Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
Documentation for this user script can be added at User:Kaniivel/RefConsolidate. This user script seems to have an accompanying .css page at User:Kaniivel/RefConsolidate.css. |
* Reference Organizer is a Wikipedia gadget for organizing references in articles. With the gadget,
* you can easily move all references into reference list template, or vice versa. You can select which references
* to move based on citation count, or select references individually. The gadget detects all article's references
* and lists them in a table, where you can see their current location (in reference list template or in article text),
* sort references in various ways, and rename them.
* Copyright 2016–2017 Kaniivel
* Some parts of RefCon are derived from Wikipedia gadget ProveIt. Credit for these parts goes to:
* Copyright 2008-2011 Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta, GA 30332-0415, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
* Copyright 2011- Matthew Flaschen
* Rewritten, internationalized, enhanced and maintained by Felipe Schenone since 2014
* RefCon is available under the GNU Free Documentation License (,
* the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 (,
* and the GNU General Public License 2 (
( function ( mw, $ ) {
var refcon = {
* This variable holds edit textbox text that is modified throughout the script
* @type {string}
textBoxText: '',
* This array holds reference template groups in the order that they appear in article
* @type {array}
templateGroups: [],
* This array holds reference templates in the order that they appear in article
* @type {array}
refTemplates: [],
* This array holds article text parts that are between reference templates
* @type {array}
textParts: [],
* Object for user selectable sort options
* @type {object}
userOptions: {},
* Convenience method to get a RefCon option
* @param {string} option key without the "refcon-" prefix
* @return {string} option value
getOption: function ( key ) {
return mw.config.get( 'refcon-' + key );
* Convenience method to get a RefCon message
* @param {string} message key without the "refcon-" prefix
* @param {array} array of replacements
* @return {string} message value
getMessage: function ( key, param ) {
return new mw.Message( mw.messages, 'refcon-' + key, param ).text();
* Convenience method to get the edit textbox
* @return {jQuery} edit textbox
getTextbox: function () {
return $( '#wpTextbox1' );
* Initialization. Sets up script execution link. If the link is clicked, calls main function
* @return {void}
init: function () {
$([ refcon.getOption( 'image-yes' ),
refcon.getOption( 'image-no' )
]).each( function() {
$('<img/>')[0].src = this;
var linkname = refcon.getOption( 'linkname' ),
linkhover = refcon.getOption( 'linkhover' );
// Add portlet link to the script
if ( document.getElementById( 'ca-edit' ) ) {
var url = mw.util.getUrl( mw.config.get ( 'wgPageName' ), { action: 'edit', RefCon: 'true' });
var portletlink = $( mw.util.addPortletLink (
document.getElementById( 'ca-move' )
// If the portlet link is clicked while on edit page, run the function and do stuff, don't load new page
if( typeof document.forms.editform !== 'undefined' ) {
portletlink.on('click', function (e) {
// Only load when editing
var action = mw.config.get( 'wgAction' );
if ( action === 'edit' || action === 'submit' ) {
// Only if the portlet link was clicked
if ( mw.util.getParamValue('RefCon') ) {
// Only if there is wpTextbox1 on the page
if ( document.getElementById('wpTextbox1') ) {
* Main function. Calls specific subfunctions
* @return {void}
main: function () {
// This is a container function that calls subfunctions and passes their return values to other subfunctions
// First, get indexes of reference templates in article, if there are any
var indexes = refcon.parseIndexes(), i;
if ( indexes.length > 0 ) {
var templateDataList = [], templatesString = '';
// Go through indexes array
for ( i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++ ) {
var refStartIndex = indexes[ i ];
var nextRefStartIndex = indexes[ i + 1 ] ? indexes[ i + 1 ] : refcon.textBoxText.length;
var templateData = refcon.getTemplateContent( refStartIndex, nextRefStartIndex, i );
// don't do anything with the reference template if it is not closed
if ( templateData['refEndIndex'] !== null ) {
templatesString += templateData['templateContent'];
templateDataList.push( templateData );
// Use mw.API to get reflist templates parameter pairs
var paramPairsList = refcon.getTemplateParams( templatesString );
for ( i = 0; i < templateDataList.length; i++ ) {
var paramsPair = typeof paramPairsList[ i ] !== 'undefined' ? paramPairsList[ i ] : {};
var refTemplate = refcon.getTemplateObject( templateDataList[ i ], paramsPair );
refcon.parseTemplateRefs( refTemplate );
// Go through refTemplates array (refTemplates determine the boundaries) and create an array of TextPart objects
// These are text parts of an article that are located between reference templates
// Process references in reference templates, remove duplicate keys and values
for ( i = 0; i < refcon.refTemplates.length; i++ ) {
refcon.refTemplates[ i ].processDuplicates();
// Find and store references and citations in each textPart object
for ( i = 0; i < refcon.textParts.length; i++ ) {
refcon.parseTextParts( refcon.textParts[ i ] );
// Compare references to the ones in reference template(s). Add text part references into reference template.
// Create citations to references.
