Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
This user script seems to have a documentation page at User:Mdaniels5757/markAdmins-core. |
* Flag administrators and special user group members with a letter
* in parenthesis behind links that go into their user namespace.
* E.g. Didym -> Didym (A)
* @OrigDocumentation:
* @Documentation
* @rev 3 (14:14, 20 August 2019 (UTC))
* @author Euku - 2005, PDD, Littl, Guandalug
* @author Didym - 2014
* @author Rillke <> - 2014
* @contributor Perhelion - 2017
* @migrator Mdaniels5757 - 2020
// <nowiki>
/* eslint indent:["error","tab",{"outerIIFEBody":0}] */
/* global jQuery:false, mediaWiki:false*/
(function (mw, $) {
'use strict';
var markAdmins = mw.libs.markAdmins = {
config: {},
defaults: {
groups: {
'sysop': {
label: 'A',
legacyName: 'admins',
legacyLabelId: 'atxt',
enabled: true
'arbcom': {
label: 'ARB',
legacyName: 'arbcom',
legacyLabelId: 'arbtxt',
enabled: true
'bureaucrat': {
label: 'B',
legacyName: 'bureaucrat',
legacyLabelId: 'bureautxt',
enabled: true
'checkuser': {
label: 'CU',
legacyName: 'checkuser',
legacyLabelId: 'checkusertxt',
enabled: true
'interface-admin': {
label: 'IA',
legacyName: 'intadmin',
legacyLabelId: 'iatxt',
enabled: true
'suppress': {
label: 'OS',
legacyName: 'oversight',
legacyLabelId: 'oversighttxt',
enabled: true
'steward': {
label: 'S',
legacyName: 'steward',
legacyLabelId: 'stewtxt',
enabled: true
'abusefilter': {
label: 'EFM',
legacyName: 'efm',
legacyLabelId: 'efmtxt',
enabled: false
'abusefilter-helper': {
label: 'EFH',
legacyName: 'efh',
legacyLabelId: 'efhtxt',
enabled: false
'accountcreator': {
label: 'ACC',
legacyName: 'acc',
legacyLabelId: 'acctxt',
enabled: false
'autoreviewer': {
label: 'AP',
legacyName: 'ap',
legacyLabelId: 'aptxt',
enabled: false
'extendedmover': {
label: 'PM',
legacyName: 'pm',
legacyLabelId: 'pmtxt',
enabled: false
'filemover': {
label: 'FM',
legacyName: 'fm',
legacyLabelId: 'fmtxt',
enabled: false
'massmessage-sender': {
label: 'MMS',
legacyName: 'mms',
legacyLabelId: 'mmstxt',
enabled: false
'patroller': {
label: 'NPR',
legacyName: 'npr',
legacyLabelId: 'nprtxt',
enabled: false
'reviewer': {
label: 'PCR',
legacyName: 'pcr',
legacyLabelId: 'pcrtxt',
enabled: false
'rollbacker': {
label: 'Rb',
legacyName: 'rb',
legacyLabelId: 'rbtxt',
enabled: false
'templateeditor': {
label: 'TE',
legacyName: 'te',
legacyLabelId: 'tetxt',
enabled: false
'vrt-permissions': {
label: 'VRT',
legacyName: 'vrt',
legacyLabelId: 'vrttxt',
enabled: false
'global-renamer': {
label: 'GRe',
legacyName: 'gre',
legacyLabelId: 'gretxt',
enabled: false
'global-rollbacker': {
label: 'GRb',
legacyName: 'grb',
legacyLabelId: 'grbtxt',
enabled: false
runOn: ['Special', 'User', 'User_talk', 'Project', 'File', 'Help'],
runOnHistory: true,
runOnTalk: true,
runOnDiff: true
init: function (users) {
markAdmins.users = users;
// Wait for user configuration through their .js
// Not adding as a gadget dependency because user .js
// is sometimes invalid and fails loading and
// gadget dependencies do not offer failed/error options
$.when(mw.loader.using('user'), $.ready).then(markAdmins.mergeConfig, markAdmins.mergeConfig);
mergeConfig: function () {
// Merge new configuration
var optionsConfig = mw.user.options.get('markAdminCfg'),
cfg = $.extend(
window.markAdminCfg || {},
optionsConfig ? JSON.parse(optionsConfig) : {}
markAdmins.ns = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber');
cfg.markSubpages = !!window.marksubpages;
cfg.dontMarkMyself = window.dontmarkmyself ? mw.config.get('wgUserName') : false;
// Namespace run conditions
if (!(cfg.runOn.indexOf(mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace')) !== -1 ||
cfg.runOnHistory && mw.config.get('wgAction') === 'history' ||
cfg.runOnTalk && markAdmins.ns % 2 ||
cfg.runOnDiff && !!mw.util.getParamValue('diff'))) return;
// Hook-up content loading
mw.hook('wikipage.content').add(function ($c) { markAdmins.addLabels($c); }); // bind
destroy: function () {
markAdmins.nodes.forEach(function (n) {
nodes: [], // for reInit
reInit: function () {
markAdmins.fullPageProcessed = 0;
addLabels: function ($content) {
// Right, the configuration evaluation is here
// It might be possible to use Ajax for page
// navigation in future.
