Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
Documentation for this user script can be added at User:Saintrain/J1/ifWikiPage. |
//================ deSpamWiki ============================================================
function deSpamWiki()
var GBUG = false;
var BUG = GBUG;
var SpamObj = { id:"", class:"", clsNdx:0, act:"" };
var spamList = new Array();
/* This example simply displays the names of all the properties of the 'drink' object.
var i;
for(i in drink)
document.write(i + "<BR>");
window.status(= "message")
window.setInterval(expression/function, milliseconds)
window.prompt(message[, defaultInput])
object.toGMTString( )
object.toLocaleString( )
object.toUTCString( )
object.indexOf(searchValue,[fromIndex]) // returns the index of the first occurance of the specified searchValue argument, starting from the specified fromIndex argument.
object.lastIndexOf(searchValue,[fromIndex]) // returns the index of the last occurrence, handlerfunction)
navigator.appCodeName .appName .userAgent .preference(prefName[, setValue])
/* */
var sndx = 0;
spamList[sndx] = SpamObj = { id : "newarticletext", act : "delete node" }; sndx++;
spamList[sndx] = SpamObj = { id : "userinvalidcssjstitle", act : "delete node" }; sndx++;
spamList[sndx] = SpamObj = { id : "editpage-copywarn", act : "delete node" }; sndx++;
spamList[sndx] = SpamObj = { id : "editpage-copywarn2", act : "delete node" }; sndx++;
spamList[sndx] = SpamObj = { id : "editpage-copywarn3", act : "delete node" }; sndx++;
spamList[sndx] = SpamObj = { id : "editpage-specialchars", act : "hide node" }; sndx++;
spamList[sndx] = SpamObj = { id : "talkpagetext", act : "delete node" }; sndx++;
spamList[sndx] = SpamObj = { id : "talkpagetext", act : "delete node" }; sndx++;
for(var s=0; s<spamList.length; s++) {
if(BUG)console.log('dSW: spamList[',s,'].id={',spamList[s].id,'} .class={',spamList[s].class,'} .act={',spamList[s].act,'} ');
var spamStr;
with( spamList[s] ) {
if( "" != id ) {
spamStr = id;
var spam = document.getElementById( id );
else if( "" != class ) {
spamStr = class;
var hits = document.getElementsByClass( class, null, null );
if( hits )
var spam = hits[clsNdx]; // this is silly! just use 1st.
else { if(BUG)console.log('dSW: spamList[s][',s,'].id == .class == "" '); continue; }
if ( !spam ) { if(BUG)console.log('dSW: NO FIND spam={',spamStr,'}' ); continue; }
switch( act ) {
case "delete node": //========== "delete node" =======================================
if( !GBUG ) BUG = false;
var spamMom = spam.parentNode;
if ( !spamMom ) { if(BUG)console.log('dSW: NO FIND spam={',spamStr,'}.parentNode' ); continue; }
spamMom.removeChild( spam );
spam = null;
case "hide node": //========== "hide node" =======================================
if( !GBUG ) BUG = false;
var spamMom = spam.parentNode;
if ( !spamMom ) { if(BUG)console.log('dSW: NO FIND spam={',spamStr,'}.parentNode' ); continue; }
var hndx = 666 + s; // bump index so as not to interfere with "legit" navframe stuff
var NavFrame = document.createElement("div");
NavFrame.setAttribute('id', 'NavFrame' + hndx );
NavFrame.className = 'NavFrame';
spamMom.insertBefore( NavFrame, spam );
var NavHead = document.createElement( "div" );
NavHead.textContent = spamStr;
NavHead.className = 'NavHead';
NavFrame.appendChild( NavHead );
var NavToggle = document.createElement("a");
NavHead.appendChild( NavToggle );
NavToggle.className = 'NavToggle';
NavToggle.setAttribute('id', 'NavToggle' + hndx );
NavToggle.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:toggleNavigationBar(' + hndx + ');');
NavToggle.textContent = "[hide]"; = "NavFrame" + hndx;
spam.className += " NavContent";
NavFrame.appendChild( spam ); // re-parents "spam"
toggleNavigationBar( hndx );
case "delete last kids": //========== "delete last kids" =======================================
if( !GBUG ) BUG = false;
if( ! spam.hasChildNodes()) { if(BUG)console.log('dSW: NO FIND spam={',spamStr,'}.hasChildNodes()' ); continue; }
var c0 = spam.firstChild;
if(BUG)console.log('dSW: LEAVING: tagName={',c0.tagName,'}, name={',,'}, kid=',c0 );
if(BUG)console.log(' innerHTML={',c0.innerHTML,'}' );
while( 1 < spam.childNodes.length ) {
var lc = spam.lastChild;
if(BUG)console.log('dSW: removing: tagName={',lc.tagName,'}, name={',,'}, kid=',lc );
if(BUG)console.log(' innerHTML={',lc.innerHTML,'}' );
spam.removeChild( spam.lastChild );
if(BUG)console.log(' ');
case "delete last tags": //========== "delete last tags" =======================================
if( !GBUG ) BUG = false;
if( ! spam.hasChildNodes()) { if(BUG)console.log('dSW: NO FIND spam={',spamStr,'}.hasChildNodes()' ); continue; }
var it0 = -1;
for(k=0; k<spam.childNodes.length; k++) {
if( spam.childNodes[k].tagName ) { // 1st tag
it0 = k + 1;
if( it0 < 0 ) // no tags
var tag0 = spam.childNodes[it0];
if(BUG)console.log('dSW: LEAVING: tagName={',tag0.tagName,'}, name={',,'}, kid=',tag0 );
if(BUG)console.log(' innerHTML={',tag0.innerHTML,'}' );
while( it0 < spam.childNodes.length ) {
var lc = spam.lastChild;
if(BUG)console.log('dSW: removing: tagName={',lc.tagName,'}, name={',,'}, kid=',lc );
if(BUG)console.log(' innerHTML={',lc.innerHTML,'}' );
spam.removeChild( spam.lastChild );
if(BUG)console.log(' ');
if(BUG)console.log('dSW: UNKNOWN act[',s,'] = {',act,'}.' );
} // switch
} // with( spam )
} // for(s)
addOnloadHook( deSpamWiki);