for ( i = 0; i < refcon.textParts.length; i++ ) {
refcon.processTextPartRefs( refcon.textParts[ i ] );
// Link textPart citations to references
for ( i = 0; i < refcon.textParts.length; i++ ) {
refcon.linkCitations( refcon.textParts[ i ] );
// Show form with references
} else {
* Continue processing after form. Commit changes and show the differences view
* @return {void}
commit: function () {
// Recreate indexes (because names could have been changed in the form)
for ( i = 0; i < refcon.refTemplates.length; i++ ) {
refcon.refTemplates[ i ].reIndex();
// Replace references inside text part strings with citations
for ( i = 0; i < refcon.textParts.length; i++ ) {
refcon.replaceTextPartRefs( refcon.textParts[ i ] );
// Build reference templates
for ( i = 0; i < refcon.refTemplates.length; i++ ) {
refcon.buildRefTemplates( refcon.refTemplates[ i ] );
var newText = refcon.writeTextBoxText();
var textbox = refcon.getTextbox();
var oldText = textbox.val();
if ( oldText != newText ) {
// Update textbox
textbox.val( newText );
// Add summary
* Show form with references
* @return {void}
showForm: function () {
// Define basic elements
var gui = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon' ),
container = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-container' ),
header = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-header' ),
title = $( '<span>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-title' ).text( refcon.getOption( 'gadgetname' ) ),
closer = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-close' ).addClass( 'refcon-abort' ).html( '×' ).attr('title', refcon.getMessage( 'closetitle' )),
content = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-content' ),
form = $( '<form>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-form' ),
table = $( '<table>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-table' );
// Put everything together and add it to DOM
header.append( title, closer );
content.append( form ).append( table );
container.append( header, content );
gui.append( container );
$( 'body' ).prepend( gui );
// Make GUI draggable
handle: header
// Set GUI width and height to 80% of user's window size (fallback is CSS-predefined values, if this fails)
var width = $(window).width();
var height = $(window).height();
if ( ( Number.isInteger( width ) && width > 0 ) && ( Number.isInteger( height ) && height > 0 ) ) {
content.css("width", Math.floor( width * 0.8 ));
content.css("height", Math.floor( height * 0.8 ));
// Build table and fill it with reference data
<th class="refcon-sortable refcon-asc"><span>#</span></th>\
<th class="refcon-sortable"><span>'+refcon.getMessage( 'name' )+'</span></th>\
<th class="refcon-sortable"><span>'+refcon.getMessage( 'reference' )+'</span></th>\
<th class="refcon-sortable"><span>'+refcon.getMessage( 'referenceuses' )+'</span></th>\
var i;
for ( i = 0; i < refcon.refTemplates.length; i++ ) {
var refTemplate = refcon.refTemplates[ i ];
table.append('<tr id="templateheader'+i+'"><td class="refcon-templategroup" colspan="5" align="center">'
+ refcon.getMessage( 'refstemplateno' ) + ' ' + ( i + 1 )
+ (refcon.templateGroups[ i ].length > 0 ? ' (' + refcon.getMessage( 'referencegroup' ) + ': ' + refcon.templateGroups[ i ] + ')' : '')
+ '</td></tr>');
var j, k = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < refTemplate.references.length; j++ ) {
var reference = refTemplate.references[ j ];
if ( reference ) {
var cssClass = k % 2 == 0 ? 'refcon-even' : 'refcon-odd';
'<tr template="' + i + '">'
+ '<td class="' + cssClass + '"><img src="' + refcon.getOption( 'image-yes' ) + '"></td>'
+ '<td class="' + cssClass + '" align="center">' + k + '</td>'
+ '<td class="' + cssClass + '"><input class="refcon-refname" type="text" template_id="' + i + '" name="' + j + '" value="' + + '"></td>'
+ '<td class="' + cssClass + ' refcontent">' + reference.content + '</td>'
+ '<td class="' + cssClass + '" align="center">' + reference.citations.length + '</td>'
+ '<td class="' + cssClass + '"><input class="refcon-refplace" type="checkbox" name="' + j + '" value="' + reference.citations.length + '"' + ( reference.inRefTemplate === true ? 'checked' : '' ) + '></td>'
+ '</tr>');
table.append('<tr><td colspan="5"><table id="refcon-table-options">\
<tr><td><span class="refcon-option-header">' + refcon.getMessage( 'optionsheaderreflocation' ) + '</span></td><td width="20"></td><td><span class="refcon-option-header">' + refcon.getMessage( 'optionsheaderother' ) + '</span></td></tr>\
<tr><td><span class="refcon-option-point"><input class="refcon-refplacement" type="radio" name="reference-place" value="template"> ' + refcon.getMessage( 'optionlocation1' ) + '</span></td><td width="20"></td><td><span class="refcon-option-point"><input type="checkbox" id="refcon-savesorted" name="sort" value="yes">'+ refcon.getMessage( 'checkboxsortorder' ) +'</span></td></tr>\
<tr><td><span class="refcon-option-point"><input class="refcon-refplacement" type="radio" name="reference-place" value="text"> ' + refcon.getMessage( 'optionlocation2' ) + '</span></td><td width="20"></td><td><span class="refcon-option-point"><input type="checkbox" id="refcon-keepnames" name="names" value="yes">'+ refcon.getMessage( 'checkboxkeepnames' ) +'</span></td></tr>\
<tr><td><span class="refcon-option-point"><input class="refcon-refplacement" type="radio" name="reference-place" value="usage"> ' + refcon.getMessage( 'optionlocation3', [ '<input id="refcon-table-options-uses" type="text" name="min_uses" size="2" value="2">' ]) + '</span></td><td width="20"></td><td><span class="refcon-option-point"><input type="checkbox" id="refcon-makecopies" name="copies" value="yes">'+ refcon.getMessage( 'checkboxmakecopies' ) +'</span></td></tr>\
table.append('<tr id="refcon-buttons"><td colspan="5" align="center"><button type="button" id="refcon-abort-button" class="refcon-abort">'
+ refcon.getMessage( 'buttonabort' ) + '</button><button type="button" id="refcon-continue-button">'
+ refcon.getMessage( 'buttoncontinue' ) + '</button></td></tr>');
container.css( 'display', 'block' );
// Bind events
// Close window when user clicks on 'x'
$( '.refcon-abort' ).on( 'click', function() {
// Activate 'Continue' button when user changes some reference name
$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refname' ).on( 'input', function() {
$( '#refcon-continue-button' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' );
// Validate reference names when user clicks 'Continue'. If there are errors, disable 'Continue' button
$( '#refcon-continue-button' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
if ( table.find('[data-invalid]').length === 0 ) {
} else {
$( '#refcon-continue-button' ).attr('disabled', true);
// Sort table if user clicks on sortable table header
$( ".refcon-sortable" ).on('click', function() {
refcon.sortTable( $(this) );
$( "#refcon-table .refcon-refplacement" ).on( 'change', function() {
switch( $( this ).val() ) {
case 'template':
$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refplace' ).prop('checked', true);
case 'text':
$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refplace' ).prop('checked', false);
case 'usage':
// When user clicks on uses input field, select the third radio checkbox
$( "#refcon-table-options-uses" ).on( 'focus', function() {
$('#refcon-table-options input:radio[name=reference-place]:nth(2)').trigger( "click" );
$( "#refcon-table-options-uses" ).on( 'input', function() {
sortTable: function ( columnHeader ) {
var order = $( columnHeader ).hasClass('refcon-asc') ? 'refcon-desc' : 'refcon-asc';
$( columnHeader ).addClass( order );
var colIndex = $( columnHeader ).prevAll().length;
var tbod = $( columnHeader ).closest("table").find("tbody");
var i;
for ( i = 0; i < refcon.templateGroups.length; i++ ) {
var rows = $( tbod ).children("tr[template='" + i + "']");
rows.sort( function( a,b ) {
var A = $(a).children("td").eq(colIndex).has("input").length ? $(a).children("td").eq(colIndex).children("input").val() : $(a).children("td").eq(colIndex).text();
