User:JoeNomi 1961
Joe Nomi is a pseudonym, the Dutch spoken phonetic spelling sounds as You-Know-Me or You-No-Me. When it is written down it seems a person's name. His actual birth year is 1961, hence the addition... He is born and raised in the Netherlands.
Wikipedia user Joe Nomi further about himself: "I am quite stubborn, liberal and profound, and occasionally act nonsensically based on a deeply rooted philosophy of life. The Wikipedia idea, Open Source, Crowdsourcing and similar forms of internetworking are initiatives and developments that I wholeheartedly applaud and have my warm sympathy for". Most of my contributions will be done at the Dutch wikipedia(.nl), see my Dutch user page of Joe Nomi. My contributions to English pages will generally include only some minor edits. I like to put the finishing touches, "to put the dots on the i" such as a Dutch saying goes. I'm often a perfectionist.. But I manage to live with it..;-)
N.B: See my image contributions at WikiMedia Commons