Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
Documentation for this user script can be added at User:Dylsss/Sandbox/MediaWiki:FileUploadWizard. This user script seems to have an accompanying .css page at User:Dylsss/Sandbox/MediaWiki:FileUploadWizard.css. |
* ===============================================================
* FileUploadWizard.js
* Script for uploading files through a dynamic questionnaire.
* This is the code to accompany [[Wikipedia:File Upload Wizard]].
* ===============================================================
var fuwTesting = false;
var fuwDefaultTextboxLength = 60;
var fuwDefaultTextareaWidth = '90%';
var fuwDefaultTextareaLines = 3;
// ================================================================
// Constructor function of global fuw (= File Upload Wizard) object
// ================================================================
function fuwGlobal() {
// Loading the accompanying .css
mw.loader.load( mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') +
'text/css' );
// see if user is logged in, autoconfirmed, experienced etc.
fuwSetVisible('warningLoggedOut', (this.userStatus == 'anon'));
fuwSetVisible('warningNotConfirmed', (this.userStatus == 'notAutoconfirmed'));
this.disabled = (this.userStatus == 'anon') || (this.userStatus == 'notAutoconfirmed');
if (this.disabled) {
fuwSetVisible('fuwStartScriptLink', false);
// create the form element to wrap the main ScriptForm area
// containing input elements of Step2 and Step3
var frm = fuwGet('fuwScriptForm');
if (! frm) {
frm = document.createElement('form'); = "fuwScriptForm";
var area = fuwGet('placeholderScriptForm');
var parent = area.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(frm, area);
this.ScriptForm = frm;
// create the TargetForm element that contains the filename
// input box, together with hidden input controls.
// This is the form that is actually submitted to the api.php.
frm = fuwGet('TargetForm');
if (! frm) {
frm = document.createElement('form'); = "TargetForm";
frm.method = "post";
frm.enctype = "multipart/form-data";
// "enctype" doesn't work properly on IE; need "encoding" instead:
frm.encoding = "multipart/form-data";
// we'll submit via api.php, not index.php, mainly because that
// allows us to use a proper edit summary different from the page content
frm.action = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php';
// However, since api.php sends back a response page that humans won't want to read,
// we'll have to channel that response away and discard it. We'll use a hidden iframe
// for that purpose.
// Unfortunately, it doesn't seem possible to submit file upload content through an
// Xmlhtml object via Ajax. = "TargetIFrame";
// = "_blank";
var area = fuwGet('placeholderTargetForm');
var parent = area.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(frm, area);
this.TargetForm = frm;
// For the testing version, create a third form that will display
// the contents to be submitted, at the bottom of the page
if (fuwTesting) {
frm = fuwGet('fuwTestForm');
if (! frm) {
frm = document.createElement('form'); = "fuwTestForm";
var area = fuwGet('placeholderTestForm');
var parent = area.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(frm, area);
this.TestForm = frm;
// objects to hold cached results during validation and processing
this.opts = { };
this.warn = { };
// create the input filename box
var filebox = document.createElement('input'); = 'file'; = 'file';
filebox.type = 'file';
filebox.size = fuwDefaultTextboxLength;
filebox.onchange = fuwValidateFile;
filebox.accept = 'image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif,image/svg+xml,image/tiff,image/x-xcf,application/pdf,image/vnd.djvu,audio/ogg,video/ogg,audio/rtp-midi';
fuwAppendInput('file', filebox);
// create hidden controls for sending the remaining API parameters:
fuwMakeHiddenfield('action', 'upload', 'apiAction');
fuwMakeHiddenfield('format', 'xml', 'apiFormat');
fuwMakeHiddenfield('filename', '', 'apiFilename');
fuwMakeHiddenfield('text', '', 'apiText');
fuwMakeHiddenfield('comment', '', 'apiComment');
fuwMakeHiddenfield('token', mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'), 'apiToken');
fuwMakeHiddenfield('ignorewarnings', 1, 'apiIgnorewarnings');
fuwMakeHiddenfield('watch', 1, 'apiWatch');
if (fuwTesting) {
fuwMakeHiddenfield('title', mw.config.get('wgPageName') + "/sandbox", 'SandboxTitle');
fuwMakeHiddenfield('token', mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'), 'SandboxToken');
fuwMakeHiddenfield('recreate', 1, 'SandboxRecreate');
// create a hidden IFrame to send the api.php response to
var ifr = document.createElement('iframe'); = "TargetIFrame"; = "TargetIFrame";
//ifr.setAttribute('style', 'float:right;width:150px;height:150px;'); = "none";
ifr.src = "";
fuwAppendInput('TargetIFrame', ifr);
if (fuwTesting) {
// create the sandbox submit button
btn = document.createElement('input'); = 'SandboxButton';
btn.value = 'Sandbox'; = 'Sandbox';
btn.disabled = true;
btn.type = 'button'; = '12em';
btn.onclick = fuwSubmitSandbox;
fuwAppendInput('SandboxButton', btn);
// create the real submit button
btn = document.createElement('input'); = "SubmitButton";
btn.value = "Upload"; = "Upload";
btn.disabled = true;
btn.type = "button";
btn.onclick = fuwSubmitUpload; = '12em';
fuwAppendInput('SubmitButton', btn);
// create the Commons submit button
btn = document.createElement('input'); = "CommonsButton";
btn.value = "Upload on Commons"; = "Upload_on_Commons";
btn.disabled = true;
btn.type = "button";
btn.onclick = fuwSubmitCommons; = '12em';
fuwAppendInput('CommonsButton', btn);
// create reset buttons
for (i = 1; i<=2; i++) {
btn = document.createElement('input'); = 'ResetButton' + i;
btn.value = "Reset form"; = "Reset form";
btn.type = "button";
btn.onclick = fuwReset; = '12em';
fuwAppendInput('ResetButton' + i, btn);
// names of radio button fields
var optionRadioButtons = {
// top-level copyright status choice
'FreeOrNonFree' : ['OptionFree','OptionNonFree','OptionNoGood'],
// main subsections under OptionFree
'FreeOptions' : ['OptionOwnWork', 'OptionThirdParty', 'OptionFreeWebsite',
'OptionPDOld', 'OptionPDOther'],
// main subsections under OptionNonFree
'NonFreeOptions': ['OptionNFSubject','OptionNF3D','OptionNFExcerpt',
// response options inside warningFileExists
// choice of evidence in OptionThirdParty subsection
'ThirdPartyEvidenceOptions' :
// choice of PD status in OptionPDOld subsection
'PDOldOptions' : ['PDUSExpired','PDURAA','PDFormality','PDOldOther'],
// choice of PD status in OptionPDOther subsection
'PDOtherOptions': ['PDOtherUSGov','PDOtherOfficial','PDOtherSimple',
// whether target article is wholly or only partly dedicated to discussing non-free work:
'NFSubjectCheck': ['NFSubjectCheckDedicated','NFSubjectCheckDiscussed'],
'NF3DCheck' : ['NF3DCheckDedicated','NF3DCheckDiscussed'],
// choice about copyright status of photograph in OptionNF3D
'NF3DOptions' : ['NF3DOptionFree','NF3DOptionSame']
for (var group in optionRadioButtons) {
var op = optionRadioButtons[group];
for (i=0; i<op.length; i++) {
fuwMakeRadiobutton(group, op[i]);
this.ScriptForm.NoOverwrite.checked = true;
// input fields that trigger special
// onchange() event handlers for validation:
fuwMakeTextfield('InputName', fuwValidateFilename);
fuwMakeTextfield('NFArticle', fuwValidateNFArticle);
// names of input fields that trigger normal
// validation event handler
var activeTextfields = [
'NFSubjectPurpose', 'NF3DOrigDate', 'NF3DPurpose',
for (i=0; i<activeTextfields.length; i++) {
// names of multiline textareas
var activeTextareas = [
for (i=0; i<activeTextareas.length; i++) {
var checkboxes = [
for (i=0; i<checkboxes.length; i++) {
var licenseLists = {
'OwnWorkLicense' :
// array structure as expected for input to fuwMakeSelection() function.
// any entry that is a two-element array will be turned into an option
// (first element is the value, second element is the display string).
// Entries that are one-element arrays will be the label of an option group.
// Zero-element arrays mark the end of an option group.
['Allow all use as long as others credit you and share it under similar conditions'],
'Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 + GFDL (recommended)',
'Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0'],
['Allow all use as long as others credit you'],
'Creative Commons Attribution 4.0'],
['Reserve no rights'],
'CC0 Universal Public Domain Dedication'],
'ThirdPartyLicense' :
['', 'please select the correct license...'],
['Freely licensed:'],
['cc-by-sa-4.0', 'Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike (cc-by-sa-4.0)'],
['cc-by-4.0', 'Creative Commons Attribution (cc-by-4.0)'],
['GFDL', 'GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL)'],
['No rights reserved:'],
['PD-author', 'Public domain'],
['Other (see below)'],
'FreeWebsiteLicense' :
['', 'please select the correct license...'],
['Freely licensed:'],
['cc-by-sa-4.0', 'Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike (cc-by-sa-4.0)'],
['cc-by-4.0', 'Creative Commons Attribution (cc-by-4.0)'],
['GFDL', 'GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL)'],
['No rights reserved:'],
['PD-author', 'Public domain'],
['Other (see below)'],
'USGovLicense' :
['PD-USGov', 'US Federal Government'],
['PD-USGov-Military-Navy','US Navy'],
['PD-USGov-NOAA','US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration'],
['PD-USGov-Military-Air_Force','US Air Force'],
['PD-USGov-Military-Army','US Army'],
['PD-USGov-CIA-WF','CIA World Factbook'],
['PD-USGov-USGS','United States Geological Survey']
'IneligibleLicense' :
['', 'please select one...'],
['PD-shape','Item consists solely of simple geometric shapes'],
['PD-text','Item consists solely of a few individual words or letters'],
['PD-textlogo','Logo or similar item consisting solely of letters and simple geometric shapes'],
['PD-chem','Chemical structural formula'],
['PD-ineligible','Other kind of item that contains no original authorship']
'NFSubjectLicense' :
['', 'please select one...'],
['Non-free 2D art', '2-dimensional artwork (painting, drawing etc.)'],
['Non-free historic image', 'Unique historic photograph'],
['Non-free fair use in', 'something else (please describe in description field on top)']
'NF3DLicense' :
[, 'please select one...'],
['Non-free proposed architecture', 'Architectural proposal (not yet completed)'],
['Non-free destroyed architecture', 'Destroyed (or unrecognizably altered) architecture'],
['Non-free 3D art', 'Other 3-dimensional creative work (sculpture etc.)']