var B = $(b).children("td").eq(colIndex).has("input").length ? $(b).children("td").eq(colIndex).children("input").val() : $(b).children("td").eq(colIndex).text();
if ( colIndex === 1 || colIndex === 4 ) {
A = Number(A);
B = Number(B);
return order === 'refcon-asc' ? A - B : B - A;
} else {
if ( order === 'refcon-asc' ) {
return A.localeCompare( B, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) );
} else {
return B.localeCompare( A, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) );
$( rows ).each( function( index ) {
$( this ).children("td").removeClass('refcon-even').removeClass('refcon-odd');
$( this ).children("td").addClass( index % 2 == 0 ? 'refcon-odd' : 'refcon-even' );
$( columnHeader ).closest("table").find("tbody").children("tr[template='" + i + "']").remove();
$( columnHeader ).closest("table").find("#templateheader"+i).after( rows );
// Activate 'Continue' button when user changes some reference name
$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refname' ).on( 'input', function() {
$( '#refcon-continue-button' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' );
selectReferencesByUsage: function () {
var usage = $( "#refcon-table-options-uses" ).val();
if ( usage.length > 0 ) {
var regex = /[^0-9]+/;
if ( !usage.match( regex ) ) {
usage = Number( usage );
$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refplace' ).each(function() {
if ( $(this).attr('value') >= usage )
$(this).prop('checked', true);
$(this).prop('checked', false);
validateInput: function () {
var names = {}, duplicateNames = {}, i;
for ( i = 0; i < refcon.templateGroups.length; i++ ) {
names[ i ] = {};
duplicateNames[ i ] = {};
$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refname' ).each(function() {
if ( $(this).val() in names[ $(this).attr('template_id') ] ) {
duplicateNames[ $(this).attr('template_id') ][ $(this).val() ] = 1;
} else {
names[ $(this).attr('template_id') ][ $(this).val() ] = 1;
$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refname' ).each(function() {
if ( $(this).val() in duplicateNames[ $(this).attr('template_id') ] ) {
refcon.markFieldAsInvalid( $(this) );
} else if ( $(this).val() === '' ) {
refcon.markFieldAsInvalid( $(this) );
} else if ( $(this).val().match(/[<>"]/) !== null ) {
refcon.markFieldAsInvalid( $(this) );
} else {
refcon.markFieldAsValid( $(this) );
markFieldAsValid: function ( inputField ) {
$( inputField ).removeAttr( 'data-invalid' );
$( inputField ).closest( 'tr' ).find( 'img' ).attr( 'src', refcon.getOption( 'image-yes' ));
markFieldAsInvalid: function ( inputField ) {
$( inputField ).attr( 'data-invalid', 1 );
$( inputField ).closest( 'tr' ).find( 'img' ).attr( 'src', refcon.getOption( 'image-no' ));
* Process form after the Save button was pressed
* @return {void}
afterScreenSave: function () {
$( '#refcon-table tr[template]' ).each(function() {
var refName = $( this ).find( '.refcon-refname' );
var name = refName.val();
var templateId = refName.attr( 'template_id' );
var refId = refName.attr( 'name' );
// change reference names to the ones from the form, in case some name was changed
refcon.refTemplates[ templateId ].references[ refId ].changeName( name );
// save reference location preference from the form into reference object
var refPlace = $( this ).find( '.refcon-refplace' );
refcon.refTemplates[ templateId ].references[ refId ].inRefTemplate = refPlace.prop('checked') ? true : false;
// If user has checked "save sorted" checkbox
if ( $('#refcon-savesorted').prop('checked') ) {
var sortOptions = {};
if ( $( '.refcon-asc' ).prevAll().length ) {
sortOptions['column'] = $( '.refcon-asc' ).prevAll().length;
sortOptions['order'] = 'asc';
} else if ( $( '.refcon-desc' ).prevAll().length ) {
sortOptions['column'] = $( '.refcon-desc' ).prevAll().length;
sortOptions['order'] = 'desc';
refcon.userOptions['sort'] = sortOptions;
// If user has checked "keep names" checkbox
if ( $('#refcon-keepnames').prop('checked') )
refcon.userOptions['keepnames'] = true;
refcon.userOptions['keepnames'] = false;
// If user has checked "separate copies" checkbox
if ( $('#refcon-makecopies').prop('checked') )
refcon.userOptions['makecopies'] = true;
refcon.userOptions['makecopies'] = false;
* Parse article text and find all reference templates indexes
* @return {array} Start indexes of all reference templates
parseIndexes: function () {
var refTemplateNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplatenames' );
var wikitext = refcon.getTextbox().val(),
i, name, re, refTemplateIndexes = [];
// Make all appearances of the reference templates in article text uniform
if ( Array.isArray( refTemplateNames ) ) {
var refTemplateName = refTemplateNames[0];
for ( i = 0; i < refTemplateNames.length; i++ ) {
name = refTemplateNames[ i ];
re = new RegExp( '{{\s*' + name, 'gi' );
wikitext = wikitext.replace( re, '{{' + refTemplateName );
// Find all indexes of the reference template in the article and put them into array
// Index is the place in article text where references template starts
var pos = wikitext.indexOf( '{{' + refTemplateName );
if (pos !== -1)
refTemplateIndexes.push( pos );
while (pos !== -1) {
pos = wikitext.indexOf( '{{' + refTemplateName, pos + 1 );
if (pos !== -1)
refTemplateIndexes.push( pos );
} else {
// call some error handling function and halt
// Set the refcon variable with modified wikitext
refcon.textBoxText = wikitext;
return ( refTemplateIndexes );
* Get reference template's content and end index
* @param {integer} reference template's index in article text
* @param {integer} next reference template's index in article text
* @return {object} reference template's content string, start and end indexes
getTemplateContent: function (templateIndex, nextTemplateIndex) {
var textPart = refcon.textBoxText.substring(templateIndex, nextTemplateIndex);
var i, depth = 1, prevChar = '', templateEndIndex = 0, templateAbsEndIndex = null, templateContent = '';
// Go through the textPart and find the template's end code '}}'
// @todo: could use ProveIt's alternative code here
for ( i = 2; i < nextTemplateIndex; i++ ) {
if (textPart.charAt(i) === "{" && prevChar === "{")
if (textPart.charAt(i) === "}" && prevChar === "}")
if (depth === 0) {
templateEndIndex = i + 1;
prevChar = textPart.charAt(i);
// If templateEndIndex is 0, reference template's ending '}}' is missing in the textPart
if ( templateEndIndex > 0 ) {
templateContent = textPart.substring(0, templateEndIndex);
templateAbsEndIndex = templateIndex + templateEndIndex;
return ({
'templateContent': templateContent,
'refStartIndex' : templateIndex,
'refEndIndex': templateAbsEndIndex
* Get all reference templates' name and value pairs using a single mw.Api call
* @param {string} String that contains all article's reflist templates
* @return {array} List of reference template objects with parameter names and values
getTemplateParams: function ( templatesString ) {
var paramPairsList = [];
var refTemplateNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplatenames' );
if ( Array.isArray( refTemplateNames ) ) {
var mainRefTemplateName = refTemplateNames[0];
} else {
// call some error handling function and halt
// We will do a single API call to get all reflist templates parameter pairs
new mw.Api().post({
'action': 'expandtemplates',
'text': templatesString,
'prop': 'parsetree'
}, { async: false }).done( function ( data ) {
var parsetree = data.expandtemplates.parsetree;
var result = xmlToJSON.parseString( parsetree );
var i, templateRoot = result.root[0].template;
//@todo: could rewrite the code to use JSON.parse
for ( i = 0; i < templateRoot.length; i++ ) {
if ( templateRoot[ i ].title[0]['_text'] === mainRefTemplateName ) {
var paramPairs = {};
var part = templateRoot[ i ].part;
if ( typeof part !== 'undefined' ) {
var j, name, value, ext;
for ( j = 0; j < part.length; j++ ) {
if ( typeof part[ j ].equals !== 'undefined' ) {
name = part[ j ].name[0]['_text'];
} else {
name = part[ j ].name[0]['_attr']['index']['_value'];
name = typeof name === 'string' ? name.trim() : name;
// By checking 'ext' first, '_text' second,
// if the parameter value is a list of references that contains some text between the reference tags, the text is lost.
