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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

O hi there. This is my profile page thing.

I really have no idea how to use wikipedia as an editor.

I have always found the general concept of a wikipedia VERY attractive, but it is difficult to get over the fear of screwing something up... I think that this prevents a lot of really awesome content from being contributed.

Further, I have heard many terrible stories about moderators immediately deleting contributions that they don't agree with, regardless of the actual value of the contribution... I don't know that it is really as widespread as the stories suggest, but in reading some talk pages I do see that it can happen. I wish this weren't so.

I think Wikipedia, or the idea of Wikipedia, could grow to be something truly spectacular... this is not to say that it isn't already amazing as it is, but I do believe that if it were adapted to make it easier for new editors to contribute without fear of being censored or of screwing something up, and if it were adapted to prevent people from censoring changes that they personally do not agree with... if those issues could be resolved, then Wikipedia would really leap to a new level of awesome...

So I think i want to explore Wikipedia in general... and try to learn how it works. My primary goal at this time is to see where things fail with regard to the two issues i mentioned, and to look for ways in which they might be improved.