Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
Documentation for this user script can be added at User:Nardog/mediawiki.action.edit.preview. |
* Live edit preview.
( function () {
* @ignore
* @param {jQuery.Event} e
function doLivePreview( e ) {
var isDiff, api, parseRequest, diffRequest, postData, copySelectors, section, summary,
$wikiPreview, $wikiDiff, $editform, $textbox, $copyElements, $spinner, $errorBox;
isDiff = ( === 'wpDiff' );
$wikiPreview = $( '#wikiPreview' );
$wikiDiff = $( '#wikiDiff' );
$editform = $( '#editform' );
$textbox = $editform.find( '#wpTextbox1' );
summary = OO.ui.infuse( $( '#wpSummaryWidget' ) );
$spinner = $( '.mw-spinner-preview' );
$errorBox = $( '.errorbox' );
section = $editform.find( '[name="wpSection"]' ).val();
if ( $textbox.length === 0 ) {
// Show changes for a new section is not yet supported
if ( isDiff && section === 'new' ) {
// Remove any previously displayed errors
// Show #wikiPreview if it's hidden to be able to scroll to it
// (if it is hidden, it's also empty, so nothing changes in the rendering)
// Jump to where the preview will appear
$wikiPreview[ 0 ].scrollIntoView();
copySelectors = [
// Main
// Editing-related
$copyElements = $( copySelectors.join( ',' ) );
// Not shown during normal preview, to be removed if present
$( '.mw-newarticletext' ).remove();
if ( $spinner.length === 0 ) {
$spinner = $.createSpinner( {
size: 'large',
type: 'block'
} )
.addClass( 'mw-spinner-preview' )
.css( 'margin-top', '1em' );
$wikiPreview.before( $spinner );
} else {
$copyElements.addClass( [ 'mw-preview-copyelements', 'mw-preview-copyelements-loading' ] );
api = new mw.Api();
postData = {
formatversion: 2,
action: 'parse',
title: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
summary: summary.getValue(),
prop: ''
if ( isDiff ) {
if ( postData.summary ) {
parseRequest = postData );
diffRequest = {
formatversion: 2,
action: 'query',
prop: 'revisions',
titles: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
rvdifftotext: $textbox.textSelection( 'getContents' ),
rvdifftotextpst: true,
rvprop: '',
rvsection: section === '' ? undefined : section,
uselang: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' )
} );
// Wait for the summary before showing the diff so the page doesn't jump twice
$.when( diffRequest, parseRequest ).done( function ( response ) {
var diffHtml;
try {
diffHtml = response[ 0 ].query.pages[ 0 ]
.revisions[ 0 ].diff.body;
$wikiDiff.find( 'table.diff tbody' ).html( diffHtml );
mw.hook( 'wikipage.diff' ).fire( $wikiDiff.find( 'table.diff' ) );
} catch ( err ) {
// "result.blah is undefined" error, ignore
mw.log.warn( err );
} );
} else {
$.extend( postData, {
prop: 'text|indicators|displaytitle|modules|jsconfigvars|categorieshtml|templates|langlinks|limitreporthtml',
text: $textbox.textSelection( 'getContents' ),
pst: true,
preview: true,
sectionpreview: section !== '',
disableeditsection: true,
useskin: mw.config.get( 'skin' ),
uselang: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' )
} );
if ( section === 'new' ) {
postData.section = 'new';
postData.sectiontitle = postData.summary;
parseRequest = postData );
parseRequest.done( function ( response ) {
var newList, $displaytitle, $content, $parent, $list;
if ( response.parse.jsconfigvars ) {
mw.config.set( response.parse.jsconfigvars );
if ( response.parse.modules ) {
mw.loader.load( response.parse.modules.concat(
) );
newList = [];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-each-util
$.each( response.parse.indicators, function ( name, indicator ) {
$( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mw-indicator' )
.attr( 'id', mw.util.escapeIdForAttribute( 'mw-indicator-' + name ) )
.html( indicator )
.get( 0 ),
// Add a whitespace between the <div>s because
// they get displayed with display: inline-block
document.createTextNode( '\n' )
} );
$( '.mw-indicators' ).empty().append( newList );
if ( response.parse.displaytitle ) {
$displaytitle = $( $.parseHTML( response.parse.displaytitle ) );
// The following messages can be used here:
// * editconflict
// * editingcomment
// * editingsection
// * editing
// * creating
$( '#firstHeading' ).msg(
mw.config.get( 'wgEditMessage', 'editing' ),
document.title = mw.msg(
// The following messages can be used here:
// * editconflict
// * editingcomment
// * editingsection
// * editing
// * creating
mw.config.get( 'wgEditMessage', 'editing' ),
if ( response.parse.categorieshtml ) {
$content = $( $.parseHTML( response.parse.categorieshtml ) );
mw.hook( 'wikipage.categories' ).fire( $content );
$( '.catlinks[data-mw="interface"]' ).replaceWith( $content );
if ( response.parse.templates ) {
newList = function ( template ) {
return $( '<li>' ).append(
$( '<a>' )
.addClass( template.exists ? '' : 'new' )
.attr( 'href', mw.util.getUrl( template.title ) )
.text( template.title )
} );
$parent = $( '.templatesUsed' );