// But at least we get the references and not the text instead
if ( typeof part[ j ].value[0]['ext'] !== 'undefined' ) {
ext = part[ j ].value[0]['ext'];
if ( Array.isArray( ext ) ) {
var k, attr, inner;
value = [];
for ( k = 0; k < ext.length; k++ ) {
if ( typeof ext[ k ]['name'][0]['_text'] !== 'undefined' && ext[ k ]['name'][0]['_text'].toLowerCase() === 'ref'
&& typeof ext[ k ]['close'][0]['_text'] !== 'undefined' && ext[ k ]['close'][0]['_text'].toLowerCase() === '</ref>' ) {
if ( typeof ext[ k ]['attr'][0]['_text'] !== 'undefined' && typeof ext[ k ]['inner'][0]['_text'] !== 'undefined' ) {
'attr': ext[ k ]['attr'][0]['_text'],
'inner': ext[ k ]['inner'][0]['_text']
} else if ( typeof part[ j ].value[0]['_text'] !== 'undefined' ) {
value = part[ j ].value[0]['_text'];
value = typeof value === 'string' ? value.trim() : value;
paramPairs[ name ] = value;
paramPairsList.push( paramPairs );
return ( paramPairsList );
* Get reference template object from paramPairs and templateData objects
* @param {object} reference template data object with indexes and template content
* @param {object} reference template parameter pairs object with param names and values
* @return {object} reference template object
getTemplateObject: function ( templateData, paramPairs ) {
var name, i, groupName;
var refGroupNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplategroupnames' );
// Go through paramPairs and see if there is a configuration defined group name in parameter names. Get it's value
if ( Array.isArray( refGroupNames ) ) {
if ( typeof paramPairs === 'object' ) {
for ( i = 0; i < refGroupNames.length; i++ ) {
var name = refGroupNames[ i ];
if ( typeof paramPairs[ name ] !== 'undefined' ) {
groupName = paramPairs[ name ];
} else {
// call some error handling function and halt
if ( typeof groupName === 'undefined' ) {
groupName = '';
refcon.templateGroups.push( groupName );
// Build basic reference template
var refTemplate = new refcon.RefTemplate({
'group': groupName,
'string': templateData[ 'templateContent' ],
'start': templateData[ 'refStartIndex' ],
'end': templateData[ 'refEndIndex' ],
'params': paramPairs
return ( refTemplate );
* Parse references in reference template's refs field (using mw.Api)
* @param {object} refTemplate object
* @return {void}
parseTemplateRefs: function ( refTemplate ) {
var refsNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplaterefsnames' );
var refsArray, refsName, i;
if ( Array.isArray( refsNames ) ) {
if ( typeof refTemplate.params === 'object' ) {
for ( i = 0; i < refsNames.length; i++ ) {
refsName = refsNames[ i ];
if ( typeof refTemplate.params[ refsName ] !== 'undefined' ) {
refsArray = refTemplate.params[ refsName ];
} else {
// call some error handling function and halt
// Look for references inside the reference template's refs parameter
if ( typeof refsArray !== 'undefined' && refsArray.length > 0) {
for ( i = 0; i < refsArray.length; i++ ) {
// Turn all matches into reference objects
reference = refcon.parseReference( [ '', refsArray[i].attr, refsArray[i].inner ], 'reference' );
// Only add references that have name
if ( reference['name'].length > 0 ) {
refTemplate.addRef( reference );
refcon.refTemplates.push( refTemplate );
* Make a reference object out of a reference string
* @param {array} match array produced by regexp
* @param {string} type. can be either "reference" or "citation"
* @return {object} returns either reference object or citation object based on type
parseReference: function ( data, type ) {
var params = {}, referenceName, referenceGroup,
referenceString = data[0], refParamString = data[1],
referenceContent = data[2], referenceIndex = data.index;
if (typeof refParamString !== 'undefined') {
refParamString = refParamString.trim();
if (refParamString.length > 0) {
//Examples of strings to extract name and group from
//group="arvuti" name="refname1"
//name="refname2" group="arvuti str"
//name="refname1 blah"
var re = /(?:(name|group)\s*=\s*(?:"([^"]+)"|'([^']+)'|([^ ]+)))(?:\s+(name|group)\s*=\s*(?:"([^"]+)"|'([^']+)'|([^ ]+)))?/i;
var match = refParamString.match(re);
try {
if ( typeof match[1] !== 'undefined' && ( typeof match[2] !== 'undefined' || typeof match[3] !== 'undefined' || typeof match[4] !== 'undefined' ) ) {
if ( typeof match[2] !== 'undefined' ) {
params[ match[1] ] = match[2];
} else if ( typeof match[3] !== 'undefined' ) {
params[ match[1] ] = match[3];
} else {
params[ match[1] ] = match[4];
if ( typeof match[5] !== 'undefined' && ( typeof match[6] !== 'undefined' || typeof match[7] !== 'undefined' || typeof match[8] !== 'undefined' ) ) {
if ( typeof match[6] !== 'undefined' ) {
params[ match[5] ] = match[6];
} else if ( typeof match[7] !== 'undefined' ) {
params[ match[5] ] = match[7];
} else {
params[ match[5] ] = match[8];
} catch ( e ) {
refcon.throwReferenceError( referenceString, refcon.getMessage( 'parsereferror', [ referenceString ] ), e );
referenceName = params['name'] ? params['name'] : '';
referenceGroup = params['group'] ? params['group'] : '';
if ( typeof referenceGroup === 'undefined' )
referenceGroup = '';
if ( typeof referenceName === 'undefined' )
referenceName = '';
var found = referenceName.match(/[<>"]/);
if ( found !== null ) {
refcon.throwReferenceError( referenceString, refcon.getMessage( 'parserefforbidden', [ found[0], referenceString ] ));
// Clean reference name and content of newlines, double spaces, leading or trailing whitespace and more
