Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
This user script seems to have a documentation page at User:PerfektesChaos/js/listPageOptions/d. |
/// User:PerfektesChaos/js/listPageOptions/d.js
/// 2019-02-04 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
// Add specific functionality on watchlists and 'recent changes'
// ResourceLoader: compatible;
// dependencies: user, user.options,
// mediawiki.api,,
// mediawiki.user, mediawiki.util
// namespaces: -1
/// Documentation: [[w:en:User:PerfektesChaos/js/listPageOptions]]
/// Fingerprint: #0#0#
/// @license GPL [//] (+GFDL, LGPL, CC-BY-SA)
/// <nowiki>
/* global window:false, unescape:false */
/* jshint forin:false,
bitwise:true, curly:true, eqeqeq:true, latedef:true,
nocomma:true, strict:true, undef:true, unused:true */
( function ( mw, $ ) {
"use strict";
var Version = -6.2,
POpt = "listPageOptions";
if ( typeof mw.libs[ POpt ] !== "object" ||
! mw.libs[ POpt ] ) {
mw.libs[ POpt ] = { };
mw.libs[ POpt ].type = POpt;
POpt = mw.libs[ POpt ];
// Requires: JavaScript 1.3
// MediaWiki 1.23 (mw .libs .hook, jQuery core)
if ( typeof POpt.loaded !== "boolean" ) {
// 2018-08-24
POpt.loaded = true;
POpt.config = { "wikidata.bgc": "AFEEEE" };
POpt.disguise = { };
POpt.edit = { }; = { "sign": POpt.type + "_groupPg",
"show": "groupie",
"soft": "enhanced" };
POpt.increm = { more: 30 };
POpt.multi = { "sign": POpt.type + "_multiPg",
"show": "multiple",
"soft": "extended" };
POpt.notice = { };
POpt.picked = { "sign": POpt.type + "_visitedPg",
"show": "visited",
"soft": "visited" };
POpt.reduce = { }; = { };
POpt.unwatch = { };
POpt.values = { };
POpt.config.texts = {
// 2015-10-11
"edit": {"en": "edit",
"de": "Bearbeiten"},
"groupie": {"en": "Group by pages",
"de": "Seitenbezogene\xA0Gruppierung"},
"hide": {"en": "Hide",
"de": "ausblenden"},
"multiple": {"en": "Multiple entries",
"de": "Mehrere\xA0Einträge"},
"notice": {"en": "+\xA0Visited",
"de": "+\xA0Gesehen"},
"notice?": {"en": "Add link for [visited] to every entry",
"de": "Link zu 'Gesehen'"
+ " bei jedem Eintrag"},
"notice!": {"en": "Mark as visited",
"de": "Markiere als 'Gesehen'"},
"ignore": {"en": "Ignore",
"de": "Ignorieren"},
"ignored": {"en": "Unwatched",
"de": "Unbeobachtet"},
"options": {"en": "Options and notices",
"de": "Anzeigeoptionen"},
"show": {"en": "Show",
"de": "einblenden"},
"toggleOff": {"en": "off",
"de": "aus"}, // abschalten
"toggleOn": {"en": "on",
"de": "ein"}, // einschalten
"update": {"en": "meanwhile",
"de": "Zwischenzeitlich"},
"unwatch": {"en": "+\xA0[Unwatch]",
"de": "+\xA0Nicht-Beobachten"},
"unwatch?": {"en": "Add link for [unwatch] to every entry",
"de": "Link zu 'Nicht beobachten'"
+ " bei jedem Eintrag"},
"visited": {"en": "Visited\xA0Pages",
"de": "Besuchte\xA0Seiten:"},
"watchPgRE": {"en": "^\\s*([1-9][0-9,]*[^.\n]+[.\n])(.|\n)*$",
"de": "^\\s*([1-9][0-9.]*[^.\n]+[.\n])(.|\n)*$"},
"wlnoteRE": {"en": "as of(.+,.+)\\.",
"de": "Stand:(.+,.+)Uhr\\."},
"^show": {"en": "List-Page-Options",
"de": "List-Page-Options"},
"^suffix": {"en": "–"
+ " equip watchlist and recent changes"
+ " with Options",
"de": "–"
+ " Beobachtungsliste und Letzte Änderungen"
+ " mit Optionen ausstatten"},
"^support": {"en": "/wiki/"
+ "User:PerfektesChaos/js/listPageOptions",
"de": "/wiki/"
+ "User:PerfektesChaos/js/listPageOptions"},
{"en": "Compress option block" ,
"de": "Komprimierter Optionsblock"},
{"en": "Enable hiding of visited changes"
+ " on watchlist",
"de": "Möglichkeit zum Verbergen"
+ " besuchter Änderungen"
+ " auf der Beobachtungsliste"},
{"en": "not enabled",
"de": "keine Möglichkeit"},
{"en": "additional button; preset: show all",
"de": "Zusatz-Button; Vorgabe: alle anzeigen"},
{"en": "additional button; preset: hide visited",
"de": "Zusatz-Button;"
+ " Vorgabe: besuchte ausblenden"},
{"en": "Enable hiding of "
+ " last-edit-your-own on watchlist",
"de": "Möglichkeit zum Verbergen"
+ " eigener letzter Beiträge"
+ " auf der Beobachtungsliste"},
{"en": "Button to access this option page",
"de": "Schaltknopf,"
+ " um auf diese Optionsseite zu kommen"},
{"en": "Enable entries to be marked as 'visited'"
+ " on watchlist",
"de": "Möglichkeit zum Markieren"
+ " einzelner Änderungen als 'Gesehen'"
+ " auf der Beobachtungsliste"},
{"en": "not enabled",
"de": "keine Möglichkeit"},
{"en": "on demand",
"de": "auf Anforderung"},
{"en": "always",
"de": "immer"},
{"en": "Additional buttons:"
+ " hide and show option block",
"de": "Zusätzliche Knöpfe:"
+ " Ein- und Ausblenden"
+ " des Optionsblocks"},
{"en": "no additional button",
"de": "kein zusätzlicher Knopf"},
{"en": "button for hiding",
"de": "Knopf zum Ausblenden"},
{"en": "hide: button for showing",
"de": "Ausblenden; Knopf zum Einblenden"},
{"en": "Additional checkboxes for hide and show",
"de": "Zusätzliche Checkboxen"
+ " zum Ein- und Ausblenden"},
{"en": "Overlap seconds for incremental watchlist",
"de": "Zeitüberschneidung"
+ " für inkrementelle Beobachtungsliste"
+ " in Sekunden"},
"^^self": {"en": "Mark own edit",
"de": "Eigene Bearbeitung markieren"}
}; // POpt.texts
POpt.spooling = ""
+ "/d/de/Ajax-loader.gif"; // throbber URL
} // ! .loaded
function fullstop( activity ) {
// Stop immediately event propagation
// Precondition:
// activity -- event
// 2015-05-12 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
if ( typeof activity === "object" && activity ) {
if ( typeof activity.preventDefault === "function" ) {
if ( typeof activity.stopPropagation === "function" ) {
} // fullstop()
POpt.config.feature = function ( apply ) {
// Wrap message text access for user or project language
// Precondition:
// apply -- text keyword
// Postcondition:
// Return text closest to user language
// Uses:
// this
// >
// > .config.texts
// >< .config.language
// >< .prego
// mw.libs.preferencesGadgetOptions.translation()
// Remark: To be replaced
// if one day ResourceLoader3 gives access to
// gadget@translatewiki
// 2015-01-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var e, r;
if ( typeof this.language !== "boolean" ) {
if ( typeof POpt.prego !== "object" ) {
if ( typeof mw.libs[ ] === "object" ) {
POpt.prego = mw.libs[ ];
if ( typeof POpt.prego === "object" ) {
if ( typeof POpt.prego.translation === "function" ) {
this.language =
( typeof POpt.prego.translation === "function" );
} else {
this.language = false;
e = this.texts[ apply ];
if ( e ) {
if ( this.language ) {
r = POpt.prego.translation( e );
} else {
r = e.en;
} else {
r = "***" + apply + "***";
return r;
}; // .config.feature()
POpt.config.fetch = function () {
// Retrieve preferences and overwrite presets
// Uses:
// > .prego
// > .type
// < .lean
// < .learn
// < .leyo
// < .lower