var cfg = this.config,
noSubpages = !cfg.markSubpages || !!({ Prefixindex: 1, Allpages: 1 })[mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName')],
isUserpage = [2, 3].indexOf(this.ns) !== -1,
reUserpage = /^\/wiki\/User([ _]talk)?:(.+)/,
enabledGroups = {},
marker = {},
node = document.createElement('b');
node.className = 'adminMark';
// Filter enabled groups (Do it here and not later on each anchor)
Object.keys(cfg.groups).forEach(function (g, grpCfg) {
grpCfg = cfg.groups[g];
if (grpCfg.enabled) enabledGroups[g] = grpCfg;
if (!this.fullPageProcessed) $content = mw.util.$content || $content;
if (!$content[0]) return;
anchors = $content[0].getElementsByTagName('a');
// Add also the userpage link
if (isUserpage && !this.fullPageProcessed &&
((isUserpage = document.getElementById('ca-nstab-user')) &&
(isUserpage = isUserpage.getElementsByTagName('a')))) {
anchors = Array.from(anchors);
this.fullPageProcessed = true;
if (cfg.dontMarkMyself) marker[cfg.dontMarkMyself] = '';
for (var i = 0, len = anchors.length; i < len; ++i) {
var a = anchors[i],
m = a.getAttribute('href');
if (!m) continue;
// Extract user page ( /wiki/User_talk:Foo/subpage -> Foo/subpage )
m = m.match(reUserpage);
if (!m || !m[2]) continue;
// Extract user
var userM = m[2],
user = userM.replace(/[/#].*/, ''),
isMainUserpageLink = user === userM;
user = decodeURIComponent(user);
// Two consecutive links to the same user? Don't mark followups!
previousUser = previousUser === user //&& !!m[1]; // isUsertalkLink
if (previousUser) continue; // only once
userM = marker[user];
if (userM === undefined) {
userM = '';
// User groups of selected user, polish user name
m = this.users[user.replace(/_/g, ' ')];
if (!m) continue;
for (var g = 0; g < m.length; g++) {
var grpCfg = enabledGroups[m[g]];
if (!grpCfg) continue;
// String concatenation is oftentimes faster in modern browsers,
// so using Arrays and joining them finally seems advantage.
// But we would need an additional IF, so there is no gain.
if (userM) userM += '/';
userM += grpCfg.label;
marker[user] = userM ? [userM] : userM;
// Are there markers at all?
if (!userM) continue;
// Don't mark certain pages, except link to user main page.
// Does the link go to the main user page or, if linking subpages is enabled,
// is it not a page that is just listing subpages?
if (!isMainUserpageLink && noSubpages) continue;
// Check finished, now append node
marker[user][1] = this.markUser(marker[user], a, node);
// Required for consecutive user link check
previousUser = user;
} // end loop
markUser: function (mark, a, node) {
if (mark[1]) {
node = mark[1].cloneNode(1);
} else {
node = node.cloneNode(1);
node.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\u00A0(' + mark[0] + ')'));
this.nodes.push(node); // for reInit
return node;
}(mediaWiki, jQuery));