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// !!!!!!!!!!!
// !!!!! you will need to click "notifs" under the More menu on a page to start receiving notifs
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$( function () {

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var date = new Date(); 
var now_utc =  new Date(Date.UTC(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), date.getUTCDate(),
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// Copied from https://stackoverflow.com/a/3177838/1757964
    function timeSince(date) {
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    function wikilink( title ) {
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function notifToElement( notif ) {
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                .append( " to " )
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                .append( " with " )
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                .append( "Mentioned " + timestamp + " by " + userLink + " in the summary of " )
                .append( "<a href='" + mw.util.getUrl( "Special:Diff/" + notif.revid ) + "'>this edit</a>" );
        } else if( notif.type === "login-fail-known" && notif.category === "login-fail" ) {
                .append( "There have been 1 or more unsuccessful attempts to log in to your account since the last time you logged in. If it wasn't you, please make sure your account has a strong password." );
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                .append( "Your edit to " + wikilink( notif.title.full ) + " was " )
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                .append( " by " + userLink );
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function refresh() {
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notifs.forEach( function ( notif ) {

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var notification = new Notification(notifToElement(notif).get(0).textContent);
if( notif.title && notif.title.full) {
notification.onclick = function () { 
window.location.href = mw.util.getUrl( notif.title.full );
} else {
notification.onclick = function () { 
window.location.href = mw.util.getUrl( "Special:Notifications" );

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