// < .luxury
// < .more
// < .self
// mw.libs.preferencesGadgetOptions.fetch()
// 2016-05-07 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var scope = " lean learnt leyo link looked lower luxury"
+ " more self ",
vals = POpt.prego.fetch( POpt.type ),
for ( s in vals ) {
if ( scope.indexOf( " " + s + " " ) > 0 ) {
POpt[ s ] = vals[ s ];
} // for s in vals
}; // .config.fetch() = function () {
// Prepare ResourceLoader availability
// Postcondition:
// preferencesGadgetOptions requested, if not yet defined
// Uses:
// this
// <
// mw.loader.getState()
// mw.loader.state()
// mw.loader.load()
// 2018-08-24 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var rls, signature; = "preferencesGadgetOptions";
signature = "ext.gadget." +;
if ( ! mw.loader.getState( signature ) ) {
rls = { };
rls[ signature ] = "loading";
mw.loader.state( rls );
mw.loader.load( ""
+ "/w/index.php?title="
+ "User:PerfektesChaos/js/" +
+ "/r.js"
+ "&action=raw&bcache=1&maxage=604802"
+ "&ctype=text/javascript",
"text/javascript" );
}; //
POpt.config.$flow = function () {
// Create throbber
// Postcondition:
// Return jQuery throbber image
// Uses:
// > .spooling
// jQuery()
// 2015-10-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $r = $( "<img />" );
$r.attr( { src: POpt.spooling,
height: "16",
alt: "Ajax" } );
return $r;
}; // .config.$flow()
POpt.config.form = function () {
// Equip Special:Gadgets page with entry and form
// Uses:
// > .config.texts
// > .type
// > .increm.more
// > .prego
// mw.libs.preferencesGadgetOptions.form()
// 2016-05-07 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var txt = this.texts,
dialog =
{ script: POpt.type,
show: txt[ "^show" ],
support: txt[ "^support" ],
suffix: txt[ "^suffix" ],
opts: [ { signature: "lean",
type: "checkbox",
show: txt[ "^^lean-show" ],
val: false
{ signature: "learnt",
type: "radio",
show: txt[ "^^learnt-show" ],
poly: [ { val: null,
show: txt[ "^^learnt-null" ] },
{ val: false,
show: txt[ "^^learnt-false" ] },
{ val: true,
show: txt[ "^^learnt-true" ] }
] },
{ signature: "looked",
type: "radio",
show: txt[ "^^looked-show" ],
poly: [ { val: null,
show: txt[ "^^looked-null" ] },
{ val: false,
show: txt[ "^^looked-false" ] },
{ val: true,
show: txt[ "^^looked-true" ] }
] },
{ signature: "leyo",
type: "checkbox",
show: txt[ "^^leyo-show" ],
val: false
{ signature: "lower",
type: "radio",
show: txt[ "^^lower-show" ],
val: null,
poly: [ { val: null,
show: txt[ "^^lower-null" ] },
{ val: false,
show: txt[ "^^lower-false" ] },
{ val: true,
show: txt[ "^^lower-true" ] }
] },
{ signature: "luxury",
type: "checkbox",
show: txt[ "^^luxury-show" ],
val: false
{ signature: "self",
type: "text",
show: txt[ "^^self" ],
val: false
{ signature: "more",
type: "text",
show: txt[ "^^more-show" ],
minimum: 4,
maxlength: 4,
val: POpt.increm.more
{ signature: "link",
type: "checkbox",
show: txt[ "^^link-show" ],
val: false
] };
POpt.prego.form( dialog );
}; // .config.form()
POpt.disguise.fetch = function () {
// Initialize Array with leading item links
// Postcondition:
// Hidden if matched
// Return true for continuation
// Uses:
// this
// > mw.util.$content
// > .picked.learn
// > .letal
// > .self
// > .reLeyo
// < .picked.leap
// <
// Array of Arrays
// [0] $li jQuery entry, or $table
// [1] page URL
// [2] user URL
// [3] true: Minor
// [4] true: unseen
// [5] comment
// < .disguise.list
// jQuery.find()
// jQuery.eq()
// jQuery.children()
// jQuery.attr()
// jQuery().css()
// 2015-01-23 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var leap = false,
learn = false,
$list = mw.util.$content.find( "" ),
n = $list.length,
seen = "mw-changeslist-line-not-watched", // visited
e, i, low, staff, story, stuff, $e, $li, $trs, $user;
POpt.picked.leap = false; = [ ];
this.list = ( n === 0 );
if ( this.list ) { // standard
$e = mw.util.$content.find( "#resultListSort" );
if ( $e.length ) {
$e = $e.find( "ol" );
} else {
$e = mw.util.$content.find( "UL.special" );
if ( $e.length ) {
$list = $e.children( "li" );
n = $list.length;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
$li = $list.eq( i );
if ( POpt.picked.learn ) {
learn = $li.hasClass( seen );
if ( learn ) {
POpt.picked.leap = true;
} else {
leap = true;
$e = $li.children( "a" ).eq( 0 );
stuff = $e.attr( "href" );
stuff = $li.find( "" )
.attr( "href" );
$user = $li.find( "" );
if ( $user.length ) {
staff = $user.attr( "href" );
} else {
staff = false;
low = ( $li.children( ".minoredit" ).length > 0 );
if ( POpt.letal ) {
story = false;
} [ $li, stuff, staff, low, learn, story ] );
} // for i
if ( POpt.mode === 1 && POpt.self ) {
story = ".mw-changeslist-separator";
$e = $( "<span>" );
$e.css( { "font-weight": "bold" } );
$e.text( POpt.self );
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
e =[ i ];
staff = e[ 2 ];
if ( staff ) {
if ( this.reLeyo.test( staff ) ) {
e[ 0 ].find( story ).after( $e.clone() );
} // for i
} else { // enhanced (grouped)
staff = false;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
$li = $list.eq( i );
if ( POpt.picked.learn ) {
learn = $li.hasClass( seen );
if ( learn ) {
POpt.picked.leap = true;
} else {
leap = true;
$trs = $li.children( "tbody" ).children( "tr" );
stuff = $trs.find( "" ).children( "a" )
.attr( "href" );
$e = $trs.find( "" );
staff = false;
switch ( $e.length ) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
staff = $e.attr( "href" );
default :
$e = $trs.find( ".changedby" )
.children( "" );
if ( $e.length === 1 ) {
staff = $e.attr( "href" );
} else if ( this.reLeyo ) {
$e = $trs.eq( 1 ).find( "" );
staff = $e.attr( "href" );
} // switch $e.length
if ( this.reLeyo && staff ) {
if ( this.reLeyo.test( staff ) ) {
if ( $li ) {
low = ( $trs.children( ".minoredit" ).length > 0 );
// if ( POpt.letal && $trs.length == 2 ) {
// } [ $li, stuff, staff, low, learn, story ] );
} // for i
POpt.picked.leap = ( POpt.picked.leap && leap );
}; // .disguise.fetch() = function ( array, abolish ) {
// Hiding or show entries
// Precondition:
// array -- filter condition
// abolish -- true: hide; false: show again
// Uses:
// this
// > .mode
// .disguise.filter()
// jQuery.isArray()
// 2015-11-01 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var i, k, m, n, q, q3, q4;
if ( $.isArray( array ) ) {
n = array.length;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
q = array[ i ];
if ( $.isArray( q ) ) {
m = q.length;
if ( m > 1 ) {
k = q[ 2 ];
if ( m < 4 ) {
q4 = false;
if ( m < 3 ) {
q3 = false;
} else {
q3 = q[ 3 ];
} else {
q3 = q[ 3 ];
q4 = q[ 4 ];
if ( ! k || k === POpt.mode ) {
if ( this.filter( q[ 0 ],
q[ 1 ],
abolish ) ) {
break; // for i
} // for i
}; //