if ( newList.length ) {
$list = $parent.find( 'ul' );
if ( $list.length ) {
} else {
$( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mw-templatesUsedExplanation' )
.append( '<p>' )
.appendTo( $parent );
$list = $( '<ul>' );
// Add "Templates used in this preview" or replace
// "Templates used on this page" with it
$( '.mw-templatesUsedExplanation > p' )
.msg( 'templatesusedpreview', newList.length );
$list.append( newList ).appendTo( $parent );
} else {
if ( response.parse.limitreporthtml ) {
$( '.limitreport' ).html( response.parse.limitreporthtml );
if ( response.parse.langlinks && mw.config.get( 'skin' ) === 'vector' ) {
newList = function ( langlink ) {
var bcp47 = mw.language.bcp47( langlink.lang );
// eslint-disable-next-line mediawiki/class-doc
return $( '<li>' )
.addClass( 'interlanguage-link interwiki-' + langlink.lang )
.append( $( '<a>' )
.attr( {
href: langlink.url,
title: langlink.title + ' - ' + langlink.langname,
lang: bcp47,
hreflang: bcp47
} )
.text( langlink.autonym )
} );
$list = $( '#p-lang ul' );
$parent = $list.parent();
$list.detach().empty().append( newList ).prependTo( $parent );
if ( response.parse.text ) {
$content = $wikiPreview.children( '.mw-content-ltr,.mw-content-rtl' );
.html( response.parse.text );
mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).fire( $content );
// Reattach
$wikiPreview.append( $content );
} );
$.when( parseRequest, diffRequest ).done( function ( parseResp ) {
var parse = parseResp && parseResp[ 0 ].parse,
isSubject = ( section === 'new' ),
$summaryPreview = $editform.find( '.mw-summary-preview' ).empty();
if ( parse && parse.parsedsummary ) {
mw.message( isSubject ? 'subject-preview' : 'summary-preview' ).parse(),
' ',
$( '<span>' ).addClass( 'comment' ).html(
// There is no equivalent to rawParams
mw.message( 'parentheses' ).escaped()
// .replace() use $ as start of a pattern.
// $$ is the pattern for '$'.
// The inner .replace() duplicates any $ and
// the outer .replace() simplifies the $$.
.replace( '$1', parse.parsedsummary.replace( /\$/g, '$$$$' ) )
mw.hook( 'wikipage.editform' ).fire( $editform );
} ).always( function () {
$copyElements.removeClass( 'mw-preview-copyelements-loading' );
} ).fail( function ( code, result ) {
// This just shows the error for whatever request failed first
var $errorMsg = api.getErrorMessage( result );
$errorBox = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'errorbox' )
.append( $( '<strong>' ).text( mw.message( 'previewerrortext' ).text() ) )
.append( $errorMsg );
$wikiPreview.hide().before( $errorBox );
} );
$( function () {
var selector;
// Enable only live diff on user .js/.css pages, as there's no sane way of
// "previewing" the scripts or styles without reloading the page.
if ( $( '#mw-userjsyoucanpreview, #mw-usercssyoucanpreview, #mw-userjspreview, #mw-usercsspreview' ).length ) {
selector = '#wpDiff';
} else {
selector = '#wpPreview, #wpDiff';
// The following elements can change in a preview but are not output
// by the server when they're empty until the preview response.
// TODO: Make the server output these always (in a hidden state), so we don't
// have to fish and (hopefully) put them in the right place (since skins
// can change where they are output).
// FIXME: This is prone to breaking any time Vector's HTML for portals change.
if ( !document.getElementById( 'p-lang' ) && document.getElementById( 'p-tb' ) && mw.config.get( 'skin' ) === 'vector' ) {
$( '.portal' ).last().after(
$( '<div>' ).attr( {
class: 'vector-menu vector-menu-portal portal',
id: 'p-lang',
role: 'navigation',
'aria-labelledby': 'p-lang-label'
} )
.append( $( '<h3>' ).attr( 'id', 'p-lang-label' ).text( mw.msg( 'otherlanguages' ) ) )
.append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'body vector-menu-content' ) )
.append( $( '<ul>' ).addClass( 'vector-menu-content-list' ) )
if ( !$( '.mw-summary-preview' ).length ) {
$( '#wpSummaryWidget' ).after(
$( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mw-summary-preview' )
if ( !document.getElementById( 'wikiDiff' ) && document.getElementById( 'wikiPreview' ) ) {
$( '#wikiPreview' ).after(
$( '<div>' )
.attr( 'id', 'wikiDiff' )
// The following classes are used here:
// * diff-editfont-monospace
// * diff-editfont-sans-serif
// * diff-editfont-serif
.addClass( 'diff-editfont-' + mw.user.options.get( 'editfont' ) )
// TODO: Set diff-contentalign-* classes
$( '<table>' ).addClass( 'diff' ).append(
$( '<col>' ).addClass( 'diff-marker' ),
$( '<col>' ).addClass( 'diff-content' ),
$( '<col>' ).addClass( 'diff-marker' ),
$( '<col>' ).addClass( 'diff-content' ),
$( '<tbody>' )
// This should be moved down to '#editform', but is kept on the body for now
// because the LiquidThreads extension is re-using this module with only half
// the EditPage (doesn't include #editform presumably, T57463).
$( document.body ).on( 'click', selector, doLivePreview );
} );
}() );