referenceName = refcon.cleanString( referenceName, 'name' );
if ( typeof referenceContent !== 'undefined' )
referenceContent = refcon.cleanString( referenceContent, 'content' );
if ( type === 'reference' ) {
// Build the basic reference
var reference = new refcon.Reference({
'group': referenceGroup,
'name': referenceName,
'content': referenceContent,
'index': referenceIndex,
'string': referenceString
} else if ( type === 'citation' ) {
// Build the basic citation
var reference = new refcon.Citation({
'group': referenceGroup,
'name': referenceName,
'index': referenceIndex,
'string': referenceString
return reference;
throwReferenceError: function ( referenceString, message, error ) {
var found = refcon.getTextbox().val().match( refcon.escapeRegExp( referenceString ) );
refcon.highlight( found.index, referenceString );
window.alert( message );
throw new Error( error );
* Clean reference name and content of newlines, double spaces, leading or trailing whitespace, etc
* @param {string} reference name or reference content string
* @param (string) whether the string is name or content
* @return {string} cleaned reference name and content
cleanString: function ( str, type ) {
// get rid of newlines and trailing/leading space
str = str.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,' ').trim();
// get rid of double whitespace inside string
str = str.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ');
// if the str is content, get rid of extra space before template closing / after template opening
if ( type === 'content') {
str = str.replace(/ }}/g, '}}');
str = str.replace(/{{ /g, '{{');
return (str);
escapeRegExp: function ( str ) {
return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
* Highlight string in the textbox and scroll it to view
* @return {void}
highlight: function ( index, string ) {
var textbox = refcon.getTextbox()[0],
text = textbox.value;
// Scroll to the string
textbox.value = text.substring( 0, index );
textbox.scrollTop = 99999999; // Larger than any real textarea (hopefully)
var currentScrollTop = textbox.scrollTop;
textbox.value += text.substring( index );
if ( currentScrollTop > 0 ) {
textbox.scrollTop = currentScrollTop + 300;
// Highlight the string
var start = index,
end = start + string.length;
$( textbox ).focus().textSelection( 'setSelection', { 'start': start, 'end': end } );
* Turn all article text parts – parts that are between reference templates – into objects and save into array
* @return {void}
storeTextParts: function () {
var i, text, refEnd, from, to, textPart;
for ( i = 0; i < refcon.refTemplates.length; i++ ) {
from = refEnd ? refEnd : 0;
to = refcon.refTemplates[ i ]['start'];
refEnd = refcon.refTemplates[ i ]['end'];
if ( to === 0 ) {
text = refcon.textBoxText.substring( from, to );
// Textpart's references can only be in templates that come after the textpart in article text
var j, groupName, groupNames = {};
for ( j = i; j < refcon.refTemplates.length; j++ ) {
groupName = refcon.templateGroups[ j ];
// Only add the first instance of template group
if ( typeof groupNames[ groupName ] === 'undefined' ) {
groupNames[ groupName ] = j;
// @todo: check what happens if a reference template follows another reference template without any space.
// Does textpart still get correct inTemplate sequence?
// Create new TextPart object and store it
textPart = new refcon.TextPart({
'start': from,
'end': to,
'string': text,
'inTemplates': groupNames
refcon.textParts.push( textPart );
// Add the last text part after the last reference template
if ( typeof refEnd === 'number' && refEnd > 0 ) {
if ( refcon.textBoxText.length > refEnd ) {
text = refcon.textBoxText.substring( refEnd, refcon.textBoxText.length );
textPart = new refcon.TextPart({
'start': refEnd,
'end': refcon.textBoxText.length,
'string': text
refcon.textParts.push( textPart );
* Find all references and citations in a TextPart object and store them in the object.
* @param {object} TextPart object
parseTextParts: function ( textPart ) {
if ( typeof textPart.string !== 'undefined' && textPart.string.length > 0 ) {
// Look for all citations
// Citations come in two forms:
// 1. <ref name="CV Kontrollikoda"/>
// 2. <ref name="pm"></ref>
// Ref label can have optional group parameter:
// <ref group="blah" name="CV Kontrollikoda"/> or <ref name="CV Kontrollikoda" group="blah"/>
// Group and name parameter values can be between '' or "", or bare (if value has no whitespaces)
var citations = [],
citationsRegExp = /<ref(\s+[^/>]+)(?:\/\s*>|><\/ref>)/ig,
while ( ( match = citationsRegExp.exec( textPart.string ) ) ) {
// Turn all the matches into citation objects
citation = refcon.parseReference( match, 'citation' );
if ( typeof citation === 'object' && typeof !== 'undefined' ) {
citations.push( citation );
textPart.citations = citations;
// Look for all references
var references = [],
referencesRegExp = /<ref(\s+[^\/]+?)?>([\s\S]*?)<\/ref>/ig,
while ( ( match = referencesRegExp.exec( textPart.string ) ) ) {
// Avoid further processing of citations like <ref name="pm"></ref>
if ( match[2] === '' ) {
// Turn all the matches into reference objects
reference = refcon.parseReference( match, 'reference' );
references.push( reference );
textPart.references = references;
* Compare references in a TextPart object to the references in reference template (if there are any). Add references into
* reference template. Update indexes. For each reference create citation object and link it with reflist template reference.