POpt.disguise.filter = function ( alter, abandon, account, ant, abolish ) {
// Hide or show for one entry pattern rule
// Precondition:
// alter -- special page
// abandon -- namespace page pattern, special page name pattern
// account -- user pattern
// ant -- limit to minor edit
// abolish -- true: hide; false: show again
// Postcondition:
// Returns true if to be aborted, no elements any more
// Elements hidden if matched
// Uses:
// this
// > .picked.learn
// > .picked.leap
// > .disguise.list
// ><
// >< .disguise.special
// .format()
// .disguise.format()
// mw.config.get()
// jQuery.remove()
// 2015-01-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var r = false,
i, l, n, q, rep, reu, s;
if ( alter || abandon || account
|| ( POpt.picked.learn && POpt.picked.leap ) ) {
n =;
if ( n ) {
if ( alter || ! this.list ) {
rep = "/wiki/";
if ( alter ) {
if ( ! this.special ) {
q = mw.config.get( "wgFormattedNamespaces" );
if ( q ) {
rep = q[ -1 ];
this.special = rep + ":";
rep = this.special;
} else {
rep = "/w(iki/|/index\\.php\\?title=)";
if ( abandon ) {
s = POpt.format( abandon );
} else {
s = "";
rep = new RegExp( rep + s );
reu = this.format( account );
r = true;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
q =[ i ];
if ( q ) {
l = false;
if ( rep.test( q[ 1 ] ) ) {
l = alter;
if ( reu ) {
l = reu.test( q[ 2 ] );
if ( l && ant ) {
l = q[ 3 ];
if ( l ) {
if ( abolish ) {
q[ 0 ].hide();
} else {
q[ 0 ].show();
}[ i ] = false;
} else {
r = false;
} // for i
return r;
}; // .disguise.filter() = function () {
// Start hiding entries
// Uses:
// this
// > .leyo
// > .self
// > .picked.learn
// > .disguise.hide
// >
// > .hide
// > .show
// .disguise.fresh()
// .disguise.fetch()
// 2015-01-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
if ( POpt.leyo || POpt.self ) {
} else if ( POpt.picked.learn || this.hide || ) {
if ( this.hide ) { POpt.hide, true );
if ( ) {, false );
}; //
POpt.disguise.format = function ( account ) {
// Retrieve RegExp for User
// Precondition:
// account -- user pattern, or false
// Postcondition:
// Returns RegExp, or false
// Uses:
// .format()
// 2013-04-18 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var r;
if ( account ) {
r = new RegExp( "/w(iki/|/index.php?title=)[^:]+:"
+ POpt.format( account ) );
} else {
r = false;
return r;
}; // .disguise.format()
POpt.disguise.fresh = function () {
// Prepare "last edit your own" mode
// Uses:
// this
// < .reLeyo
// .disguise.format()
// .disguise.fetch()
// mw.config.get()
// 2013-04-18 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
this.reLeyo = this.format( mw.config.get( "wgUserName" ) );
}; // .disguise.fresh() = function () {
// Equip page with link for editing pages
// Precondition:
// document ready
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not POpt
// 2018-05-13 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $entries = $( ".mw-htmlform-flatlist-item," // OBSOLETING
+ ".oo-ui-fieldLayout-header" );
$entries.each( POpt.edit.furnish );
}; //
POpt.edit.furnish = function ( address, achieve ) {
// Add page edit link to watchlist edit page entry
// Precondition:
// address -- number in superset
// achieve -- DOM element of list entry
// Uses:
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().eq()
// jQuery().attr()
// jQuery().last()
// jQuery().insertAfter()append
// .config.feature()
// Remark: Used as $.each() result -- 'this' is not POpt
// 2015-03-21 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $entry = $( achieve ),
$links = $entry.find( "a" ),
$a = $links.eq( 2 ),
swift = $a.attr( "href" ),
$end, $span;
$links.attr( { target: "_blank" } );
if ( swift ) {
$end = $links.last();
swift = swift.replace( /&action=history/, "&action=edit" );
$a = $( "<a>" );
$a.attr( { href: swift,
target: "_blank" } );
$a.text( POpt.config.feature( "edit" ) );
$end.after( $a );
$span = $( "<span>" );
$span.text( " | " );
$end.after( $span );
}; // .edit.furnish() = function ( assigned ) {
// Analyze URL and page by grabbing; less items than all?
// Precondition:
// assigned -- found URL parameter value "0", "1", null
// Postcondition:
// Initial state of page grouping has been explored
// Uses:
// this
// > mw.util.$content
// > .group.sign
// > .group.leaves
// >< .values.ctl2url
// jQuery().find()
// mw.user.options.get()
// 2013-02-27 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var less = false,
if ( assigned ) {
less = ( assigned === "1" );
} else {
$grab = mw.util.$content.find( ".mw-enhanced-rc" );
if ( $grab.length ) {
less = true;
} else if ( ! this.leaves ) {
if ( mw.user.options.get( "usenewrc" ) ) {
less = true;
POpt.values.ctl2url[ this.sign ].val = ( less ? "1" : "0" );
}; // .group.find() = function () {
// Incremental page refresh
// Uses:
// > .increm.retrieved
// > .increm.more
// > .values.script
// > .special
// >< .more
// >< location
// < .values.ctl2url.days
// mw.config.get()
// .values.factory()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not POpt.increm
// 2016-05-09 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var date = new Date(),
incr = ( date - POpt.increm.retrieved ) / 1000,
more = POpt.increm.more,
site = mw.config.get( "wgServer" );
if ( typeof POpt.more === "string" && POpt.more ) {
POpt.more = parseInt( POpt.more, 10 );
if ( typeof POpt.more === "number" && POpt.more > more ) {
more = POpt.more;
incr += more;
POpt.values.ctl2url.days = false;
if ( site.indexOf( "://" ) < 0 ) {
site = window.location.protocol + site;
window.location = site + POpt.values.script
+ "?title=Special:" + POpt.special
+ POpt.values.factory()
+ "&days=" + ( incr / 86400 );
}; //
POpt.increm.furnish = function ( $around ) {
// Precondition:
// $around -- options block, or false
// Postcondition:
// Return jQuery 'update' button, or false
// Uses:
// this
// > mw.util.$content
// > .type
// < .increm.retrieved
// jQuery()
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().attr()
// jQuery().click()
// jQuery().css()
// .config.feature()
// jQuery().text()
// jQuery().before()
// (
// 2015-01-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $r = false,
$box, $e;
if ( $around ) {
$box = $around;
} else {
$box = mw.util.$content.find( "#mw-watchlist-options" );
if ( $box.length ) {
POpt.increm.retrieved = new Date();
$e = $box.find( "br" ).eq( 0 );
if ( $e.length ) {
$r = $( "<button />" );
$r.attr( { id: POpt.type + "_incrNormal",
type: "button" } )
.click( )
.css( { "margin-left": "1em",
"margin-right": "1em" } )
.text( POpt.config.feature( "update" ) );
$e.before( $r );
return $r;
}; // .increm.furnish()
POpt.multi.find = function ( assigned ) {
// Analyze URL; less items than all?