'NFCoverLicense' :
['', 'please select one...'],
['Non-free book cover', 'Cover page of a book'],
['Non-free album cover', 'Cover of a sound recording (album, single, song, CD)'],
['Non-free game cover', 'Cover of a video/computer game'],
['Non-free magazine cover', 'Cover page of a magazine'],
['Non-free video cover', 'Cover of a video'],
['Non-free software cover', 'Cover of a software product'],
['Non-free product cover', 'Cover of some commercial product'],
['Non-free title-card', 'Title screen of a TV programme'],
['Non-free movie poster', 'Movie poster'],
['Non-free poster', 'Official poster of an event'],
['Non-free fair use in', 'something else (please describe in description field on top)']
'NFExcerptLicense' :
['', 'please select one...'],
['Non-free television screenshot', 'Television screenshot'],
['Non-free film screenshot', 'Movie screenshot'],
['Non-free game screenshot', 'Game screenshot'],
['Non-free video screenshot', 'Video screenshot'],
['Non-free music video screenshot', 'Music video screenshot'],
['Non-free software screenshot', 'Software screenshot'],
['Non-free web screenshot', 'Website screenshot'],
['Non-free speech', 'Audio excerpt from a speech'],
['Non-free audio sample', 'Sound sample of an audio recording'],
['Non-free video sample', 'Sample extract from a video'],
['Non-free sheet music', 'Sheet music representing a musical piece'],
['Non-free comic', 'Panel from a comic, graphic novel, manga etc.'],
['Non-free computer icon', 'Computer icon'],
['Non-free newspaper image', 'Page from a newspaper'],
['Non-free fair use in', 'something else (please describe in description field on top)']
'NFLogoLicense' :
['Non-free logo', 'Logo of a company, organization etc.'],
['Non-free seal', 'Official seal, coat of arms etc'],
['Non-free symbol', 'Other official symbol']
'NFMiscLicense' :
['Non-free fair use in', 'something else (please describe in description field on top)'],
['Non-free historic image', 'Historic photograph'],
['Non-free 2D art', '2-dimensional artwork (painting, drawing etc.)'],
['Non-free currency', 'Depiction of currency (banknotes, coins etc.)'],
['Non-free architectural work', 'Architectural work'],
['Non-free 3D art', 'Other 3-dimensional creative work (sculpture etc.)'],
['Non-free book cover', 'Cover page of a book'],
['Non-free album cover', 'Cover of a sound recording(album, single, song, CD)'],
['Non-free game cover', 'Cover of a video/computer game'],
['Non-free magazine cover', 'Cover page of a magazine'],
['Non-free video cover', 'Cover of a video'],
['Non-free software cover', 'Cover of a software product'],
['Non-free product cover', 'Cover of some commercial product'],
['Non-free title-card', 'Title screen of a TV programme'],
['Non-free movie poster', 'Movie poster'],
['Non-free poster', 'Official poster of an event'],
['Non-free television screenshot', 'Television screenshot'],
['Non-free film screenshot', 'Movie screenshot'],
['Non-free game screenshot', 'Game screenshot'],
['Non-free video screenshot', 'Video screenshot'],
['Non-free music video screenshot', 'Music video screenshot'],
['Non-free software screenshot', 'Software screenshot'],
['Non-free web screenshot', 'Website screenshot'],
['Non-free speech', 'Audio excerpt from a speech'],
['Non-free audio sample', 'Sound sample of an audio recording'],
['Non-free video sample', 'Sample extract from a video'],
['Non-free sheet music', 'Sheet music representing a musical piece'],
['Non-free comic', 'Panel from a comic, graphic novel, manga etc.'],
['Non-free computer icon', 'Computer icon'],
['Non-free newspaper image', 'Page from a newspaper'],
['Non-free logo', 'Logo of a company, organization etc.'],
['Non-free seal', 'Official seal, coat of arms etc'],
['Non-free symbol', 'Other official symbol'],
['Non-free sports uniform', 'Sports uniform'],
['Non-free stamp', 'Stamp']
'NFExtraLicense' :
['', 'none'],
['Crown copyright and other governmental sources'],
['Non-free Crown copyright', 'UK Crown Copyright'],
['Non-free New Zealand Crown Copyright', 'NZ Crown Copyright'],
['Non-free Canadian Crown Copyright', 'Canadian Crown Copyright'],
['Non-free AUSPIC', 'AUSPIC (Australian Parliament image database)'],
['Non-free Philippines government', 'Philippines government'],
['Non-free Finnish Defence Forces', 'Finnish Defence Forces'],
['Other individual sources'],
['Non-free Denver Public Library image', 'Denver Public Library'],
['Non-free ESA media', 'ESA (European Space Agency)'],
['Possibly public domain in other countries'],
['Non-free Old-50', 'Author died more than 50 years ago.'],
['Non-free Old-70', 'Author died more than 70 years ago.'],
['Some permissions granted, but not completely free'],
['Non-free promotional', 'From promotional press kit'],
['Non-free with NC', 'Permission granted, but only for educational and/or non-commercial purposes'],
['Non-free with ND', 'Permission granted, but no derivative works allowed'],
['Non-free with permission', 'Permission granted, but only for Wikipedia'],
for (var group in licenseLists) {
fuwMakeSelection(group, licenseLists[group]);
this.knownCommonsLicenses = {
'self|GFDL|cc-by-sa-all|migration=redundant' : 1,
'self|Cc-zero' : 1,
'PD-self' : 1,
'self|GFDL|cc-by-sa-4.0|migration=redundant' : 1,
'self|GFDL|cc-by-4.0|migration=redundant' : 1,
'self|GFDL|cc-by-sa-3.0|migration=redundant' : 1,
'self|GFDL|cc-by-3.0|migration=redundant' : 1,
'self|cc-by-sa-4.0' : 1,
'self|cc-by-sa-3.0' : 1,
'cc-by-sa-4.0' : 1,
'cc-by-sa-3.0' : 1,
'cc-by-sa-2.5' : 1,
'cc-by-4.0' : 1,
'cc-by-3.0' : 1,
'cc-by-2.5' : 1,
'FAL' : 1,
'PD-old-100' : 1,
'PD-old' : 1,
'PD-Art' : 1,
'PD-US' : 1,
'PD-USGov' : 1,
'PD-USGov-NASA' : 1,
'PD-USGov-Military-Navy' : 1,
'PD-ineligible' : 1,
'Attribution' : 1,
'Copyrighted free use' : 1
// textfields that don't react directly
// to user input and are used only for assembling stuff:
if (fuwTesting) {
fuwMakeTextfield('SandboxSummary', function(){void(0);});
fuwMakeTextarea('SandboxText', function(){void(0);});
fuwGet('SandboxText').rows = 12;
// set links to "_blank" target, so we don't accidentally leave the page,
// because on some browsers that would destroy all the input the user has already entered
$('.fuwOutLink a').each(function() { = '_blank';
// make main area visible
fuwSetVisible('UploadScriptArea', true);
// ======================================
// end of fuwGlobal constructor function
// ======================================
function fuwRadioClick(e) {
var ev = e || event;
var src = || ev.srcElement;
//alert('onclick event from ' + src + ' (' + src.value + ')');
return true;
* =============================================================
* function fuwUpdateOptions
* =============================================================
* This is the onchange event handler for most of the input
* elements in the main form. It changes visibility and disabled
* status for the various sections of the input form in response
* to which options are chosen.
function fuwUpdateOptions() {
var fuw = window.fuw;
var warn = fuw.warn;
var opts = fuw.opts = { };
opts.InputFilename = $('#TargetForm input#file').val();
var widgets = fuw.ScriptForm.elements;
for (i = 0; i < widgets.length; i++) {
var w = widgets[i];
if (w.type == "radio") {
var nm =;
var id =;
var vl = w.checked && !w.disabled && fuwIsVisible(w);
opts[id] = vl;
if (vl) opts[nm] = id;
else {
var id =;
var active = !w.disabled && fuwIsVisible(w);
if (active) {
var value = ((type == 'checkbox') ? w.checked : w.value);
opts[id] = value;
opts.MainOption = opts.FreeOptions || opts.NonFreeOptions;
// some parts of the input form are re-used across sections
// and must be moved into the currently active input section:
// minimality section is shared between all NF sections
fuwMove('NFMinimalitySection', 'detailsNFSubject', (opts.OptionNFSubject)) ||
fuwMove('NFMinimalitySection', 'detailsNF3D', (opts.OptionNF3D)) ||
fuwMove('NFMinimalitySection', 'detailsNFExcerpt', (opts.OptionNFExcerpt)) ||
fuwMove('NFMinimalitySection', 'detailsNFCover', (opts.OptionNFCover)) ||
fuwMove('NFMinimalitySection', 'detailsNFLogo', (opts.OptionNFLogo)) ||
fuwMove('NFMinimalitySection', 'detailsNFPortrait', (opts.OptionNFPortrait)) ||
fuwMove('NFMinimalitySection', 'detailsNFMisc', true);
// AnyOtherInfo section is shared between all
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsOwnWork', opts.OptionOwnWork) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsThirdParty', opts.OptionThirdParty) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsFreeWebsite', opts.OptionFreeWebsite) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsPDOld', opts.OptionPDOld) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsPDOther', opts.OptionPDOther) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsNFSubject', opts.OptionNFSubject) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsNF3D', opts.OptionNF3D) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsNFExcerpt', opts.OptionNFExcerpt) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsNFCover', opts.OptionNFCover) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsNFLogo', opts.OptionNFLogo) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsNFPortrait', opts.OptionNFPortrait) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsNFMisc', opts.OptionNFMisc);
// author input field is shared between all sections except "Own Work".