* @param {object} TextPart object
processTextPartRefs: function ( textPart ) {
var i, reference, refTemplate, templateRef,
createdCitations = [];
for ( i = 0; i < textPart.references.length; i++ ) {
reference = textPart.references[ i ];
refTemplate = refcon.refTemplates[ textPart.inTemplates[ ] ];
// First add named references, because otherwise we could create new records (and names)
// for already existing text part defined references
if ( reference.content.length > 0 && > 0 ) {
// First check if this a complete duplicate reference (name and value are the same)
templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'keyValues', + '_' + reference.content );
if ( typeof templateRef === 'object' ) {
if ( === && templateRef.content === reference.content ) {
// found exact duplicate
var citation = new refcon.Citation({
'index': reference.index,
'string': reference.string
templateRef.citations.push( citation );
createdCitations.push( citation );
// Check if the reference has the same name but different content than template reference
templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'keys', );
if ( typeof templateRef === 'object' ) {
if ( === && templateRef.content !== reference.content ) {
// found reference with the same name but different content
// add reference content to template references under new name
var newName = refTemplate.getNewName( );
var newRef = new refcon.Reference({
'name': newName,
'content': reference.content,
'inRefTemplate': false
var citation = new refcon.Citation({
'name': newName,
'index': reference.index,
'string': reference.string
newRef.citations.push( citation );
refTemplate.addRef( newRef );
createdCitations.push( citation );
// add names into replacements object, so we can replace all citation names that use the old name
refTemplate.replacements[ ] = newName;
// Check if the reference has the same content but different name than template reference
templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'values', reference.content );
if ( typeof templateRef === 'object' ) {
if ( templateRef.content === reference.content && !== ) {
// Found reference with the same content but different name.
// Drop reference name, use reflist template reference name as citation name
var citation = new refcon.Citation({
'index': reference.index,
'string': reference.string
templateRef.citations.push( citation );
createdCitations.push( citation );
// add names into replacements object, so we can replace all citation names that use the old name
refTemplate.replacements[ ] =;
// If we get here, it means we've got a named reference that has not yet been described in reflist template.
// Add the reference to reflist references
var newRef = new refcon.Reference({
'content': reference.content,
'inRefTemplate': false
var citation = new refcon.Citation({
'index': reference.index,
'string': reference.string
newRef.citations.push( citation );
refTemplate.addRef( newRef );
createdCitations.push( citation );
// Now we go through unnamed references
for ( i = 0; i < textPart.references.length; i++ ) {
reference = textPart.references[ i ];
refTemplate = refcon.refTemplates[ textPart.inTemplates[ ] ];
if ( reference.content.length > 0 && === 0 ) {
templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'values', reference.content );
if ( typeof templateRef === 'object' ) {
if ( templateRef.content === reference.content ) {
// found reference with the same content
var citation = new refcon.Citation({
'index': reference.index,
'string': reference.string
templateRef.citations.push( citation );
createdCitations.push( citation );
// If we get here, we have a completely new unnamed reference
// add the reference to template references
var newName = refTemplate.getNewName();
var newRef = new refcon.Reference({
'name': newName,
'content': reference.content,
'inRefTemplate': false
var citation = new refcon.Citation({
'name': newName,
'index': reference.index,
'string': reference.string
newRef.citations.push( citation );
refTemplate.addRef( newRef );
createdCitations.push( citation );
textPart.linkedCitations = createdCitations;
* Link citations to their reflist template references
* @param {object} TextPart object
* @return {void}
linkCitations: function ( textPart ) {
var citation, refTemplate, replaceName, templateRef,
for ( i = 0; i < textPart.citations.length; i++ ) {
citation = textPart.citations[ i ];
refTemplate = refcon.refTemplates[ textPart.inTemplates[ ] ];
if ( > 0 ) {
// If there is replacement name in replacements object, replace the citation name
replaceName = refTemplate.replacements[ ];
if ( typeof replaceName !== 'undefined' ) { = replaceName;
// For each citation try to find its reference
templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'keys', );
if ( typeof templateRef === 'object' ) {
if ( === ) {
templateRef.citations.push( citation );
textPart.linkedCitations.push( citation );
* Replace all references in TextPart object string with citations. Also replace citation names that were changed in previous steps
* @param {object} TextPart object
* @return {void}
replaceTextPartRefs: function ( textPart ) {
var i, citation, refTemplate, templateRef;
for ( i = 0; i < textPart.linkedCitations.length; i++ ) {
citation = textPart.linkedCitations[ i ];
if ( > 0 ) {
refTemplate = refcon.refTemplates[ textPart.inTemplates[ ] ];
templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'keys', );
// For the references that are marked as "in reference list template" replace all instances with citation
if ( templateRef.inRefTemplate === true ) {
textPart.string = textPart.string.replace( citation.string, citation.toString() );
// For the references that are marked as "in the body of article"...
} else {
// if the reference has just one use, output the reference string w/o name (unless user options "keep names" was selected)
if ( templateRef.citations.length == 1 ) {
textPart.string = textPart.string.replace( citation.string, templateRef.toStringText( refcon.userOptions.keepnames ) );
// if the reference has more uses...
} else {
// if user has requested every article body reference to be separate copy...
if ( refcon.userOptions.makecopies === true ) {
textPart.string = textPart.string.replace( citation.string, templateRef.toStringText( refcon.userOptions.keepnames ) );
// if copies option was not requested...
} else {
// if the reference has not been output yet, output named reference
if ( templateRef.wasPrinted === false ) {
textPart.string = textPart.string.replace( citation.string, templateRef.toStringText( true ) );
// mark reference as printed
templateRef.wasPrinted = true;
// if the reference has already been printed, output citation
} else {
textPart.string = textPart.string.replace( citation.string, citation.toString() );
* Build reference templates
* @param {object} RefTemplate object
* @return {void}
buildRefTemplates: function ( refTemplate ) {
var i, reference, referencesString = '', refsAdded = false;
// sort references if user has checked the checkbox
if ( typeof refcon.userOptions.sort === 'object' && Object.keys( refcon.userOptions.sort ).length > 0 ) {
refcon.sortReferences ( refTemplate );
// turn reference data into reflist parameter value string
for ( i = 0; i < refTemplate.references.length; i++ ) {
reference = refTemplate.references[ i ];
if ( typeof reference === 'object' && reference.inRefTemplate === true ) {
referencesString += reference.toString() + "\n";
// Cut the last newline
referencesString = referencesString.substr( 0, referencesString.length - 1 );
var refTemplateNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplatenames' );
if ( Array.isArray( refTemplateNames ) ) {
var refTemplateName = refTemplateNames[0];
} else {
// call some error handling function and halt
var refsNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplaterefsnames' );
if ( Array.isArray( refsNames ) ) {
var refsName = refsNames[0];
} else {
// call some error handling function and halt
var templateString = '{{' + refTemplateName;
// Build references template string
if ( Object.keys( refTemplate.params ).length > 0 ) {
// Go through params object
for ( var name in refTemplate.params ) {
var value = refTemplate.params[ name ];
// If param name matches with config name for reference list template refs param...
if ( refsNames.indexOf( name ) > -1 ) {
// ... only if there are references in reflist template
if ( referencesString.length > 0 ) {
// ... add refstring to reflist params
templateString += '|' + refsName + '=' + "\n" + referencesString;
refsAdded = true;
} else if ( typeof value !== 'string' && typeof value !== 'number' ) {
// If value is anything other than string or number, skip it.