// Precondition:
// assigned -- found URL parameter value "0", "1", null
// Postcondition:
// Initial state of page has been explored
// Uses:
// this
// > .multi.sign
// >< .values.ctl2url
// jQuery().find()
// mw.user.options.get()
// 2013-02-27 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var less = false;
if ( assigned ) {
less = ( assigned === "1" );
} else {
if ( mw.user.options.get( "extendwatchlist" ) ) {
less = true;
POpt.values.ctl2url[ this.sign ].val = ( less ? "1" : "0" );
}; // .multi.find()
POpt.notice.factory = function () {
// Equip one entry with a [visited] link
// Postcondition:
// Return true -- continue $.each()
// Uses:
// > .unwatch.less
// jQuery()
// jQuery().parent()
// jQuery().attr()
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().each()
// (.notice.feed)
// Remark: Used as jQuery handler -- 'this' is DOM element
// 2015-10-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $e = $( this ),
if ( POpt.unwatch.less ) { // enhanced
$e = $e.parent();
} else { // standard
s = $e.attr( "class" );
if ( s ) {
if ( s.indexOf( "mw-changeslist-line-" ) < 0 ) {
$e = false;
} else {
$e = false;
if ( $e ) {
$e.find( "a" ).each( POpt.notice.feed );
return true;
}; // .notice.factory()
POpt.notice.feed = function () {
// Insert [unwatch] link after history link
// Postcondition:
// Return true or false -- continue or break $.each()
// Uses:
// jQuery()
// jQuery().attr()
// jQuery().text()
// jQuery().click()
// jQuery().css()
// jQuery().data()
// jQuery().append()
// jQuery().after()
// (
// Remark: Used as jQuery handler -- 'this' is DOM element
// 2015-10-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var loop = true,
$e = $( this ),
s = $e.attr( "href" ),
g, id, $btn, $span;
if ( s && s.indexOf( "&action=history" ) > 0 ) {
g = /[?&]title=([^&]+)(&.+)*&curid=([0-9]+)(&.+)?$/.exec( s );
if ( g ) {
s = g[ 1 ];
id = g[ 3 ];
$btn = $( "<button />" );
$btn.attr( { type: "button",
title: POpt.config.feature( "notice!" ) } )
.click( )
.css( { "color": "#006000",
"font-size": "85%",
"font-weight": "bold",
"padding-left": "0",
"padding-right": "0" } )
.data( { curid: id,
title: s } )
.text( "+" );
$span = $( "<span>" );
$span.attr( { "class": "curid" + id } )
.text( " | " )
.append( $btn );
$e.after( $span );
loop = false;
return loop;
}; // .notice.feed() = function () {
// Provide link(s) for visited page
// Precondition:
// Watchlist
// Uses:
// this
// < .notice.$portlet
// .config.feature()
// mw.util.addPortletLink()
// (.notice.furnish)
// 2015-10-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
this.$portlet =
$( mw.util.addPortletLink( "p-tb",
POpt.config.feature( "notice" ),
POpt.config.feature( "notice?" ),
null ) );
this.$ this.furnish );
}; //
POpt.notice.fine = function ( arrived, $apply ) {
// Normalize entry after successful [visited]
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query
// $apply -- current set of throbber element containers
// Uses:
// jQuery().children()
// jQuery().each()
// (.notice.fix)
// Remark: Used as jQuery handler -- 'this' is not POpt.notice
// 2015-10-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
if ( typeof arrived === "object" &&
typeof arrived.invalid === "undefined" ) {
$apply.children( "img" ).remove();
$apply.each( POpt.notice.fix );
} else {
POpt.fault( "notice", arrived, $apply );
}; // .notice.fine() = function () {
// Perform visited action
// Uses:
// this
// > mw.util.$content
// >< .notice.api
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().children()
// jQuery().hide()
// .config.$flow()
// jQuery().append()
// mw.Api()
// mw.Api().postWithToken()
// (.notice.fine)
// (.fault)
// Remark: Used as jQuery handler -- 'this' is DOM element
// 2015-10-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $g = $( this ),
id = $ "curid" ),
$e = mw.util.$content.find( ".curid" + id ),
defaults, promise, s;
if ( $e.length ) {
$e.children( "button" ).hide();
$e.append( POpt.config.$flow() );
if ( typeof POpt.notice.api !== "object" ) {
defaults = { parameters:
{ action: "setnotificationtimestamp" }
POpt.notice.api = new mw.Api( defaults );
s = unescape( decodeURI( $ "title" ) ) );
promise = POpt.notice.api.postWithToken( "edit",
{ titles: s } );
promise.done( function ( arrived ) {
POpt.notice.fine( arrived, $e );
} )
.fail( function ( arrived ) {
POpt.fault( "notice", arrived, $e );
} );
}; //
POpt.notice.first = function () {
// Provide link(s) for visited page
// Precondition:
// Watchlist
// Uses:
// this
// > .looked
// < .notice.$unvisiteds
// < .notice.$portlet
// .notice.furnish()
// 2015-10-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
if ( typeof POpt.looked === "boolean" ) {
this.$unvisiteds = $( ".mw-changeslist-line-watched" );
if ( this.$unvisiteds.length ) {
if ( POpt.looked ) {
this.$portlet = false;
} else {;
}; // .notice.first()
POpt.notice.fix = function () {
// Turn one entry into visited and remove throbber
// Postcondition:
// Return true -- continue $.each()
// Uses:
// jQuery().attr()
// Remark: Used as jQuery handler -- 'this' is DOM element
// 2015-10-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $g = $( this ).parent(),
state = $g.attr( "class" )
.replace( /\bmw-changeslist-line-watched\b/,
"mw-changeslist-line-not-watched" );
$g.attr( "class", state );
}; // .notice.fix()
POpt.notice.furnish = function ( activity ) {
// Equip all entries with an [unwatch] link
// Precondition:
// activity -- event
// Current page is watchlist
// Uses:
// > .$unvisiteds
// > .$portlet
// fullstop()
// jQuery().each()
// jQuery().remove()
// (.notice.factory)
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not POpt.notice
// 2016-11-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
fullstop( activity );
POpt.notice.$unvisiteds.each( POpt.notice.factory );
if ( POpt.notice.$portlet ) {
}; // .notice.furnish()
POpt.picked.$factory = function () {
// Create toggle for visited
// Postcondition:
// Return toggle text
// Uses:
// this
// > .picked.leap
// > .type
// > .values.$POpt
// > .picked.learning
// >< .picked.$toggle
// jQuery()
// jQuery().attr()
// jQuery().click()
// jQuery().css()
// jQuery().append()
// .config.feature()
// jQuery().text()
// (
// 2015-01-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var s;
if ( this.leap ) {
if ( typeof this.$toggle !== "object" ) {
this.$toggle = $( "<button />" );
this.$toggle.attr( { id: POpt.type + "_visited",
type: "button" } );
this.$ );
this.$toggle.css( { "margin-left": "0.5em",
"margin-right": "0.5em" } );
POpt.values.$POpt.append( this.$toggle );
s = ( this.learning ? "hide" : "show" );
this.$toggle.text( POpt.config.feature( s ) );
}; // .picked.$factory() = function () {
// Execute visited toggling
// Uses:
// this
// > .picked.leap
// >< .picked.learning
// ><
// jQuery().hide()
// jQuery().show()
// .storage.flush()
// .picked.$factory()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not POpt.reduce
// 2015-01-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var less = ( POpt.picked.learning && POpt.picked.leap ),
n, i, q;
n =;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
q =[ i ];
if ( q[ 4 ] ) {
if ( less ) {
q[ 0 ].hide();
} else {
q[ 0 ].show();
} // for i "learnt", POpt.picked.learning );
POpt.picked.learning = ! POpt.picked.learning;
}; //
POpt.picked.furnish = function () {
// Equip page with link for visited pages
// Uses:
// this
// > .values.$form
// > .learnt
// >
// > .picked.leap
// > .lean
// > .values.$POpt
// < .picked.learning
// < .picked.$toggle
// .storage.find()
// .storage.flush()
// jQuery()
// jQuery().text()
// jQuery().append()
// .config.feature()
// jQuery().css()
// 2015-01-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var s, $span;