// (will serve for the immediate/photographic author, in those cases where there
// are two author fields)
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderFreeWebsiteAuthor', (opts.OptionFreeWebsite)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderPDOldAuthor', (opts.OptionPDOld)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderPDOtherAuthor', (opts.OptionPDOther)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderNFSubjectAuthor', (opts.OptionNFSubject)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderNF3DAuthor', (opts.OptionNF3D)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderNFExcerptAuthor', (opts.OptionNFExcerpt)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderNFCoverAuthor', (opts.OptionNFCover)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderNFPortraitAuthor', (opts.OptionNFPortrait)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderNFMiscAuthor', (opts.OptionNFMisc)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderAuthor', true);
// source input field is shared between all sections except "Own Work".
// (will serve for immediate/web source, in those cases where there are two
// source fields involved)
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderFreeWebsiteSource', (opts.OptionFreeWebsite)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderPDOldSource', (opts.OptionPDOld)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderPDOtherSource', (opts.OptionPDOther)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderNFSubjectSource', (opts.OptionNFSubject)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderNF3DSource', (opts.OptionNF3D)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderNFExcerptSource', (opts.OptionNFExcerpt)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderNFCoverSource', (opts.OptionNFCover)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderNFLogoSource', (opts.OptionNFLogo)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderNFPortraitSource', (opts.OptionNFPortrait)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderNFMiscSource', (opts.OptionNFMisc)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderSource', true);
// date input field is shared between all sections except "Logo", which doesn't need it.
// will serve for derived/photographic date in the case of 3D items
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderFreeWebsiteDate', (opts.OptionFreeWebsite)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderThirdPartyDate', (opts.OptionThirdParty)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderPDOldDate', (opts.OptionPDOld)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderPDOtherDate', (opts.OptionPDOther)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderNFSubjectDate', (opts.OptionNFSubject)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderNF3DDate', (opts.OptionNF3D)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderNFExcerptDate', (opts.OptionNFExcerpt)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderNFCoverDate', (opts.OptionNFCover)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderNFPortraitDate', (opts.OptionNFPortrait)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderNFMiscDate', (opts.OptionNFMisc)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderDate', true);
// permission field is shared between ThirdParty and FreeWebsite sections
fuwMove('Permission', 'placeholderFreeWebsitePermission', (opts.OptionFreeWebsite)) ||
fuwMove('Permission', 'placeholderPermission', true);
// publication field is shared between PDOld, NFPortrait and NFMisc
fuwMove('Publication', 'placeholderNFPortraitPublication', (opts.OptionNFPortrait)) ||
fuwMove('Publication', 'placeholderNFMiscPublication', (opts.OptionNFMisc)) ||
fuwMove('Publication', 'placeholderPublication', true);
// Purpose, Commercial, Replaceable and ReplaceableText FUR fields are shared
// between some but not all of the non-free sections
fuwMove('NFPurpose', 'placeholderNFExcerptPurpose', (opts.OptionNFExcerpt)) ||
fuwMove('NFPurpose', 'placeholderNFPurpose');
fuwMove('NFCommercial', 'placeholderNFPortraitCommercial', (opts.OptionNFPortrait)) ||
fuwMove('NFCommercial', 'placeholderNFCommercial');
fuwMove('NFReplaceable', 'placeholderNFPortraitReplaceable', (opts.OptionNFPortrait)) ||
fuwMove('NFReplaceable', 'placeholderNFReplaceable');
fuwMove('NFReplaceableText', 'placeholderNFExcerptReplaceable', (opts.OptionNFExcerpt)) ||
fuwMove('NFReplaceableText', 'placeholderNFReplaceableText', true);
// submit button goes to Step1 if user has chosen a plain overwrite of an existing file,
// and to the active section of Step3 if otherwise
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'UploadScriptStep1', (warn.ImageExists && opts.OverwriteSame)) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsOwnWork', opts.OptionOwnWork) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsThirdParty', opts.OptionThirdParty) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsFreeWebsite', opts.OptionFreeWebsite) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsPDOld', opts.OptionPDOld) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsPDOther', opts.OptionPDOther) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsNFSubject', opts.OptionNFSubject) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsNF3D', opts.OptionNF3D) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsNFExcerpt', opts.OptionNFExcerpt) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsNFCover', opts.OptionNFCover) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsNFLogo', opts.OptionNFLogo) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsNFPortrait', opts.OptionNFPortrait) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'fuwSubmitHost', true);
// Show and hide warnings:
// filename-related warnings:
fuwSetVisible('warningIllegalChars', warn.IllegalChars);
fuwSetVisible('warningBadFilename', warn.BadFilename);
fuwSetVisible('warningImageOnCommons', warn.ImageOnCommons);
fuwSetVisible('warningImageExists', warn.ImageExists);
fuwMove('warningImageThumb', 'warningImageOnCommons', warn.ImageOnCommons, true) ||
fuwMove('warningImageThumb', 'warningImageExists', true, true);
// notices related to the top-level options:
fuwSetVisible('warningWhyNotCommons', opts.OptionFree);
fuwSetVisible('warningNF', opts.OptionNonFree);
fuwSetVisible('warningNoGood', opts.OptionNoGood);
// warnings related to non-free "used in" article
fuwSetVisible('warningNFArticleNotFound', warn.NFArticleNotFound);
fuwSetVisible('warningNFArticleNotMainspace', warn.NFArticleNotMainspace);
fuwSetVisible('warningUserspaceDraft', warn.UserspaceDraft);
fuwSetVisible('warningNFArticleDab', warn.NFArticleDab);
fuwSetVisible('NFArticleOK', warn.NFArticleOK);
// warnings depending on user status:
if (fuw.userStatus.match(/problem|newbie|notAutoconfirmed/)) {
fuwSetVisible('warningFreeWebsite', opts.OptionFreeWebsite);
fuwSetVisible('warningOwnWork', opts.OptionOwnWork);
fuwSetVisible('warningPDOther', opts.OptionPDOther);
fuwSetVisible('warningNFSubject', opts.OptionNFSubject);
// hide main sections in case of intended plain overwrite:
fuwSetVisible('UploadScriptStep2', !(warn.ImageExists && opts.OverwriteSame));
fuwSetVisible('UploadScriptStep3', !(warn.ImageExists && opts.OverwriteSame));
// show/hide top-level options
fuwSetVisible('detailsFreeStatus', opts.OptionFree);
fuwSetVisible('sendToCommons', opts.OptionFree);
// show/hide details sections
fuwSetVisible('detailsNFArticle', opts.OptionNonFree);
fuwSetVisible('detailsNFWorkType', opts.OptionNonFree);
fuwSetVisible('detailsOwnWork', opts.OptionOwnWork);
fuwSetVisible('detailsThirdParty', opts.OptionThirdParty);
fuwSetVisible('detailsFreeWebsite', opts.OptionFreeWebsite);
fuwSetVisible('detailsPDOld', opts.OptionPDOld);
fuwSetVisible('detailsPDOther', opts.OptionPDOther);
fuwSetVisible('detailsNFSubject', opts.OptionNFSubject);
fuwSetVisible('detailsNF3D', opts.OptionNF3D);
fuwSetVisible('detailsNFExcerpt', opts.OptionNFExcerpt);
fuwSetVisible('detailsNFCover', opts.OptionNFCover);
fuwSetVisible('detailsNFLogo', opts.OptionNFLogo);
fuwSetVisible('detailsNFPortrait', opts.OptionNFPortrait);
fuwSetVisible('detailsNFMisc', opts.OptionNFMisc);
fuwSetVisible('EditSummaryDiv', opts.OverwriteSame || opts.OverwriteDifferent);
// set enabled/disabled
// It might be useful to adapt this to be more liberal about
// the order of input, at least for experienced users.