// Value is array if, for example, references are incorrectly defined inside unnamed parameter.
templateString += '|' + name + '=' + value;
// if the reflist template was without any parameters, add parameter and references here
if ( refsAdded === false && referencesString.length > 0 ) {
templateString += '|' + refsName + "=\n" + referencesString;
if ( referencesString.length > 0 )
templateString += "\n}}";
templateString += "}}";
refTemplate.string = templateString;
* Sort references inside reflist template according to user preferences
* @param {object} Reftemplate object
* @return {void}
sortReferences: function ( refTemplate ) {
if ( refcon.userOptions.sort.column === 1 ) {
refTemplate.references = refcon.userOptions.sort.order === 'desc' ? refTemplate.references.reverse() : refTemplate.references;
} else {
refTemplate.references.sort( function( a,b ) {
// order by reference name
if ( refcon.userOptions.sort.column === 2 ) {
return refcon.userOptions.sort.order === 'asc' ?, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) ) :, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) );
// order by reference content
} else if ( refcon.userOptions.sort.column === 3 ) {
return refcon.userOptions.sort.order === 'asc' ? a.content.localeCompare( b.content, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) ) : b.content.localeCompare( a.content, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) );
// order by citations count
} else if ( refcon.userOptions.sort.column === 4 ) {
return refcon.userOptions.sort.order === 'asc' ? a.citations.length - b.citations.length : b.citations.length - a.citations.length;
* Verify if configuration option should be used. Return true or false
* @param {string} Refcon option as returned by refcon.getOption method
* @param {string} User configuration variable content
* @return {boolean} True of false
useConfigOption: function ( configOptionValue, userConfigOptionName ) {
var result = false;
switch ( configOptionValue ) {
case 'yes':
result = true;
case 'no':
result = false;
case 'user':
if ( typeof refConsolidateConfig === 'object' && typeof refConsolidateConfig[ userConfigOptionName ] !== 'undefined' && refConsolidateConfig[ userConfigOptionName ] === true ) {
result = true;
result = false;
return ( result );
* Write text parts and reference templates into textbox variable
* @return {string} String that contains article text
writeTextBoxText: function () {
var textBoxString = '';
for ( i = 0; i < refcon.textParts.length; i++ ) {
textPart = refcon.textParts[ i ];
textBoxString += textPart.string;
if ( typeof refcon.refTemplates[ i ] === 'object' ) {
textBoxString += refcon.refTemplates[ i ].string;
return ( textBoxString );
* Index into reference template template objects and return template object
* @param {object} reference template object
* @param {string} index name
* @param {integer} key to index into
* @return {object} reference template object
getRefByIndex: function ( refTemplate, dictname, key ) {
var templateRef;
var refDict = refTemplate[ dictname ];
if ( key in refDict && Array.isArray( refDict[ key ] ) ) {
var refKey = refDict[ key ][0];
var templateRef = refTemplate.getRef( refKey );
return ( templateRef );
* Add the RefCon edit summary
* @return {void}
addSummary: function () {
var currentSummary = $( '#wpSummary' ).val();
var refconSummary = refcon.getOption( 'summary' );
var summarySeparator = refcon.getOption( 'summaryseparator' );
if ( !refconSummary ) {
return; // No summary defined
if ( currentSummary.indexOf( refconSummary ) > -1 ) {
return; // Don't add it twice
$( '#wpSummary' ).val( currentSummary ? currentSummary + summarySeparator + refconSummary : refconSummary );
* Set minor edit checkbox and click View Differences button
* @return {void}
showDifferenceView: function () {
document.forms.editform.wpMinoredit.checked = true;;
* Produces random string with a given length
* @param {integer} string length
* @param {string} charset (optional)
* @return {string} random string
randomString: function ( len, charSet ) {
charSet = charSet || 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
var randomString = '';
for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
var randomPoz = Math.floor( Math.random() * charSet.length );
randomString += charSet.substring( randomPoz, randomPoz+1 );
return randomString;
* Empty refcon arrays before script exit
* @return {void}
cleanUp: function () {
refcon.refTemplates = [];
refcon.templateGroups = [];
refcon.textParts = [];
refcon.textBoxText = [];
* TextPart class
* @param {object} data for constructing the object
TextPart: function ( data ) {
* Article text start index
this.start = typeof data.start === 'number' ? data.start : null;
* Article text end index
this.end = typeof data.end === 'number' ? data.end : null;
* Article text content string
this.string = data.string ? data.string : '';
* Array that has indexes of reference templates that apply to this text part
this.inTemplates = data.inTemplates ? data.inTemplates : {};
* Temporary holding array for reference objects
this.references = [];
* Temporary holding array for citation objects
this.citations = [];
* Array that hold citation objects that are linked to reflist template references
this.linkedCitations = [];
* Citation class
* @param {object} data for constructing the object
Citation: function (data) {
* Citation group
*/ = ? : '';
* Citation name
*/ = ? : '';
* Citation location in the edit textbox
this.index = data.index ? data.index : 0;
* Citation wikitext
* Example: <ref name="abc" />
this.string = data.string ? data.string : '';
* Convert this citation to wikitext
this.toString = function () {
var useTemplateR = false;
// check if we should use template {{R}} for shorter citation format
useTemplateR = refcon.useConfigOption( refcon.getOption( 'usetemplateR' ), 'usetemplateR' );
var startString = useTemplateR ? '{{r' : '<ref';
var groupString = useTemplateR ? '|g=' + : ' group="' + + '"';
var nameString = useTemplateR ? '|' + : ' name="' + + '"';
var endString = useTemplateR ? '}}' : ' />';
return ( startString + ( ? groupString : '' ) + ( ? nameString : '' ) + endString );
* Reference class
* @param {object} Data for constructing the object
Reference: function ( data ) {
* Extend the Citation class
*/ this, data );
* Reference content (without the <ref> tags)
* Example: Second chapter of {{Cite book |first=Charles |last=Darwin |title=On the Origin of Species}}
this.content = data.content ? data.content : '';
* Array that contains citations to this reference
this.citations = [];
* Boolean for reference location. True (the default) means in reference list template. False means in article text
this.inRefTemplate = typeof data.inRefTemplate !== 'undefined' ? data.inRefTemplate : true;
* Boolean for reference output. False (the default) means the reference has not been printed yet. True means it has been printed.