if ( POpt.values.$form ) {
s = "learnt" );
if ( s ) {
this.learning = ( s === "true" );
} else {
this.learning = POpt.learnt; "learnt", this.learning );
$span = $( "<span>" );
$span.text( "\xA0| " );
POpt.values.$POpt.append( $span );
$span = $( "<span>" );
$span.text( POpt.config.feature( ) );
POpt.values.$POpt.append( $span );
if ( ! this.leap ) {
$span = $( "<span>" );
$span.css( { "color": "#B0B0B0" } );
$span.text( " ./." );
POpt.values.$POpt.append( $span );
if ( POpt.mode === 2 ) { // should be excluded anyway
this.learning = false;
if ( POpt.mode === 2 && ! POpt.lean ) {
POpt.values.$POpt.append( $( "<hr />" ) );
}; // .picked.furnish()
POpt.reduce.facility = function () {
// Make options and notices visible
// Uses:
// > .reduce.$box
// > .reduce.$resuscitate
// < .reduce.lower
// jQuery().show()
// jQuery().hide()
// .storage.flush()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not POpt.reduce
// 2015-01-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
POpt.reduce.lower = false; "lower", POpt.reduce.lower );
}; // .picked.facility()
POpt.reduce.fade = function () {
// Hide options and notices
// Uses:
// > .reduce.$resuscitate
// > .reduce.$box
// < .reduce.lower
// jQuery().css()
// jQuery().show()
// jQuery().hide()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not POpt.reduce
// 2015-01-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
POpt.reduce.$resuscitate.css( { "margin-top": "10px" } );
POpt.reduce.lower = true; "lower", POpt.reduce.lower );
}; // .picked.fade()
POpt.reduce.furnish = function () {
// Equip options area with collapsible handle and prego button
// Uses:
// this
// > .type
// > .lower
// > mw.util.$content
// > .mode
// > .prego
// > .link
// >< .$options
// < .reduce.lower
// < .reduce.$box
// < .reduce.stamp
// < .reduce.$resuscitate
// < .reduce.$vanish
// .storage.find()
// .storage.flush()
// jQuery().find()
// .config.feature()
// jQuery()
// jQuery().attr()
// jQuery().css()
// jQuery().text()
// jQuery().append()
// .increm.furnish
// jQuery().clone()
// jQuery().click()
// jQuery().after()
// jQuery().before()
// .reduce.fade()
// .reduce.facility()
// .prego.$button()
// (
// (.reduce.facility)
// (.reduce.fade)
// 2015-10-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var s = "lower" ),
btnR, got, re, $btn, $div, $span;
if ( s ) {
this.lower = ( s === "true" );
} else {
this.lower = POpt.lower; "lower", this.lower );
s = ( POpt.mode === 1 ? "#mw-watchlist-options"
: ".rcoptions" );
this.$box = mw.util.$content.find( s );
if ( this.$box.length ) {
btnR = { "float": ( POpt.ltr ? "right" : "left " ) };
btnR[ ( POpt.ltr ? "margin-left" : "margin-right" ) ] = "8px";
btnR[ ( POpt.ltr ? "margin-right" : "margin-left" ) ] = "0";
this.$resuscitate = $( "<div>" );
this.$resuscitate.attr( { id: POpt.type + "_resuscitate" } );
this.$resuscitate.css( { "margin-top": "10px" } );
if ( POpt.mode === 1 ) {
s = this.$box.text();
if ( s ) {
re = new RegExp( POpt.config.feature( "wlnoteRE" ) );
got = re.exec( s );
if ( got ) {
$span = $( "<span>" );
$span.text( got[ 1 ] );
this.$resuscitate.append( $span );
$btn = POpt.increm.furnish( this.$box );
if ( $btn ) {
$btn = $btn.clone();
$btn.attr( { id: POpt.type + "_incrShrinked" } );
$ );
this.$resuscitate.append( $btn );
if ( ! POpt.$options ) {
POpt.$options = this.$box.find( "legend" );
if ( && POpt.prego ) {
$btn = POpt.prego.$button( POpt.type );
$btn.attr( { id: POpt.type + "_optPage" } );
$btn.css( btnR );
$btn.css( { "margin-top": "20px" } );
POpt.$options.after( $btn );
$div = $( "<div>" );
$div.css( { "clear": "right" } );
POpt.$options.after( $div );
$btn = $( "<button />" );
$btn.attr( { id: POpt.type + "_optShow",
type: "button" } );
$ POpt.reduce.facility );
$btn.css( ( POpt.ltr ? "margin-left" : "margin-right" ),
"10px" );
$btn.text( POpt.config.feature( "options" ) );
this.$resuscitate.append( $btn );
this.$box.before( this.$resuscitate );
$btn = $( "<button />" );
$btn.attr( { id: POpt.type + "_optHide",
type: "button" } );
$ POpt.reduce.fade );
$btn.css( btnR );
$span = $( "<span>" );
$span.css( { "color": "#FF0000",
"font-weight": "bold" } );
$span.text( "X" );
$btn.append( $span );
POpt.$options.after( $btn );
if ( this.lower ) {
} else {
}; // .reduce.furnish() = function ( access ) {
// Retrieve volatile configuration from session storage
// Precondition:
// access -- key
// Postcondition:
// Return value string, or false
// Uses:
// this
// sessionStorage
// > .type
// >< .stored
// 2013-09-06 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var r = false,
s = "~" + access + "_",
i, j;
if ( ! this.stored ) {
if ( window.sessionStorage ) {
this.stored = window.sessionStorage.getItem( POpt.type );
if ( ! this.stored ) {
this.stored = "~";
i = this.stored.indexOf( s );
if ( i >= 0 ) {
j = this.stored.indexOf( "~", i + 2 );
if ( j > 0 ) {
r = this.stored.substring( i + s.length, j );
return r;
}; // .storage.find() = function ( access, assign ) {
// Remember volatile configuration in session storage
// Precondition:
// access -- key
// assign -- value
// Uses:
// this
// > .type
// >< .stored
// 2013-09-06 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var s = "~" + access + "_",
i, j;
if ( ! this.stored ) {
this.stored = "~";
i = this.stored.indexOf( s );
s = s + assign;
if ( i < 0 ) {
this.stored = s + this.stored;
} else {
j = this.stored.indexOf( "~", i + 2 );
if ( j < 0 ) {
this.stored = s + "~";
} else {
this.stored = this.stored.substr( 0, i )
+ s
+ this.stored.substr( j );
if ( window.sessionStorage ) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem( POpt.type, this.stored );
}; // .storage.flush()
POpt.unwatch.factory = function () {
// Equip one entry with an [unwatch] link, if appropriate
// Postcondition:
// Return true -- continue $.each()
// Uses:
// > .unwatch.less
// jQuery()
// jQuery().parent()
// jQuery().attr()
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().each()
// (.unwatch.feed)
// Remark: Used as jQuery handler -- 'this' is DOM element
// 2013-02-08 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $e = $( this ),
if ( POpt.unwatch.less ) { // enhanced
$e = $e.parent();
} else { // standard
s = $e.attr( "class" );
if ( s ) {
if ( s.indexOf( "mw-changeslist-line-" ) < 0 ) {
$e = false;
} else {
$e = false;
if ( $e ) {
$e.find( "a" ).each( POpt.unwatch.feed );
return true;
}; // .unwatch.factory()
POpt.unwatch.feed = function () {
// Insert [unwatch] link after history link
// Postcondition:
// Return true or false -- continue or break $.each()
// Uses:
// jQuery()
// jQuery().attr()
// jQuery().text()
// jQuery().click()
// jQuery().css()
// jQuery().data()
// .unwatch.flag()
// jQuery().append()
// jQuery().after()
// (
// Remark: Used as jQuery handler -- 'this' is DOM element
// 2015-01-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var loop = true,
$e = $( this ),
s = $e.attr( "href" ),
g, id, $btn, $span;
if ( s && s.indexOf( "&action=history" ) > 0 ) {
g = /[?&]title=([^&]+)(&.+)*&curid=([0-9]+)(&.+)?$/.exec( s );
if ( g ) {
s = g[ 1 ];
id = g[ 3 ];
$btn = $( "<button />" );
$btn.attr( { type: "button" } )
.click( )
.css( { "padding-left": "0",
"padding-right": "0" } )
.data( { curid: id,
leave: true,
title: s } )
.text( POpt.unwatch.flag( false ) );
$span = $( "<span>" );
$span.attr( { "class": "curid" + id } )
.text( " | " )
.append( $btn );
$e.after( $span );
loop = false;
return loop;
}; // .unwatch.feed() = function () {
// Equip watchlist toolbox with link to [unwatch]
// Precondition:
// watchlist has been loaded
// Uses:
// this
// < .unwatch.$portlet
// .config.feature()
// mw.util.addPortletLink()
// (POpt.unwatch.furnish)
// 2015-10-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
this.$portlet =