//fuwSetEnabled('Artist3D', opts.PD3D);
//fuwSetEnabled('Country3D', opts.FOP3D);
fuwSetEnabled('ThirdPartyEvidenceLink', opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionLink);
fuwSetEnabled('ThirdPartyOTRSTicket', opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionOTRS);
fuwSetEnabled('NFSubjectPurpose', opts.NFSubjectCheckDiscussed);
fuwSetEnabled('NF3DPurpose', opts.NF3DCheckDiscussed);
fuwSetEnabled('NF3DPermission', opts.NF3DOptionFree);
fuwSetEnabled('USGovLicense', opts.PDOtherUSGov);
fuwSetEnabled('PDOfficialPermission', opts.PDOtherOfficial);
fuwSetEnabled('IneligibleLicense', opts.PDOtherSimple);
fuwSetEnabled('PDOtherPermission', opts.PDOtherOther);
fuwSetEnabled('AnyOther', true);
// need to re-collect the remaining (non-radiobutton) input into the opts object again,
// preparing for validation:
for (i = 0; i < widgets.length; i++) {
var w = widgets[i];
var type = w.type;
if (type != "radio") {
var id =;
var active = !w.disabled && fuwIsVisible(w);
if (active) {
var value = ((type == 'checkbox') ? w.checked : w.value);
opts[id] = value;
// final step of validation: check if input is sufficient for
// setting the submit buttons active
var valid = fuw.validateInput();
var validForCommons = valid && opts.OptionFree && !(opts.OverwriteSame || opts.OverwriteDifferent)
&& !opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionNone;
fuwSetVisible('sendToCommons', opts.OptionFree);
fuwSetEnabled('CommonsButton', validForCommons);
fuwGet('fuwSubmitText').innerHTML = opts.OptionFree ?
("<b>No</b>, I want to upload this file here on this wiki only.<br/>" +
"<small>This way it can be used only on the English Wikipedia. However, somebody " +
"else might still decide to copy it to Commons or use it elsewhere later. If you " +
"do not want your file to be copied to Commons and deleted locally, consider adding " +
"{{tl|Keep local}}.</small>") :
"Upload this file.";
fuwGet('SubmitButton').value = validForCommons ? "Upload locally" : "Upload";
fuwSetEnabled('EditSummary', true);
fuwSetEnabled('SubmitButton', valid && (fuw.userStatus != 'notAutoconfirmed'));
if (fuwTesting) {
fuwSetEnabled('SandboxButton', valid);
// if we're in testing mode, update the Sandbox display fields
// after each input change. In normal mode, collectInput() will
// only be needed on submit.
if (fuwTesting) {
fuwSetVisible('placeholderTestForm', true);
// ============================================================
// methods of the global fuw object
// ============================================================
// ============================================================
// report validation status of filename information
// ============================================================
// This is called from within fuw.validateInput(), i.e. every
// time anything in the whole form is changed. It only reports
// results that have previously been cached in the opts and warn
// objects. The actual checking is done in the event handler
// of the file input boxes.
fuwGlobal.prototype.hasValidFilename = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
var warn = this.warn;
var valid =
opts.InputName &&
opts.InputFilename &&
!warn.BadFilename &&
!warn.ImageOnCommons &&
// if image exists on enwiki, accept only if user has confirmed overwrite:
!(warn.ImageExists && !(opts.OverwriteSame || opts.OverwriteDifferent));
//alert("HasValidFilename: " + valid);
return valid;
// ============================================================
// validation status for common input elements for all free
// options
// ============================================================
fuwGlobal.prototype.hasValidCommonFreeInput = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
var warn = this.warn;
var valid = opts.InputDesc;
//alert("HasValidCommonFreeInput: " + valid);
return valid;
// ============================================================
// validation status for common input elements for all non-free
// options
// ============================================================
fuwGlobal.prototype.hasValidCommonNFInput = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
var warn = this.warn;
var valid =
opts.OptionNonFree &&
opts.InputDesc &&
opts.NFArticle &&
opts.Source &&
opts.NFMinimality &&
!warn.NFArticleNotFound &&
!warn.NFArticleNotMainspace &&
//alert("hasValidCommonNFInput: " + valid);
return valid;
// ============================================================
// Main validation routine. Modify this to tweak which fields
// are to be considered obligatory for each case group
// ============================================================
fuwGlobal.prototype.validateInput = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
var warn = this.warn;
var valid = (
(! (opts.OverwriteDifferent && ! opts.EditSummary))
( // overwriting is okay if there is an edit summary
opts.OverwriteSame && opts.EditSummary
( // free options
this.hasValidCommonFreeInput() &&
(opts.OptionOwnWork &&
opts.Date &&
(opts.OptionThirdParty &&
opts.Author &&
opts.Source &&
opts.Permission &&
(opts.ThirdPartyOtherLicense || opts.ThirdPartyLicense) &&
((opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionLink && opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceLink) ||
opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionOTRS ||
opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionOTRSForthcoming ||
(opts.OptionFreeWebsite &&
opts.Author &&
opts.Source &&
(opts.FreeWebsiteOtherLicense || opts.FreeWebsiteLicense) &&
(opts.OptionPDOld &&
opts.Author &&
opts.PDOldAuthorLifetime &&
opts.Publication &&
opts.Date &&
opts.Source &&
opts.PDOldOptions &&
(! (opts.PDOldOther && ! opts.PDOldPermission)))
(opts.OptionPDOther &&
opts.Author &&
opts.Source &&
((opts.PDOtherUSGov && opts.USGovLicense) ||
(opts.PDOtherOfficial && opts.PDOfficialPermission) ||
(opts.PDOtherSimple && opts.IneligibleLicense) ||
(opts.PDOtherOther && opts.PDOtherPermission)))
) // end of free options
( // non-free options
this.hasValidCommonNFInput() &&
(opts.OptionNFSubject &&
opts.NFSubjectLicense &&
opts.Author &&
(opts.NFSubjectCheckDedicated ||
(opts.NFSubjectCheckDiscussed && opts.NFSubjectPurpose)))
(opts.OptionNF3D &&
opts.NF3DLicense &&
opts.NF3DCreator &&
opts.Author &&
(opts.NF3DOptionSame ||
(opts.NF3DOptionFree || opts.NF3DPermission)) &&
(opts.NF3DCheckDedicated ||
(opts.NF3DCheckDiscussed && opts.NF3DPurpose)))
(opts.OptionNFExcerpt &&
opts.NFExcerptLicense &&
opts.Author &&
(opts.OptionNFCover &&
opts.NFCoverLicense &&
opts.Author &&
(opts.OptionNFLogo &&
opts.NFLogoLicense &&
(opts.OptionNFPortrait &&
opts.Publication &&
opts.NFPortraitDeceased &&
opts.Author &&
opts.NFPortraitCheckDedicated &&
opts.NFReplaceable &&
(opts.OptionNFMisc &&
opts.NFMiscLicense &&
opts.Author &&
opts.Publication &&
opts.NFPurpose &&
opts.NFReplaceableText &&
opts.NFReplaceable &&
) // end of non-free options
return valid;
// =============================================================
// return which template name will be used as the main
// description template
// =============================================================
fuwGlobal.prototype.getDescriptionTemplateName = function() {
// standard "Information" template for free files:
if (this.opts.OptionFree) return "Information";
// experimental new version of fair-use rationale template,
// designed to fit the fields used in the wizard
else if (this.opts.OptionNonFree) return "Non-free use rationale 2";
return undefined;
// =============================================================
// get the license tag code from the appropriate input element
// =============================================================
fuwGlobal.prototype.getStandardLicense = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
fuwGlobal.prototype.getLicense = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
// ThirdParty and FreeWebsite have alternative input fields
// for manual entry of other licenses:
var license = {};
if (opts.PDOtherOther || opts.PDOldOther) {
license.special = opts.PDOtherOther ? opts.PDOtherPermission : opts.PDOldPermission;
if (! (license.special.match(/^\s*\{\{.+\}\}\s*$/))) {
license.special = '{{PD-because|' + license.special + '}}';
else {
license.special =
opts.ThirdPartyOtherLicense ||
opts.FreeWebsiteOtherLicense ||
(opts.PDOtherOfficial ? ('{{PD-because|official item legally exempt from copyright in its country of origin}}') : null) ||
(opts.OptionNFPortrait ? ('{{Non-free biog-pic|' + opts.NFArticle + '}}') : null);
if (! license.special) {
// standard, non-parametrized tag licenses from dropdownbox.
var simpleLicense = (opts.OptionOwnWork ? opts.OwnWorkLicense : null) ||
(opts.OptionThirdParty ? opts.ThirdPartyLicense : null) ||
(opts.OptionFreeWebsite ? opts.FreeWebsiteLicense : null) ||
(opts.OptionNFSubject ? opts.NFSubjectLicense : null) ||
(opts.OptionNF3D ? opts.NF3DLicense : null) ||
(opts.OptionNFExcerpt ? opts.NFExcerptLicense : null) ||
(opts.OptionNFCover ? opts.NFCoverLicense : null) ||
(opts.OptionNFLogo ? opts.NFLogoLicense : null) ||
(opts.OptionNFMisc ? opts.NFMiscLicense : null) ||
(opts.PDOtherUSGov ? opts.USGovLicense : null) ||
(opts.PDOtherSimple ? opts.IneligibleLicense : null) ||
(opts.PDUSExpired ? 'PD-US-expired' : null) ||
(opts.PDURAA ? 'PD-URAA' : null) ||
(opts.PDFormality ? 'PD-US' : null);
// "PD-author" needs parameter, at least on Commons
if (simpleLicense == 'PD-author') {
license.special = '{{PD-author|' + opts.Author + '}}';
else if (this.knownCommonsLicenses[simpleLicense]) {
// make sure we send only those licenses as "standard" licenses
// that exist in the Commons license dropdown box
license.standard = simpleLicense;
else {
license.special = '\{\{' + simpleLicense + '\}\}';
return license;
function fuwSubst(template) {
return '{{subst:' + template + '}}';
// ===================================================================
// Produce code for local tracking categories
// ===================================================================
fuwGlobal.prototype.getTrackingCategory = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
var cat = "";
if (opts.OptionFreeWebsite) { cat = "Files from freely licensed external sources"; }
else if (opts.OptionThirdParty) { cat = "Files licensed by third parties"; }
else if (opts.PDOtherOther || opts.PDOldOther) { cat = "Files with non-standard public domain statements"; }
else if (opts.OptionNFSubject || opts.OptionNF3D) { cat = "Non-free files uploaded as object of commentary"; }
if (cat) {
cat = "\n\{\{Category ordered by date|" + cat + "|" +
fuwSubst("CURRENTYEAR") + "|" + fuwSubst("CURRENTMONTH") + "|" + fuwSubst("CURRENTDAY2") + "\}\}";
return cat;
// ===================================================================
// Get or create an edit summary for the upload
// ===================================================================
// Note: if we work with the api.php interface, we can have separate
// data for the edit summary and the description page, which is far
// better than the way the index.php interface does it.