this.wasPrinted = false;
* Convert this reference to wikitext (inside reference list template)
this.toString = function () {
var string = '<ref name="' + + '">' + this.content + '</ref>';
return string;
* Convert this reference to wikitext (in article text)
this.toStringText = function ( named ) {
var string = '<ref';
if ( )
string += ' group="' + + '"';
if ( named )
string += ' name="' + + '"';
string += '>' + this.content + '</ref>';
return string;
* Change reference's name and it's citations' names
this.changeName = function ( newName ) { = newName;
var i;
for ( i = 0; i < this.citations.length; i++ ) {
this.citations[ i ].name = newName;
* Reftemplate class
* @param {object} Data for constructing the object
RefTemplate: function ( data ) {
* Template group
*/ = ? : '';
* Template wikitext
this.string = data.string ? data.string : '';
* Template start position in the edit textbox
this.start = data.start ? data.start : 0;
* Template end position in the edit textbox
this.end = data.end ? data.end : 0;
* Template parameters object that holds name-value pairs
this.params = data.params ? data.params : {};
* Array of reference objects of this template
this.references = [];
* Reference index dicts
this.keys = {};
this.values = {};
this.keyValues = {};
* Helper dicts to keep track of duplicate reference keys, values key/values
this.dupKeys = {};
this.dupValues = {};
this.dupKeyValues = {};
* Dict that holds citation name replacements
this.replacements = {};
* Populate reference template's index dicts
* @param {string} reference name
* @param (string) reference content
* @param (integer) reference order number in template
* @return {void}
this.createIndexes = function ( key, value, ix ) {
if (key in this.keys) {
this.dupKeys[key] = this.keys[key];
} else {
this.keys[key] = [ix];
if (value in this.values) {
this.dupValues[value] = this.values[value];
} else {
this.values[value] = [ix];
if (key + '_' + value in this.keyValues) {
this.keyValues[key + '_' + value].push(ix);
this.dupKeyValues[key + '_' + value] = this.keyValues[key + '_' + value];
} else {
this.keyValues[key + '_' + value] = [ix];
* Recreate reference list template indexes
* @return {void}
this.reIndex = function () {
var i, reference;
this.keys = {};
this.values = {};
this.keyValues = {};
for ( i = 0; i < this.references.length; i++ ) {
reference = this.references[ i ];
if ( typeof reference === 'object' ) {
this.keys[ ] = [ i ];
this.values[ reference.content ] = [ i ];
this.keyValues[ + '_' + reference.content ] = [ i ];
* Process references indexes, remove duplicate
* @return {void}
this.processDuplicates = function () {
this.processIndex( this.dupKeyValues, this.processDupKeyValues, this );
this.processIndex( this.dupKeys, this.processDupKeys, this );
this.processIndex( this.dupValues, this.processDupValues, this );
this.processIndex = function ( indexObj, callBack, callbackObj ) {
// returnObj and dataObj are a bit of a hack for dupValues index. We need to get back the refIndex of the first duplicate value
// to add it into the replacements array with the duplicate values that were deleted
var returnObj, dataObj;
for (var key in indexObj) {
if (indexObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
indexObj[key].forEach(function ( refIndex, ix ) {
returnObj = callbackObj, refIndex, ix, dataObj );
if ( typeof returnObj === 'object' ) {
dataObj = returnObj;
this.processDupKeyValues = function ( refIndex, ix, dataObj ) {
if (ix > 0) {
var refData = this.delRef( refIndex );
this.changeEveryIndex( refData[ 'name' ], refData[ 'content' ], refIndex);
this.processDupKeys = function ( refIndex, ix, dataObj ) {
if (ix > 0) {
var refData = this.changeRefName( refIndex );
this.changeIndex( refData[ 'oldName' ], refIndex, this.keys );
this.addIndex( refData[ 'newName' ], refIndex, this.keys );
this.removeIndex( refData[ 'oldName' ] + '_' + refData[ 'content' ], this.keyValues );
this.addIndex( refData[ 'newName' ] + '_' + refData[ 'content' ], refIndex, this.keyValues );
this.processDupValues = function ( refIndex, ix, dataObj ) {
if (ix == 0) {
// get TemplateReference object
var refData = this.getRef( refIndex );
return ( refData );
} else {
var delrefData = this.delRef( refIndex );
this.removeIndex( delrefData[ 'name' ], this.keys );
this.changeIndex( delrefData[ 'content' ], refIndex, this.values );
this.removeIndex( delrefData[ 'name' ] + '_' + delrefData[ 'content' ], this.keyValues );
// add old and new reference name into replacements array
this.replacements[delrefData['name']] = dataObj['name'];
this.delRef = function ( refIndex ) {
var name = this.references[ refIndex ].name;
var content = this.references[ refIndex ].content;
this.references[ refIndex ] = null;
return ({
'name': name,
'content': content
this.changeRefName = function ( refIndex ) {
var oldName = this.references[ refIndex ].name;
var content = this.references[ refIndex ].content;
var newName = this.getNewName ( oldName );
this.references[ refIndex ].name = newName;
return ({
'oldName': oldName,
'content': content,
'newName': newName
// Creates new reference name while making sure it is unique per template
this.getNewName = function ( oldName ) {
var prefix, randomValue, newName;
randomValue = refcon.randomString( 5 );
prefix = typeof oldName !== 'undefined' ? oldName + '_' : '';
newName = prefix + randomValue;
while ( newName in this.keys ) {
randomValue = refcon.randomString( 5 );
newName = prefix + randomValue;
return ( newName );
this.changeIndex = function ( key, refIndex, obj ) {
var ix = obj[key].indexOf( refIndex );
if (ix > -1)
obj[key].splice( ix, 1 );
this.addIndex = function ( key, value, obj ) {
obj[key] = [];
obj[key].push( value );
this.removeIndex = function ( key, obj ) {
delete obj[key];
this.getRef = function ( refIndex ) {
return this.references[ refIndex ];
this.addRef = function ( reference ) {
var count = this.references.push( reference );
this.createIndexes( reference['name'], reference['content'], count - 1 );
this.delRef = function ( refIndex ) {
var name = this.references[ refIndex ].name;
var content = this.references[ refIndex ].content;
this.references[ refIndex ] = null;
return ({
'name': name,
'content': content
this.changeEveryIndex = function ( key, value, refIndex ) {
this.changeIndex( key, refIndex, this.keys );
this.changeIndex( value, refIndex, this.values );
this.changeIndex( key + '_' + value, refIndex, this.keyValues );
// dupKeys, dupValues and dupKeyValues get changed by reference
$( refcon.init );
}( mw, jQuery ) );