$( mw.util.addPortletLink( "p-tb",
POpt.config.feature( "unwatch" ),
POpt.config.feature( "unwatch?" ),
null ) );
this.$ POpt.unwatch.furnish );
}; //
POpt.unwatch.fine = function ( arrived, $apply ) {
// Insert [watch again] link after successful unwatch
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query
// $apply -- current set of throbber element containers
// Uses:
// jQuery().children()
// jQuery().remove()
// jQuery().each()
// .fault()
// (.unwatch.fix)
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not POpt.unwatch
// 2015-10-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
if ( typeof arrived === "object" &&
typeof arrived.invalid === "undefined" ) {
$apply.children( "img" ).remove();
$apply.each( POpt.unwatch.fix );
} else {
POpt.fault( "unwatch", arrived, $apply );
}; // .unwatch.fine() = function () {
// Perform unwatch action, or undo this
// Uses:
// this
// > mw.util.$content
// >< .unwatch.api
// jQuery().find()
// .config.$flow()
// mw.Api()
// mw.Api().unwatch()
// mw.Api().watch()
// jQuery().children()
// jQuery().hide()
// jQuery().append()
// (.unwatch.fine)
// (.fault)
// Remark: Used as jQuery handler -- 'this' is DOM element
// 2016-11-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $g = $( this ),
id = $ "curid" ),
$e = mw.util.$content.find( ".curid" + id ),
promise, subject, submit;
if ( $e.length ) {
$e.children( "button" ).hide();
$e.append( POpt.config.$flow() );
subject = unescape( decodeURI( $ "title" ) ) );
submit = ( $ "leave" ) ? "unwatch" : "watch" );
if ( typeof this.api !== "object" ) {
this.api = new mw.Api();
promise = this.api[ submit ]( subject );
promise.done( function ( arrived ) {
POpt.unwatch.fine( arrived, $e );
} )
.fail( function ( arrived ) {
POpt.fault( "unwatch", arrived, $e );
} );
}; //
POpt.unwatch.fix = function () {
// Turn [unwatch] link into [watch again]
// Uses:
// jQuery()
// jQuery().children()
// jQuery().text()
// jQuery().data()
// .unwatch.flag()
// jQuery().show()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is DOM element
// 2015-01-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $e = $( this ),
$btn = $e.children( "button" ),
if ( $btn.length ) {
leave = $ "leave" );
$btn.css( { "background-color": ( leave ? "#FFB0B0"
: "#B0B0FF" ),
"padding-left": "5px",
"padding-right": "5px" } );
$ { leave: ! leave } );
$btn.text( POpt.unwatch.flag( leave ) );
}; // .unwatch.fix()
POpt.unwatch.flag = function ( again ) {
// Retrieve [unwatch] link title, or [watch again]
// Precondition:
// again -- true iff [watch]
// Postcondition:
// Return string with [unwatch] link title
// 2015-01-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
return ( again ? "/////" : String.fromCharCode( 8212 ) );
}; // .unwatch.flag()
POpt.unwatch.furnish = function () {
// Equip all entries with an [unwatch] link
// Precondition:
// Current page is watchlist
// Uses:
// > mw.util.$content
// > .group.sign
// > .values.ctl2url
// > .unwatch.$portlet
// < .unwatch.less
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().each()
// jQuery().remove()
// (.unwatch.factory)
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not POpt.unwatch
// 2015-10-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $list = mw.util.$content.find( "#mw-content-text" ),
ctl, seek;
if ( $list.length ) {
ctl = POpt.values.ctl2url[ ];
POpt.unwatch.less = ctl.val;
if ( POpt.unwatch.less === "0" ) {
POpt.unwatch.less = false;
seek = ( POpt.unwatch.less ? ".mw-title" : "li" );
$list.find( seek ).each( POpt.unwatch.factory );
}; // .unwatch.furnish()
POpt.values.factory = function () {
// Make URL from .ctl2url
// Postcondition:
// Return query part of URL
// Uses:
// this
// > .values.ctl2url
// 2013-02-08 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var r = "",
for ( s in this.ctl2url ) {
r = r + s );
} // for s in .ctl2url
return r;
}; // .values.factory() = function ( access ) {
// Make URL parameter assignment from '&' until value
// Precondition:
// access -- identifier in .ctl2url
// Postcondition:
// Return assignment
// Uses:
// this
// > .values.ctl2url
// 2013-02-06 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var par = this.ctl2url[ access ],
r = "",
s = access;
if ( par ) {
if ( par.val !== undefined ) {
if ( par.url ) {
s = par.url;
if ( par.type === "checkbox" ) {
if ( typeof par.val !== "string" ) {
par.val = ( par.val ? "1" : "0" );
r = "&" + s + "=" + par.val;
return r;
}; //
POpt.values.find = function ( around, adapt ) {
// Initialize form and .values fields with hidden input
// Precondition:
// around -- identification of wrapping element
// adapt -- identification of form
// Uses:
// this
// > mw.util.$content
// > .lean
// > .type
// < .values.$wrap
// < .values.$form
// < .values.$POpt
// .values.first()
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().each()
// jQuery().append()
// jQuery().attr()
// (.values.found)
// 2015-01-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $input, $sep;
this.$wrap = mw.util.$content.find( around );
if ( this.$wrap.length ) {
this.$form = mw.util.$content.find( adapt );
if ( this.$form.length ) {
$input = this.$form.find( "input" );
$input.each( this.found );
if ( POpt.lean ) {
$sep = $( "<span>" );
$sep.text( "\xA0| " );
this.$wrap.append( $sep );
this.$POpt = $( "<span>" );
} else {
this.$POpt = $( "<div>" );
this.$POpt.attr( { id: POpt.type + "_extra" } );
this.$wrap.append( this.$POpt );
} else {
this.$form = false;
this.$wrap = false;
this.$POpt = false;
}; // .values.find()
POpt.values.first = function () {
// Initialize .values component for this application
// Uses:
// this
// > .group.soft
// > .group.sign
// > .multi.soft
// > .multi.sign
// > .mode
// >< .values.ctl2url
// 2013-03-12 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
if ( ! this.ctl2url ) {
this.ctl2url = { "associated": { type: "checkbox" },
"days": { name: "days",
type: false },
// enhanced... Bugzilla:51901, Gerrit:75579
"hideAnons": { type: "checkbox" },
"hideBots": { type: "checkbox" },
"hideLiu": { type: "checkbox" },
"hideMinor": { type: "checkbox" },
"hideOwn": { type: "checkbox" },
"hideReviewed": { type: "checkbox" },
"hideWikibase": { type: "checkbox" },
// #wb-toggle
"nsinvert": { type: "checkbox",
url: "invert" },
"namespace": { type: "select" }
this.ctl2url[ ] = { type: "checkbox",
url: };
this.ctl2url[ POpt.multi.sign ] = { type: "checkbox",
url: POpt.multi.soft };
if ( POpt.mode === 2 ) {
this.ctl2url.from = { type: false };
this.ctl2url.limit = { type: false };
this.ctl2url.tagfilter = { type: "text" };
}; // .values.first()
POpt.values.fix = function ( access ) {
// Adapt URLs of option links to current state
// Precondition:
// access -- identifier in .ctl2url
// Uses:
// this
// > .values.$wrap
// >< .values.$hrefs
// >< .values.ctl2url
// < .values.current
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().each()
// (.values.fixing)
// 2019-02-04 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
if ( ! this.$hrefs ) {
if ( this.$wrap ) {
this.$hrefs = this.$wrap.find( "a" );
} else {
this.$hrefs = true;
if ( typeof this.$hrefs !== "boolean" ) {
this.current = this.ctl2url[ access ];
if ( ! this.current.url ) {
this.current.url = access;
this.$hrefs.each( this.fixing );
}; // .values.fix()
POpt.values.fixing = function ( at, access ) {
// Adapt URL to current state of a control
// Precondition:
// at -- index of element in $.each() collection
// access -- DOM element
// Postcondition:
// Return true -- continue $.each()
// Uses:
// > .values.current
// > .values.ctl2url
// >< .values.script
// >< .values.reURL
// mw.config.get()
// jQuery().attr()
// Remark: Used as jQuery handler -- 'this' is DOM element