// TO DO: need to actually define an input element for a manually
// entered edit summary. Must be obligatory when overwriting files.
// In other cases we'll use an automatic edit summary.
// ===================================================================
fuwGlobal.prototype.getEditSummary = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
return (
(opts.EditSummary ? (opts.EditSummary + ' ([[' + mw.config.get('wgPageName') + '|File Upload Wizard]])') : null)||
("Uploading " +
(opts.OptionOwnWork ? 'a self-made file ' : false) ||
(opts.OptionThirdParty ? 'a free file from somebody else ' : false) ||
(opts.OptionFreeWebsite ? 'a file from a free published source ' : false) ||
(opts.OptionPDOld ? 'an old public-domain work ' : false) ||
(opts.OptionPDOther ? 'a public-domain item ' : false) ||
(opts.OptionNFSubject ? 'a non-free work, as object of commentary ' : false) ||
(opts.OptionNF3D ? 'a depiction of a non-free 3D artwork ' : false) ||
(opts.OptionNFExcerpt ? 'an excerpt from a non-free work ' : false) ||
(opts.OptionNFCover ? 'a piece of non-free cover art ' : false) ||
(opts.OptionNFLogo ? 'a non-free logo ' : false) ||
(opts.OptionNFPortrait ? 'a non-free historic portrait ' : false) ||
(opts.OptionNFMisc ? 'a non-free file ' : "")
("using [[" + mw.config.get('wgPageName') + "|File Upload Wizard]]")
function fuwPackInfo(text, forCommons) {
if (forCommons) {
// reformat wikilinks embedded in description fields to adapt them for Commons
text = text.replace(/\[\[([^\]]+)\]\]/g,
function(str, p1, offset, s) {
// mark File links as local
if (p1.match(/^:(File|Image):/)) {
return "[[:en" + p1 + "]]";
// leave prefixed links unchanged:
else if (p1.match(/^:[\w\-]+:/)) {
return str;
// if the link is piped, add a prefix only
else if (p1.match(/.+\|/)) {
return "[[:en:" + p1 + "]]";
// introduce a pipe
else {
return "[[:en:" + p1 + "|" + p1 + "]]";
return "{{en|" + text + "}}";
} else return text;
// ================================================================
// This is the main method called by the event handler for the
// (experimental) submit button. Its main task is to collect the
// input into a single string of wikitext for the description page.
// ================================================================
fuwGlobal.prototype.collectInput = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
// object representing template fields for filling in
// the description template. Pre-loaded with some
// standard settings:
var descFields = this.descFields = {
'Description' : opts.InputDesc,
'Author' : opts.Author,
'Date' : opts.Date,
'Source' : opts.Source
// "other information" (outside the template)
this.otherInfo = null;
if (opts.OptionNonFree) {
descFields.Article = opts.NFArticle;
// add/modify option-specific fields:
switch (opts.MainOption) {
case 'OptionOwnWork':
// use standard "source" field for optional "how created?" and
// "previously published" input fields.
descFields.Source = fuwAppendLines([
(opts.OwnWorkCreation || "{{own}}"),
fuwSurroundString("'''Previously published:''' ", opts.OwnWorkPublication)]);
var username = mw.user.getName();
descFields.Author = '[[User:' + username + '|' + username + ']]';
case 'OptionThirdParty':
// use standard "permission" field for a compilation of the
// "permission" input field and the various "evidence" options
var evidence = (
opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionLink ?
("The license statement can be found online at: " + opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceLink) :
(opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionOTRS ?
("The license agreement has been forwarded to OTRS." +
fuwSurroundString(" Ticket: ", opts.ThirdPartyOTRSTicket) + "\{\{OTRS pending|year=" + fuwSubst("CURRENTYEAR") +
"|month=" + fuwSubst("CURRENTMONTH") +
"|day=" + fuwSubst("CURRENTDAY2") + "\}\}") :
(opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionOTRSForthcoming ?
"The license agreement will be forwarded to OTRS shortly. \{\{OTRS pending|year=" + fuwSubst("CURRENTYEAR") +
"|month=" + fuwSubst("CURRENTMONTH") +
"|day=" + fuwSubst("CURRENTDAY2") + "\}\}" :
(opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionNone ?
"Will be provided on request." : null))));
descFields.Permission = fuwAppendLines([
fuwSurroundString("'''Evidence:''' ", evidence)]);
case 'OptionFreeWebsite':
descFields.Permission = opts.Permission;
case 'OptionPDOld':
// add "lifetime" input to "author" field
descFields.Author = fuwAppendLines([
fuwSurroundString("(Life time: ", opts.PDOldAuthorLifetime, ")")
// combine original and direct source into standard "source" field:
descFields.Source = fuwAppendLines([
fuwSurroundString("'''Original publication''': ", opts.Publication),
fuwSurroundString("'''Immediate source''': ", opts.Source)
// no standard tag available for "lack-of-registration" PD-US. Need
// to put this into the "permission" field
if (opts.PDFormality)
descFields.Permission =
"Copyright expired because the work was published without a copyright " +
"notice and/or without the necessary copyright registration.";
// add optional "explanation" input to "permission" field
if (opts.PDOldPermission) {
descFields.Permission = fuwAppendLines([
case 'OptionPDOther':
// Need "permission" field in case of "official item" option
if (opts.PDOtherOfficial)
descFields.Permission = opts.PDOfficialPermission;
case 'OptionNFSubject':
// most FUR elements can be automatically provided:
descFields.Purpose = (
opts.NFSubjectCheckDedicated ?
("For visual identification of the object of the article. " +
"The article as a whole is dedicated specifically to a discussion of this work.") :
(opts.NFSubjectCheckDiscussed ?
("To support encyclopedic discussion of this work in this article. " +
"The illustration is specifically needed to support the following point(s): " +
"<br/>\n" + opts.NFSubjectPurpose) : null)
// I hate FURs filled with trivial/predictable/redundant verbiage,
// so we'll just cut it short. And don't anybody dare complain that
// that's not a valid FUR.
descFields.Replaceability = "n.a.";
descFields.Commercial = "n.a.";
case 'OptionNF3D':
// complex case: we need to assemble attribution and FUR both for the
// original 3D work and for the photographic depiction. Both might be
// non-free.
descFields.Author = fuwAppendLines([
fuwSurroundString("'''Original work:''' ", opts.NF3DCreator),
fuwSurroundString("'''Depiction:''' ", opts.Author)
descFields.Date = fuwAppendLines([
fuwSurroundString("'''Original work:''' ", opts.NF3DOrigDate),
fuwSurroundString("'''Depiction:''' ", opts.Date)
descFields.Purpose = (
opts.NF3DCheckDedicated ?
("For visual identification of the object of the article. " +
"The article as a whole is dedicated specifically to a discussion of this work.") :
(opts.NF3DCheckDiscussed ?
("To support encyclopedic discussion of this work in this article. " +
"The illustration is specifically needed to support the following point(s): " +
"<br/>\n" + opts.NF3DPurpose) : null)
descFields.Replaceability = "n.a.";
descFields.Commercial = "n.a.";
descFields["Other information"] = (
opts.NF3DOptionSame ?
("The image was created and published by the same author who also " +
"holds the rights to the original object, and no alternative depiction " +
"could be suitably created.") :
("The author of the image has released the photographic work under a " +
"free license, or it is in the public domain: " + opts.NF3DPermission)
case 'OptionNFExcerpt':
// FURs for screenshots etc. don't normally need to bother
// about replaceability (with free images) and with commercial role,
// but do need to bother about purpose and about replaceability with text.
descFields.Purpose = opts.NFPurpose;
descFields.Replaceability_text = opts.NFReplaceableText;
descFields.Replaceability = "n.a.";
descFields.Commercial = "n.a.";
case 'OptionNFCover':
// cover art gets standard rationales.
descFields.Purpose =
"to serve as the primary means of visual identification " +
"at the top of the article dedicated to the work in question.";
descFields.Replaceability = "n.a.";
descFields.Commercial = "n.a.";
case 'OptionNFLogo':
// logos get standard rationales.
