rating from 1 to 4, 1 is low, 4 is top","") }
function rate() {
get_rating(); document.getElementById('ca-cumbersome_tab').click(); write_to_ratings_page();
function() { var pagename=getPname(); addTab("javascript:rate()", "rate", "ca-rate", "Rate this page", ""); addTab("", "DO NOT CLICK THIS", "ca-cumbersome_tab", "PLEASE _DON'T_ CLICK THIS", ""); }
--- Related functions ---
function addTab(url, name, id, title, key){
var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; return addlilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key)
function addlilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key){
var na = document.createElement('a'); na.href = url; na.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); var li = document.createElement('li'); if(id) = id; li.appendChild(na); tabs.appendChild(li); if(id) { if(key && title) { ta[id] = [key, title]; } else if(key) { ta[id] = [key, ]; } else if(title) { ta[id] = [, title]; } } // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js akeytt(); return li;
function getPname() {
return wgPageName.replace(/_/g, ' ');