// 2016-10-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var got, par, swap, $e;
if ( at < 0 ) {
$e = access;
} else {
$e = $( access );
swap = $e.attr( "href" );
if ( swap ) {
if ( ! POpt.values.script ) {
POpt.values.script = mw.config.get( "wgScript" );
if ( swap.indexOf( POpt.values.script ) < 0 ) {
swap = false;
if ( swap ) {
par = POpt.values.current;
if ( par.val !== undefined ) {
if ( ! par.reURL ) {
par.reURL = "([?&]" + par.url + "=)"
+ "(?:[^&]*)"
+ "(&?.+)?$";
par.reURL = new RegExp( par.reURL );
if ( par.type === "checkbox" ) {
if ( typeof par.val !== "string" ) {
par.val = ( par.val ? "1" : "0" );
got = par.reURL.exec( swap );
if ( got ) {
swap = swap.replace( par.reURL,
"$1" + par.val + "$2" );
} else {
swap = swap + "&" + par.url + "=" + par.val;
$e.attr( { href: swap } );
return true;
}; // .values.fixing()
POpt.values.flat = function () {
// Compress options by removing line breaks and lines
// Uses:
// this
// > .values.$wrap
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().before()
// jQuery().text()
// jQuery().remove()
// jQuery().show()
// 2015-01-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $e = this.$wrap.find( "br, hr" ),
$sep = $( "<span>" );
$sep.text( " | " );
$e.before( $sep.clone() );
this.$wrap.find( "p, form, ul" ).show();
}; // .values.flat()
POpt.values.flip = function ( access ) {
// Value of a checkbox changed
// Precondition:
// access -- identifier in .ctl2url
// Uses:
// this
// > .values.$form
// > .mode
// > .group.sign
// > .multi.sign
// >< .values.ctl2url
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().attr()
// jQuery().prop()
// jQuery().val()
// jQuery().removeAttr()
// .flip()
// .values.fix()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not
// 2013-02-28 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var par = this.ctl2url[ access ],
s, $e;
if ( par ) {
if ( ! par.$ctl ) {
par.$ctl = this.$form.find( "#" + access );
if ( par.$ctl && par.$ctl.length ) {
if ( par.type === "checkbox" ) {
s = par.$ctl.attr( "value" );
if ( s ) {
s = ( s === "0" ? "1" : "0" );
} else {
s = ( par.$ctl.prop( "checked" ) ? "1" : "0" );
par.$ctl.val( s );
if ( s === "0" ) {
par.$ctl.removeAttr( "checked" );
if ( POpt.mode === 1 ) { // watchlist only
switch ( access ) {
case :
POpt.flip( s, "1", POpt.multi );
case POpt.multi.sign :
POpt.flip( s, "0", );
} // switch access
} else {
s = par.$ctl.val();
par.val = s;
$e = this.$form.find( "#hidden_" + access );
if ( $e.length ) {
$e.val( s );
this.fix( access );
}; // .values.flip()
POpt.values.found = function () {
// Initialize .values field with hidden input
// Precondition:
// this is an input field
// Postcondition:
// Return true -- continue $.each()
// Uses:
// > .values.ctl2url
// jQuery().attr()
// jQuery().val()
// Remark: Used as jQuery handler -- 'this' is DOM element
// 2013-02-06 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $input = $( this ),
par, sign;
if ( $input.attr( "type" ) === "hidden" ) {
sign = $input.attr( "name" );
par = POpt.values.ctl2url[ sign ];
if ( par ) {
par.val = $input.val();
return true;
}; // .values.found()
POpt.values.furnish = function ( access ) {
// Equip visible control with onChange
// Precondition:
// access -- identifier in .ctl2url and of control
// Uses:
// this
// > .values.ctl2url
// > .values.$form
// > .slip
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().val()
// jQuery().attr()
// 2015-01-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var par = this.ctl2url[ access ],
if ( par ) {
if ( ! par.$ctl ) {
if ( this.$form ) { // catch SQL failure
par.$ctl = this.$form.find( "#" + access );
if ( par.$ctl ) {
if ( par.type === "checkbox" ) {
s = ( par.$ctl.prop( "checked" ) ? "1" : "0" );
} else {
s = par.$ctl.val();
par.val = s;
s = POpt.slip + ".values.flip('" + access + "');";
par.$ctl.attr( { onchange: s } );
}; // .values.furnish()
POpt.facilitate = function () {
// Equip options with checkbox for every plain link
// Uses:
// this
// > .mode
// > .slip
// > .values.$wrap
// > .values.ctl2url
// > .values.$form
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery()
// jQuery().eq()
// jQuery().attr()
// jQuery().before()
// jQuery().append()
// 2015-01-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var bools = [ "hideMinor",
// "hidePatrolled"
j = ( this.mode === 1 ? 8 : 9 ),
n = j + bools.length,
k = 0,
$set = POpt.values.$wrap.find( "a" ),
i, par, sign, $e;
for ( i = j; i < n; i++ ) {
sign = bools[ k ];
par = POpt.values.ctl2url[ sign ];
par.$ctl = $( "<input />" );
par.$ctl.attr( { id: sign,
onchange: POpt.slip
+ ".values.flip(\"" + sign,
type: "checkbox" } );
if ( par.val ) {
par.$ctl.attr( { checked: "true" } );
par.$ctl.val( ( par.val ? "1" : "0" ) );
$e = $set.eq( i );
$e.attr( { id: "link_" + sign } );
$e.before( par.$ctl );
$e = $( "<input />" );
$e.attr( { id: "hidden_" + sign,
name: sign,
type: "hidden",
value: ( par.val ? "1'" : "0'" ) } );
$e.val( ( par.val ? "1" : "0" ) );
POpt.values.$form.append( $e );
} // for i
}; // .facilitate()
POpt.factory = function ( assign, ahead ) {
// Equip page with 'extended'/'enhanced' toggle checkbox and label
// Precondition:
// assign -- object ( .group. or .multi. )
// > .sign
// > .show
// > .soft
// ahead -- true iff leading
// Uses:
// this
// > .values.$form
// > .values.ctl2url
// > .special
// > .lean
// > .slip
// > .values.$POpt
// >< .values.script
// mw.config.get()
// .config.feature()
// .values.factory()
// jQuery()
// jQuery().prepend()
// (.values.flip)
// 2015-01-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var less, shift, sub, $a, $input, $label, $sep, $span;
if ( this.values.$form ) {
if ( ! this.values.script ) {
this.values.script = mw.config.get( "wgScript" );
less = this.values.ctl2url[ assign.sign ].val;
if ( less === "0" ) {
less = false;
shift = this.values.script + "?title=Special:" + this.special
+ this.values.factory();
sub = "&" + assign.soft + "=";
shift = shift.replace( new RegExp( sub + "?[01]" ),
sub + ( less ? "0" : "1" )
if ( this.mode === 1 ) {
if ( shift.indexOf( "&extended=0" ) > 0 ) {
shift = shift.replace( /&enhanced=1/,
"&enhanced=0" );
if ( shift.indexOf( "&enhanced=1" ) > 0 ) {
if ( shift.indexOf( "&extended=" ) > 0 ) {
shift = shift.replace( /&extended=0/,
"&extended=1" );
} else {
shift = shift + "&extended=1";
$label = $( "<label />" );
$span = $( "<span>" );
$span.text( this.config.feature( ) + " (" );
$label.append( $span );
$a = $( "<a>" );
$a.attr( { href: shift } );
$a.text( this.config.feature( ( less ? "toggleOff"
: "toggleOn" ) ) );
$label.append( $a );
$span = $( "<span>" );
$span.text( ")" );
$label.append( $span );
this.values.$POpt.prepend( $label );
$input = $( "<input />" );
$input.attr( { id: assign.sign,
name: assign.soft,
onchange: this.slip
+ ".values.flip('" + assign.sign
+ "')",
type: "checkbox",
value: ( less ? "1" : "0" ) } );
if ( less ) {
$input.attr( { checked: true } );
this.values.$POpt.prepend( $input );
if ( this.mode === 1 ) {
if ( ! this.lean && ahead ) {
$sep = $( "<hr />" );
} else if ( ! ahead ) {
$sep = $( "<span>" );
$sep.text( "\xA0| " );
this.values.$POpt.prepend( $sep );
}; // .factory()
POpt.fault = function ( action, arrived, $apply ) {
// Show API failure on any action
// Precondition:
// action -- keyword of request
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query
// $apply -- current set of throbber element containers
// Uses:
// > mw.util.$content
// > .type
// jQuery()()
// jQuery().css()
// jQuery().text()
// jQuery().empty()
// jQuery().append()
// mw.log()
// Remark: Used as jQuery handler -- 'this' is not POpt.notice
// 2015-10-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $e = $( "<strong>" );
$e.css( { "border": "#FF0000 2px solid",
"color": "#FF0000",