descFields.Purpose =
"to serve as the primary means of visual identification " +
"at the top of the article dedicated to the entity in question.";
descFields.Replaceability = "n.a.";
descFields.Commercial = "n.a.";
case 'OptionNFPortrait':
// as with other historic photographs, it is useful to have both
// original publication and direct source
descFields.Source = fuwAppendLines([
fuwSurroundString("'''Original publication''': ", opts.Publication),
fuwSurroundString("'''Immediate source''': ", opts.Source)
descFields.Purpose =
"for visual identification of the person in question, " +
"at the top of their biographical article";
descFields.Replaceability = opts.NFReplaceable;
descFields.Commercial = opts.NFCommercial;
descFields['Other information'] =
"The subject of the photograph has been deceased since: " + opts.NFPortraitDeceased;
case 'OptionNFMisc':
descFields.Source = fuwAppendLines([
"'''Original publication''': ",
"<br/>\n'''Immediate source:''' "),
descFields.Purpose = opts.NFPurpose;
descFields.Replaceability = opts.NFReplaceable;
descFields.Replaceability_text = opts.NFReplaceable_text;
descFields.Commercial = opts.NFCommercial;
if (opts.OptionNonFree) {
// common stuff for all non-free files:
// Minimality field (same for all NF options):
descFields.Minimality = opts.NFMinimality;
// append optional "extra license" selector and "AnyOther" fields
// to "Other information" field:
descFields['Other information'] = fuwAppendLines([
descFields['Other information'],
fuwSurroundString('\{\{', opts.NFExtraLicense, '\}\}'),
else {
// common stuff for all free files:
descFields.Other_versions = ''
this.otherInfo = fuwAppendLines([this.otherInfo, "\n\n", opts.AnyOther]);
fuwGlobal.prototype.formatOutput = function(forCommons) {
var baseForm = this.ScriptForm;
var targetForm = this.TargetForm;
if (fuwTesting) {
var testForm = this.TestForm;
var opts = this.opts;
var otherInfo = this.otherInfo;
var descFields = this.descFields;
var summary = "{{" + this.getDescriptionTemplateName();
// assemble all fields into the wikitext of the description page:
var fieldOrder = [
'Source', 'Date', 'Author', 'Permission', 'Other_versions',
'Article', 'Purpose', 'Replaceability', 'Replaceability_text',
'Minimality', 'Commercial', 'Other information'
summary += "\n|Description = " + fuwPackInfo(descFields['Description'], forCommons);
for (var i = 0; i < fieldOrder.length; i++) {
if (descFields[fieldOrder[i]]) {
summary += "\n|" + fieldOrder[i] + " = " + descFields[fieldOrder[i]];
summary += "\n}}\n";
if (otherInfo) {
summary += "\n;Other information:\n" + fuwPackInfo(otherInfo, forCommons) + "\n";
var editSummary = this.getEditSummary();
var license = this.getLicense();
if (forCommons) {
// pack our description info into an url pointing to the
// standard Commons Special:Upload
// with pre-loaded description fields
summary = fuwSubst("Upload marker added by en.wp UW") + "\n" + summary;
summary = summary.replace(/\{\{OTRS pending\}\}/g, fuwSubst("OP"));
if (license.special) {
// manually format the whole description page including the license tag, if it
// isn't one of the bare standard licenses in the dropdown box. Otherwise,
// submit description summary and license as two separate url parameters.
summary = summary + "\n\n" + license.special;
return (fuwGetCommonsURL() +
"?title=Special:Upload" +
"&wpUploadDescription=" +
encodeURIComponent(summary) +
(license.standard ?
("&wpLicense=" + encodeURIComponent(license.standard)) : '') +
"&wpDestFile=" +
else {
// pack all description into a single "text" parameter to be submitted
// to the local api.php upload.
summary = "==Summary==\n" +
summary +
"\n==Licensing==\n" +
(license.standard ? ("\{\{" + license.standard + "\}\}") : license.special) +
if (fuwTesting) {
// Testing mode: show our data in the dummy form
// at the bottom of the page.
fuwGet('placeholderSandboxFilename').innerHTML = opts.InputName;
this.TestForm.SandboxSummary.value = editSummary;
this.TestForm.SandboxText.value = summary;
fuwSetVisible('placeholderTestForm', true);
// write output parameters into target form
// I can't believe IE7 is too stupid to simply understand "this.TargetForm.filename.value".
($('#TargetForm [name="filename"]')[0]).value = opts.InputName;
($('#TargetForm [name="text"]' )[0]).value = summary;
($('#TargetForm [name="comment"]' )[0]).value = editSummary;
($('#TargetForm [name="token"]' )[0]).value = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken');
function fuwHasUserGroup(group) {
// workaround because old IE versions don't have array.indexOf :-(
for (i = 0; i < mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').length; i++) {
if (mw.config.get('wgUserGroups')[i] == group) {
return true;
return false
fuwGlobal.prototype.getUserStatus = function() {
// function to determine the experience status and userrights of the current user:
// 'anon': not logged in; can't use script.
// 'notAutoconfirmed': can't use local upload, but may use script to prepare upload for Commons
// 'newbie': autoconfirmed but editcount < 100
// (may be used in future to adapt instructions more to newbie needs)
// 'problem': autoconfirmed but has 3 or more image-related warnings or deletion notifications among recent user talk entries
// (may be used in future to produce more strongly worded instructions)
// 'autoconfirmed': regular user
// 'sysop'
if (mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
if (fuwHasUserGroup('sysop')) {
this.userStatus = 'sysop';
else if (fuwHasUserGroup('autoconfirmed') || fuwHasUserGroup('confirmed')) {
this.userStatus = 'autoconfirmed';
url : mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
type : 'GET',
dataType: 'xml',
traditional : true,
data: {
format: 'xml',
action: 'query',
meta : 'userinfo',
uiprop: 'editcount',
prop : 'revisions',
titles: 'User talk' + mw.config.get('wgUserName'),
rvprop: 'comment|user',
rvlimit: 30
success: function(data) {
// callback func
var fuw = window.fuw;
if (data) {
var ui = data.getElementsByTagName('userinfo');
if (ui) {
var editcount = ui[0].getAttribute('editcount');
if (editcount < 100) {
fuw.userStatus = 'newbie';
var revs = data.getElementsByTagName('rev');
var countWarn = 0;
for (i = 0; i < revs.length; i++) {
var rev = revs[i];
var usr = rev.getAttribute('user');
var cmt = rev.getAttribute('comment');
if ((usr == 'ImageTaggingBot') ||
( for deletion of \[\[File)|(Uploading files missing)|(File (source and )?copyright licensing problem)|(Speedy deletion nomination of \[\[File)|(Notification: listing at \[\[possibly unfree files)/) >= 0)) {
countWarn += 1;
if (countWarn >= 3) {
fuw.userStatus = 'problem';
else {
this.userStatus = 'notAutoconfirmed';
else {
this.userStatus = 'anon';
// =================================================================
// Convenience function for getting the regular index.php
// interface of Commons. Not very elegant.
// =================================================================
function fuwGetCommonsURL() {
if (document.URL.match(/^https:/))
return "";
return "";
// ==================================================================
// functions for building form elements
// ==================================================================
fuwMakeRadiobutton = function(group, option, checked, event) {
// Stupid IE7 doesn't get "value" attribute unless it's created in this convoluted way.
// Annoying.
var node = $('<input type="radio" id="' + option + '" name="' + group + '" value="' + option + '"></input>')[0];
if (checked) node.checked = true;
node.onclick = event || fuwRadioClick;
node.onclick = event || fuwRadioClick;
fuwAppendInput(option, node);
fuwMakeTextfield = function(label, event) {
var node = document.createElement('input');
node.type = 'text'; = label;
node.size = fuwDefaultTextboxLength;
node.onchange = event || fuwUpdateOptions;
// only for testing:
//node.value = label;
fuwAppendInput(label, node);
fuwMakeTextarea = function(label, event) {
var node = document.createElement('textarea'); = label;
node.rows = fuwDefaultTextareaLines; = fuwDefaultTextareaWidth;
node.onchange = event || fuwUpdateOptions;
//only for testing:
//node.innerHTML = label;
fuwAppendInput(label, node);
fuwMakeCheckbox = function(label, checked, event) {
var node = document.createElement('input'); = label;
node.type = 'checkbox';
//only for testing:
//node.title= label;
node.checked = checked;
node.onchange = event || fuwUpdateOptions;
fuwAppendInput(label, node);
fuwMakeHiddenfield = function(name, value, id) {
var node = document.createElement('input'); = name;
node.type = 'hidden';
node.value = value;
fuwAppendInput((id || name), node);
fuwMakeAnchor = function(label, href, content) {
var node = document.createElement('a'); = label; "_blank";
node.href = href;
node.innerHTML = content;
fuwAppendInput(label, node);
fuwMakeSelection = function(name, values) {
var root = document.createElement('select');
var current = root;
try {
for (i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
var line = values[i];
var entry;
if (line.length == 0) {
current = root;
else if (line.length == 1) {
entry = document.createElement('optgroup');
entry.setAttribute('label', line[0]);
current = entry;
else {
entry = document.createElement('option');
entry.setAttribute('value', line[0]);
entry.setAttribute('title', '{{' + line[0] + '}}');
entry.innerHTML = line[1];
if (line.length > 2) {
entry.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
} catch (e) { alert("Name: " + name + ", i=" + i); } = name;
root.onchange = fuwUpdateOptions;
fuwAppendInput(name, root);
function fuwMakeWikilink(place, target, redlink, display) {
place = fuwGet(place);
var id =;
var anchor;
if (place.tagName == 'A') {
anchor = place;
else {
anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = mw.util.getUrl(target);
anchor.title = target;
anchor.innerHTML = target;
anchor.className = (redlink ? 'new' : null);
function fuwAppendInput(label, content) {
// append a newly created input element to an existing
// span element marked as id="placeholderXYZ"
var node = fuwGet('placeholder' + label);
var old = fuwGet(label);
if (old) {
} = || label;
if (node) {
while (node.hasChildNodes()) {
// ======================================================
// move an element away from its current position
// and append it to a target element if condition is true
// ======================================================
function fuwMove(mv, tg, condition, toStart) {
if (condition) {
move = fuwGet(mv);
target = fuwGet(tg);
if (move && target) {
var parent = move.parentNode;
if (! (target===parent)) {
if (toStart) {
target.insertBefore(move, target.firstChild);
else {
else {
alert("Can't find elements: move=" + mv + "(" + move + "), target=" + tg + "(" + target + ")");
return condition;
// ===================================================
// make an element visible/invisible
// ===================================================
function fuwSetVisible(tg, condition) {
target = fuwGet(tg);
if (target) {
if (condition) {
else {
else {
alert("Element not found: " + (tg.nodeType ? : tg));
// ===================================================
// set enabled/disabled status for an element and/or
// all input controls contained in it.
// ===================================================
function fuwSetEnabled(tg, condition) {
target = fuwGet(tg);
try {
var elements = (target.tagName.match(/^(input|textarea|select|button|a)$/i) ?
[target] :
$('#' + + ' *'));
for (i = 0; i<elements.length; i++) {
if (elements[i].tagName.match(/^(input|textarea|select|button|a)$/i)) {
elements[i].disabled = (condition ? null : "disabled");
} catch (e) { alert("Element not found: " + (tg.nodeType ? : tg)); }
// ===================================================
// convenience function to check whether a given
// element is currenly visible. Needs to check display
// property of the element and its ancestors
// ===================================================
function fuwIsVisible(el) {
element = fuwGet(el);
if (!element) return false;
el =;
var visible = true;
while (! (element === document.body)) {
if ( == "none") {
visible = false;
element = element.parentNode;
return visible;
// ===================================================
// cleanup filename
// ===================================================
function fuwCleanFilename() {
var nameBox = window.fuw.ScriptForm.InputName;
var oldname = name = $.trim(nameBox.value);
if (name) {
// strip accidentally added [[ ]] or [[: ]] brackets
name = name.replace(/(^\[\[:?)|(\]\]$)/g, "");
// strip accidentally added "File:" prefix
name = name.replace(/^(File|Image):/, "");
// replace underscores with spaces
name = name.replace(/_/g, " ");
// uppercase first letter
name = name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);
if (oldname != name) {
nameBox.value = name;
// always return true so the next validation step will proceed:
return true;
// ==================================================
// check filename for technically illegal
// characters, trying to fix them automatically
// ==================================================
function fuwCheckLegalFilename() {
var nameBox = window.fuw.ScriptForm.InputName;
var oldname = name = $.trim(nameBox.value);
if (name) {
// resolve accidentally entered html entities and URI-encoded %XX character codes
name = name.replace(/\&[a-z]+;/g, fuwHtmlEntityDecode);
name = name.replace(/(\%[A-F0-9]{2,2})/g, decodeURI);
// remove illegal characters # < > [ ] | { } /:
// using a best guess for an acceptable replacement
name = name.replace(/[<\[\{]/g, "(");
name = name.replace(/[>\]\}]/g, ")");
name = name.replace(/[#:\|]/g, ",");
name = name.replace(/\//g, "-");
// remove sequences of tildes
name = name.replace(/\~{3,}/g, "---");
// remove initial slash
name = name.replace(/^\//, "");
if (oldname != name) {
window.fuw.warn.IllegalChars = true;
nameBox.value = name;
return false;
else {
window.fuw.warn.IllegalChars = false;
return true;
function fuwHtmlEntityDecode(str) {
// hack to translate accidentally entered html entity code
// into actual characters
var ta=document.createElement('textarea');
return ta.value;
// =======================================================
// Check against various common patterns of poorly chosen
// filenames (too short / too generic)
// =======================================================
function fuwCheckPoorFilename() {
var nameBox = window.fuw.ScriptForm.InputName;
var name = $.trim(nameBox.value);
name = name.replace(/\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg|xcf|pdf|mid|ogg|ogv|svg|djvu|tiff|tif|oga)$/i, "");
// name should be at least 10 characters long, excluding file type extension
var tooShort = (name.length < 10);
// common generic filename patterns:
// IMG......jpg
// Image....jpg
// DSC......jpg
// Picture......jpg
// Pic..........jpg
// anything that has fewer than 3 alphabetic letters and then just numbers
var pattern = /^(img|image|dsc|picture|pic)?(\\s*|\\_*|[a-z]{,3})?\\d+$/i;
var auto = name.match(pattern);
window.fuw.warn.BadFilename = (tooShort || auto);
return !tooShort && !auto;
// =======================================================
// check if file extensions match between local filename
// and target filename input box. Automatically append
// appropriate extension to target filename if they don't.
// =======================================================
function fuwCheckFileExtension() {
var nameBox = window.fuw.ScriptForm.InputName;
var name = $.trim(nameBox.value);
var fileBox = window.fuw.TargetForm.file;
var file = fileBox.value;
// cancel check if no filename has been provided yet
if (!file || !name) return true;
var extensions = /.+\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg|xcf|pdf|mid|ogg|ogv|svg|djvu|tiff|tif|oga)$/i;
var mimetypes = {
"png" : "image/png",
"gif" : "image/gif",
"jpg" : "image/jpeg",
"jpeg" : "image/jpeg",
"xcf" : "image/x-xcf",
"pdf" : "application/pdf",
"mid" : "audio/rtp-midi",
"ogg" : "audio/ogg",
"ogv" : "video/ogg",
"svg" : "image/svg+xml",
"djvu" : "image/vnd.djvu",
"tiff" : "image/tiff",
"tif" : "image/tiff",
"oga" : "video/ogg"
var found = extensions.exec(file);
var fileExt = found ? found[1].toLowerCase() : "";
found = extensions.exec(name);
var nameExt = found ? found[1].toLowerCase() : "";
var mime = mimetypes[fileExt];
if (fileExt && mime && (mimetypes[nameExt] != mime)) {
nameBox.value = name.replace(/\.?$/, ('.' + fileExt));
return true;
// ============================================================
// Check if a file under the chosen name already exists,
// either locally or on Commons.
// Store results in the fuw.warn object, so warnings will
// be displayed on the next fuwUpdateOptions() call
// ============================================================
function fuwCheckFileExists() {
// this is an asynchronous AJAX function.
// results won't yet be present when this function returns.
var nameBox = window.fuw.ScriptForm.InputName;
var name = $.trim(nameBox.value);
// using the jQuery wrapper for the Ajax functionality:
url : mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
type : 'GET',
dataType: 'xml',
traditional : true,
data: {
format: 'xml',
action: 'query',
titles: 'File:' + name,
prop : 'imageinfo',
iiprop: 'url|user',
iiurlwidth: 120
success: function(resp) {
// callback function, called when API query has succeeded:
// see if the request has returned info from an existing image:
var foundlist = resp.getElementsByTagName('ii');
var exists = (foundlist.length >= 1);
var isCommons = false;
if (exists) {
// extract description data from http response.
// see
// for structure of API response
var foundImg = foundlist[0];
isCommons = (foundImg.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('imagerepository')=='shared');
// need this data for creating our own image thumb link
var width = foundImg.getAttribute('thumbwidth');
var height = foundImg.getAttribute('thumbheight');
var thumbURL = foundImg.getAttribute('thumburl');
var lastUser = foundImg.getAttribute('user');
var descURL = foundImg.getAttribute('descriptionurl');
// API returns link to local description page even for Commons images.
// However, we want a direct link to Commons.
if (isCommons) {
descURL = descURL.replace(/en\.wikipedia\.org/, "");
descURL = descURL.replace(/\/\/secure\.wikimedia\.org\/wikipedia\/en/, "");
// build the image info into the warning section of our page:
thumbDiv = fuwGet('warningImageThumb');
if (thumbDiv) {
// make all links point to description page:
var thumbA = thumbDiv.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (i = 0; i<thumbA.length; i++) {
thumbA[i].setAttribute('href', descURL);
// insert the image itself:
var thumbImg = thumbDiv.getElementsByTagName('img');
if (thumbImg.length > 0) {
thumbImg = thumbImg[0];
thumbImg.setAttribute('src', thumbURL);
thumbImg.setAttribute('width', width);
thumbImg.setAttribute('height', height);
// insert the name of the last uploader:
var thumbSpan = fuwGet('existingImageUploader');
// TO DO: turn this into a proper link
if (thumbSpan) thumbSpan.innerHTML = lastUser;
warn = window.fuw.warn;
warn.ImageOnCommons = exists && isCommons;
warn.ImageExists = exists && !isCommons;
// ===========================================================
// onchange event handler for the local filename box
// ===========================================================
fuwValidateFile = function() {
// ===========================================================
// onchange event handler for the name input box
// ===========================================================
fuwValidateFilename = function() {
if (
fuwCheckLegalFilename() &&
fuwCheckPoorFilename() &&
fuwCheckFileExtension()) {
// after fuwCheckFileExists(),
// fuwUpdateOptions will be triggered
// by the callback function after Ajax completion
else {
// if there's been no Ajax call.
// ==========================================================
// function fuwValidateNFArticle()
// ==========================================================
// This is the validation routine for the obligatory
// article-to-be-used-in field for non-free files. It queries
// api.php about the target article through an Ajax call.
// It will store error info in the fuw.warn object,
// triggering the following error on the next updateOptions():
// * warningNFArticleNotFound : target page doesn't exist.
// * warningNFArticleNotMainspace : target is not an article.
// * warningNFArticleDab : target is a disambiguation page.
// Redirects will automatically be substituted.