"margin": "5px" } );
$e.text( "ERROR" );
$apply.append( $e );
mw.log( {loud:true},
"." + POpt.type + "." + action + ".fault()",
arrived );
}; // .fault() = function () {
// Equip changes page with controls, analyze by grabbing
// Precondition:
// document has been loaded
// Uses:
// > .mode
// > mw.util.$content
// > .store
// > .luxury
// > .learnt
// > .lower
// > .lean
// > .hide
// > .letal
// > .leyo
// > .self
// >< .$options
// < .ltr
// < .group.leaves
// < .disguise.hide
// <
// < .picked.learn
// jQuery().find()
// mw.util.addCSS()
// jQuery().hide()
// .flat()
// .values.find()
// .facilitate()
// .values.furnish()
// .picked.furnish()
// .reduce.furnish()
// .increm.furnish()
// .values.flat()
// .furnish()
// .notice.first()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not POpt
// 2016-05-07 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var sep, store, story, style, suite, $grab, $wd;
mw.util.$content.find( ".mw-changeslist-legend" ).hide();
POpt.ltr = ( $( window.document ).find( "html" ).attr( "dir" )
!== "rtl" );
switch ( POpt.mode ) {
case 1 : // watchlist
sep = ".mw-changeslist-separator";
$grab = mw.util.$content.find( sep ); = ( $grab.length > 0 );
if ( ) {;
story = "#mw-watchlist-options";
suite = "#mw-watchlist-form";
store = ".wikibase-edit";
$wd = mw.util.$content.find( store );
if ( $wd.length ) {
switch ( typeof ) {
case "boolean":
style =;
case "string":
if ( /[0-9A-F]{6}/.test( ) ) {
style =;
} // fall through
style = true;
} // switch typeof
if ( style === true ) {
style = POpt.config[ "wikidata.bgc" ];
if ( style ) {
style = "{background-color:#" + style + "}";
mw.util.addCSS( store + style );
case 2 : // rc = true;
story = ".rcoptions";
suite = "form";
} // switch .mode
POpt.values.find( story, suite );
if ( ) {
POpt.values.furnish( "associated" );
POpt.values.furnish( "nsinvert" );
POpt.values.furnish( "namespace" );
POpt.disguise.hide = ( typeof POpt.hide === "object"
&& POpt.hide ); = ( typeof === "object"
&& );
POpt.picked.learn = ( typeof POpt.learnt === "boolean" );
if ( POpt.disguise.hide || ||
POpt.picked.learn ||
POpt.letal ||
POpt.leyo ||
POpt.self ) {;
if ( POpt.picked.learn && POpt.mode === 1 ) {
POpt.picked.furnish(); // watchlist & visited
if ( typeof POpt.lower === "boolean" ) {
} else if ( POpt.mode === 1 ) { // watchlist
if ( POpt.lean ) {
POpt.furnish(, false );
if ( POpt.mode === 1 ) { // watchlist
POpt.furnish( POpt.multi, true );
if ( POpt.values.$wrap && POpt.values.$score ) {
if ( ! POpt.$options ) {
POpt.$options = POpt.values.$wrap.find( "legend" );
POpt.$options.after( POpt.values.$score );
}; // .fiat() = function () {
// Start processing, if appropriate
// Precondition:
// Special page
// Uses:
// this
// > Version
// < .signature
// < .vsn
// < .doc
// < .special
// < .mode
// < .rLoading
// mw.loader.getState()
// mw.loader.state()
// mw.config.get()
// mw.loader.using()
// (.firing)
// 2018-08-24 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var env, pages, require, rls;
POpt.signature = "ext.gadget." + POpt.type;
POpt.vsn = Version;
if ( ! mw.loader.getState( POpt.signature ) ) {
env = mw.config.get( [ "wgCanonicalSpecialPageName",
"wgNamespaceNumber" ] );
pages = { "Blankpage": -1,
"Gadgets": -1,
"Watchlist": 1,
"Recentchanges": 2,
"EditWatchlist": 3 };
rls = { };
POpt.doc = "[[w:en:User:PerfektesChaos/js/" + POpt.type
+ "]]";
if ( env.wgNamespaceNumber === -1 ) {
this.special = env.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName;
this.mode = pages[ this.special ];
if ( this.mode ) {
rls[ this.signature ] = "loading";
mw.loader.state( rls );
rls[ this.signature ] = "ready";
this.rLoading = rls;
rls = false;;
require = [ "user",
"mediawiki.util" ];
if ( this.mode === 1 ) {
require = require.concat( [ "mediawiki.api" ] );
mw.loader.using( require, this.firing );
if ( rls ) {
rls[ this.signature ] = "ready";
mw.loader.state( rls );
}; // .fire()
POpt.firing = function () {
// Intermediate loading process step
// Precondition:
// MW ressources are available
// Uses:
// >
// mw.hook()
// (.first)
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not POpt
// 2015-09-12 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
mw.hook( + ".ready" ).add( POpt.first );
}; // .firing()
POpt.first = function ( attributes ) {
// Start processing
// Precondition:
// attributes -- preferencesGadgetOptions application object
// All ressources are available
// Uses:
// > .type
// > .mode
// > .rLoading
// < .prego
// < .slip
// .config.fetch()
// jQuery().ready()
// .config.form()
// mw.loader.state()
// mw.hook()
// (.fiat)
// (
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not POpt
// 2018-08-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
POpt.prego = attributes;
POpt.slip = "mw.libs." + POpt.type;
if ( POpt.mode > 0 ) {
if ( POpt.prego ) {
if ( POpt.mode < 3 ) {
$( );
} else {
$( );
} else if ( POpt.prego ) {
mw.loader.state( POpt.rLoading );
mw.hook( POpt.type + ".ready" ).fire( POpt );
}; // .first()
POpt.flat = function () {
// Remove watchlist information
// Uses:
// > mw.util.$content
// < .values.$score
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().children()
// .config.feature()
// jQuery().text()
// jQuery().remove()
// 2015-01-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $e = mw.util.$content.find( "#mw-content-text" ),
re, s;
if ( $e.length ) {
$e = $e.children( "p" );
if ( $e.length ) {
re = new RegExp( POpt.config.feature( "watchPgRE",
false ) );
s = $e.text().replace( re, "$1" );
if ( s ) {
POpt.values.$score = $( "<span>" );
POpt.values.$score.text( s + "\xA0| " );
// update
}; // .flat()
POpt.flip = function ( alter, allow, assign ) {
// Coordinate multiple and grouped watchlist entries
// Precondition:
// alter -- just set parameter value, "0" or "1"
// allow -- required parameter value, "0" or "1"
// assign -- corresponding object to be updated
// Uses:
// this
// > .values.$form
// >< .values.ctl2url
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().click()
// 2013-02-28 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var co, s;
if ( alter === allow ) {
s = assign.sign;
co = this.values.ctl2url[ s ];
if ( co ) {
if ( co.val !== allow ) {
if ( ! co.$ctl ) {
if ( this.values.$form ) {
co.$ctl = this.values.$form.find( "#" + s );
if ( co.$ctl ) {
}; // .flip()
POpt.format = function ( access ) {
// Encode URL part string regexp conditionally for Wiki
// Precondition:
// access -- string, part of URL
// Postcondition:
// Return string, ready for URL
// Uses:
// this
// >< .sp2_
// 2013-03-08 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var r = access,
i, k, n, s;
if ( r ) {
if ( access.indexOf( "%" ) < 0 ) {
n = access.length;
r = "";
for ( i = n - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
k = access.charCodeAt( i );
s = String.fromCharCode( k );
if ( k > 127 ) {
s = encodeURI( s );
r = s + r;
} // for i--
s = mw.util.wikiUrlencode( r );
} else {
if ( ! this.sp2_ ) {
this.sp2_ = new RegExp( " ", "g" );
r = r.replace( this.sp2_, "_" );
return r;
}; // .format()
POpt.furnish = function ( assign, ahead ) {
// Equip page with additional labeled control
// Precondition:
// assign -- object ( .group. or .multi. )
// > .soft
// > .sign
// .find()
// ahead -- true iff leading
// document has been loaded
// Uses:
// this
// mw.util.getParamValue()
// .values.fix()
// .factory()
// 2013-02-27 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var set = mw.util.getParamValue( assign.soft );
assign.find( set );
POpt.values.fix( assign.sign );
this.factory( assign, ahead );
}; // .furnish();
}( window.mediaWiki, window.jQuery ) );
// Emacs
// Local Variables:
// coding: utf-8-dos
// fill-column: 80
// End:
/// EOF </nowiki> listPageOptions/d.js