// ==========================================================
fuwValidateNFArticle = function() {
var nameBox = window.fuw.ScriptForm.NFArticle;
oldname = name = nameBox.value;
// cleanup article name:
// automatically fix accidentally added [[ ... ]] and
// regularize underscores
name = $.trim(name);
name = name.replace(/(^\[\[)|(\]\]$)/g, "");
// automatically fix article names entered as full urls:
name = name.replace(/^https?:\/\/en\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\//, "");
name = name.replace(/^https?:\/\/en\.wikipedia\.org\/w\/index\.php\?title=/, "");
name = name.replace(/_/g, " ");
if (name != oldname) nameBox.value = name;
// do nothing more if field was blank
if (!name) return;
// using the jQuery wrapper for the Ajax functionality:
url : mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
type : 'GET',
dataType: 'xml',
traditional : true,
data: {
format: 'xml',
action: 'query',
titles: name,
prop : 'info|categories|links'
success: function(resp) {
// callback function, called when API query has succeeded:
var errorType = 0;
var pg = resp.getElementsByTagName('page')[0];
var title = pg.getAttribute('title');
var target = title;
if (pg.getAttribute('missing') != null) {
// no page found under this title.
errorType = 1;
else {
var userspace = false;
var ns = pg.getAttribute('ns');
var rd = pg.getAttribute('redirect');
if (ns != 0) {
// not a mainspace page!
errorType = 2;
// try to detect if the target might be a user space draft:
if (title.match(new RegExp("User( talk)?:" + mw.config.get('wgUserName')))) {
userspace = true;
else if (rd != null) {
// redirect page
// API returns an empty redirect="" attribute if
// the page is a redirect
var targets = pg.getElementsByTagName('pl');
for (i=0; i<targets.length; i++) {
var link = targets[i];
if (link.getAttribute('ns')==0) {
target = link.getAttribute('title');
errorType = 3;
else {
// check for disambiguation categories
var cats = pg.getElementsByTagName('cl');
for (i=0; i<cats.length; i++) {
var cat = cats[i];
if (cat.getAttribute('title') == "Category:All disambiguation pages") {
errorType = 4;
warn = window.fuw.warn;
warn.NFArticleNotFound = (errorType==1);
warn.NFArticleNotMainspace = (errorType==2);
warn.UserspaceDraft = ((errorType==2) && userspace);
warn.NFArticleDab = (errorType==4);
warn.NFArticleOK = (errorType==0);
// fix links in error messages:
if (warn.NFArticleNotFound) {
fuwMakeWikilink(fuwGet('warningNFArticleNotFound').getElementsByTagName('A')[0], target, true);
else if (warn.NFArticleNotMainspace) {
fuwMakeWikilink(fuwGet('warningNFArticleNotMainspace').getElementsByTagName('A')[0], target);
else if (warn.NFArticleDab) {
fuwMakeWikilink(fuwGet('warningNFArticleDab').getElementsByTagName('A')[0], target);
else if (warn.NFArticleOK) {
fuwMakeWikilink(fuwGet('NFArticleOK').getElementsByTagName('A')[0], target);
if (errorType==3) {
// automatically replace title with redirect target
window.fuw.ScriptForm.NFArticle.value = target;
// need to recursively call validation again now
//if (confirm(name + " is a redirect. Follow it to " + target + "?")) {
else {
// ================================================
// manually reload script (just for testing)
// ================================================
function fuwReload() {
mw.loader.load( 'http://localhost/script/uploadscript.js' );
// ================================================
// reset forms
// TO DO: add a button that actually triggers this.
// ================================================
function fuwReset() {
var forms = mw.util.$content[0].getElementsByTagName('form');
for (i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
window.fuw.warn = { };
window.fuw.opts = { };
fuwSetVisible('UploadScriptArea', true);
fuwSetVisible('fuwSuccess', false);
fuwSetVisible('fuwWaiting', false);
// ===============================================
// convenience functions for string handling
// ===============================================
function fuwAppendLines(parts) {
// assemble a string from an array of strings.
// treat every second element as a conditional
// separator that will be included only if
// surrounding elements are non-empty.
var build = "";
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 2) {
if (parts[i]) {
if (build) build += parts[i - 1];
build += parts[i];
return build;
function fuwSurroundString(prefix, content, suffix) {
// put a prefix and a suffix on a string,
// if the input string is non-empty.
if (content)
return (prefix ? prefix : "") + content + (suffix ? suffix : "");
else return "";
// ========================================================
// convenience function for accessing the contents of the
// dummy TargetIFrame
// ========================================================
function fuwGetDocumentFromIFrame(iframe) {
var doc = (iframe.contentDocument ? iframe.contentDocument : iframe.contentWindow.document);
if (doc.XMLDocument) {
doc = doc.XMLDocument;
return doc;
// ========================================================
// event handler for the dummy TargetIFrame's onload event.
// TO DO: expand stub to add real notification of success,
// link to new file page, instructions about how to include
// file in articles, etc.
// ========================================================
function fuwUploadCompleted() {
var doc = fuwGetDocumentFromIFrame(fuwGet('TargetIFrame'));
if (doc) {
fuwSetVisible('successThumb', false);
var fuw = window.fuw;
var name = fuw.opts.InputName;
var uploads = doc.getElementsByTagName('upload');
var success = false;
for (i = uploads.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (uploads[i].getAttribute('result') == 'Success') {
success = true;
// need to get the real resulting filename here; might be different from the requested one in some cases.
name = uploads[i].getAttribute('filename');
if (success) {
// need another ajax call to check the file is actually there,
// and to retrieve its direct thumb img url:
url : mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
type : 'GET',
dataType: 'xml',
traditional : true,
data: {
format: 'xml',
action: 'query',
titles: 'File:' + name,
prop : 'imageinfo',
iiprop: 'url',
iiurlwidth: 120
success: function(resp) {
// callback function, called when API query has succeeded:
// see if the request has returned info from an existing image:
var foundImg = resp.getElementsByTagName('ii')[0];
if (foundImg) {
// need this data for creating our own image thumb link
var width = foundImg.getAttribute('thumbwidth');
var height = foundImg.getAttribute('thumbheight');
var thumbURL = foundImg.getAttribute('thumburl');
var lastUser = foundImg.getAttribute('user');
var descURL = foundImg.getAttribute('descriptionurl');
// build the thumbnail in the success message:
thumbDiv = fuwGet('successThumb');
// make link point to description page:
var thumbA = thumbDiv.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
thumbA.href = descURL;
// insert the image itself:
var thumbImg = thumbDiv.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
thumbImg.setAttribute('src', thumbURL);
thumbImg.setAttribute('width', width);
thumbImg.setAttribute('height', height);
fuwSetVisible(thumbDiv, true);
'File:' + name);
fuwGet('placeholderExFilename1').innerHTML = name;
fuwGet('placeholderExFilename2').innerHTML = name;
fuwSetVisible('fuwSuccess', true);
fuwSetVisible('fuwWaiting', false);
else {
var err = doc.getElementsByTagName('error');
if (err) {
var info = err[0].getAttribute('info');
var details = err[0].getElementsByTagName('detail');
var add = "";
for (i = 0; i < details.length; i++) {
if (add.length > 0) add += ", ";
add += details[i].textContent;
if (add) {
info = info + " (" + add + ")";
alert("Upload failed: " + info);
else {
alert("Unknown error: upload may have failed.");
// ========================================================
// clean out dummy IFrame before submitting a request
// ========================================================
function fuwResetTargetIFrame() {
var doc = fuwGetDocumentFromIFrame(fuwGet('TargetIFrame'));
if (doc) {
while (doc.hasChildNodes()) {
// ========================================================
// Event handler for the real submit button
// ========================================================
function fuwSubmitUpload() {
var fuw = window.fuw;
var frm = fuw.TargetForm;
// we will use the iframe's onload event to trigger a function that
// adds success notification etc.
var ifr = fuwGet('TargetIFrame');
if (ifr.attachEvent) {
// workaround for IE, according to
ifr.attachEvent("onload", fuwUploadCompleted);
else {
// all other browsers
ifr.onload = fuwUploadCompleted;
if (fuwTesting) {
fuwSetVisible('placeholderTestForm', false);
fuwSetVisible('UploadScriptArea', false);
fuwGet('fuwSuccessLink').getElementsByTagName('a')[0], 'File:' + fuw.opts.InputName);
fuwSetVisible('fuwWaiting', true);
var opts = window.fuw.opts;
// the API won't overwrite the description page text while overwriting
// a file, which is really, really, really annoying and stupid.
// So in the opts.OverwriteDifferent scenario, we need to edit
// the description page through a separate ajax call. Dang.
if (opts.OverwriteDifferent) {
url : mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
type : 'POST',
dataType : 'xml',
data : {
format : 'xml',
action : 'edit',
title : 'File:' + opts.InputName,
token : mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'),
summary : opts.EditSummary,
text : ($('#TargetForm .[name="text"]')[0]).value
// =======================================================
// Event handler for the Commons submit button
// =======================================================
function fuwSubmitCommons() {
var fuw = window.fuw;
var url = fuw.formatOutput(true);
alert("You will now be redirected to Commons. \nPlease use the Commons upload form to add categories to your file description, and then complete the upload.");
window.location = url;
// =======================================================
// Event handler for the test submit button
// (write description string to sandbox only)
// =======================================================
function fuwSubmitSandbox() {
var frm = window.fuw.TestForm;
url : mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
type : 'POST',
dataType: 'xml',
data: {
format: 'xml',
action: 'edit',
title : mw.config.get('wgPageName') + "/sandbox",
token : mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'),
recreate : 1,
summary : frm.SandboxSummary.value,
text : frm.SandboxText.value
success: function(resp) {
alert("Sandbox page edited!");
// ========================================================
// convenience wrapper function to replace calls to
// document.getElementById()
// to avoid browser incompatibility
// ========================================================
function fuwGet(target) {
if (target && target.nodeType) return target;
else {
var found = $('#' + target);
if (found) return found[0];
return undefined;
// ========================================================
// onload hook function, loading this script
// ========================================================
$(function() {
if (fuwGet('UploadScriptArea')) {
window.fuw = new fuwGlobal();
if (! window.fuw.disabled) {