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The accompanying .css page for this skin is at User:WikiWikiWayne/common.css. |
/* Disables auto-launch of diff */
autoEdClick = false;
/* Add-on for wikEd */
wikEdRegExTypoFix = true;
/* Unify ref parameter spacing */
page: importScript( 'User:Waldyrious/formatcitations.js' ); // Backlink: [[User:Waldyrious/formatcitations.js]]
/* Add AutoFormatter */
mw.loader.load( '//' );
/* Add-on JavaScript Wiki Browser */
/* Find duplicate arguments */
findargdupsresultsbox = 'yes';
importScript('User:Frietjes/findargdups.js'); // [[User:Frietjes/findargdups]]
/* Reference segregator that can also migrate to LDR style */
var SegregateRefsJsAllowConversion = true;
/* Adds template wizard */
mw.loader.load( '' );
/* Adds Sources script links to lefthand Toolbar */
importScript('User:Ohconfucius/script/Sources.js'); // [[User:Ohconfucius/script/Sources.js]]
/* Adds AutoFormatter to Toolbar */
mw.loader.load( '//' );
/* Adds Teahouse Badges to Wikilove */
/* Adds a TB link next to every signature at The Teahouse to send a Talkback message to their Talk page */
importScript("User:Writ Keeper/Scripts/teahouseTalkbackLink.js"); // Adds a talkback link to signatures on the Teahouse
/* Puts Go to top link at bottom of each page */
importScript('User:Numbermaniac/goToTop.js'); // [[User:Numbermaniac/goToTop.js]]
/* Puts a Highlight duplicate links link on left side of each page */
importScript('User:Ucucha/duplinks.js'); // [[User:Ucucha/duplinks]]
/* Puts a reFILL link on the left side of each page */
mw.loader.load( "" );
/* Puts a Pending changes link at top right of each page */
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var li = document.createElement("li");
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Pending changes"));
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head.insertBefore(li, head.childNodes[9]);
/* Adding SmartLinks */
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importScript('User:V111P/js/smartLinkingLoader.js'); // [[User:V111P/js/smartLinkingLoader.js]]
/* Adds parent and child sort to HotCat */
window.hotcat_use_category_links = true;
/* Adds AutoEd to Tools */
/* Adds FurMe for tagging images with licensing */
/* Adds links in lefthand Tools links section to unify dates per MOS:DATES */
importScript('User:Ohconfucius/script/MOSNUM dates.js'); // [[User:Ohconfucius/script/MOSNUM dates.js]]
/* Puts a link in the Tools tab to easily submit Diffs to EditQuest */
importScript('User:Samtar/dev/editquest/editquest.js'); //Edit Quest
/* Adds DYK Check link to lefthand Tools links */
importScript('User:Shubinator/DYKcheck.js'); //DYKcheck tool
/* Adds Mass Roolback with checkboxes portlet to user contribs page */
importScript('User:Kangaroopower/MRollback.js'); //Mass Rollback Script [[User:Kangaroopower/MRollback.js]]
//This function adds a link to the toolbox which, when clicked, displays the size of the page
//and the size of the prose in bytes. See the talk page for more details.
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Dr pda/prosesizebytes.js]]
/* Adding one click archiver */
/* Backlink: [[User:Technical_13/Scripts/OneClickArchiver]] */
/* Normalizes spaces in citation templates */
function formatCitations(vertical) {
var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
// Fill an array with one entry per each recognized citation template
// Note: the regex should be changed to allow parameter values that are themselves templates,
// e.g. {{cite book | author = John Doe | title = The Book | year = 1234 | ref = {{sfnRef|Doe (1234)}} | isbn = 0-12345-678-9 }}
// I got as far as this: /(\{\{[Cc]it(?:ation|(?:ar|e) [a-z ]+)\s*)(\|\s*[^=]+=\s*(?:\{\{)?.+(?:\}\})?\s*)+(\}\})/g
var originalTemplates = txt.value.match(/\{\{[Cc]it(ation|(ar|e) [a-z ]+) *\n? *\|[^{}]+\}\}/g);
// Duplicate the array, for editing. We need to keep the original strings for the replacement step
var tweakedTemplates = originalTemplates.slice();
for(var i = 0; i < originalTemplates.length; i++) {
if(vertical) {
// Fill an array with one entry per each parameter for this citation template
var originalParams = originalTemplates[i].match(/ *\n? *\| *\n? *[^ =]+ *= */g);
// Create array to be filled with the cleaned-up parameters.
// We need to keep the original strings for the replacement step.
var tweakedParams = [];
var maxWidth = 0;
for(var j = 0; j < originalParams.length; j++){
// Get rid of the delimiters and spaces, keep only the parameter string
tweakedParams[j] = originalParams[j].match(/[a-z1-9_-]+/)[0];
// Calculate the length of the longest parameter
maxWidth = (tweakedParams[j].length>maxWidth) ? tweakedParams[j].length : maxWidth;
maxWidth++; // We need an extra one because Array(n).join(' ') will produce a string with n-1 chars
// Generate the aligned versions of the parameters (with padding before the equal signs)
for(var k = 0; k < originalParams.length; k++) {
var numSpaces = maxWidth - tweakedParams[k].length;
var alignedParam = "\n | " + tweakedParams[k] + new Array(numSpaces).join(" ") + " = ";
// Replace the original parameters with the tweaked ones
tweakedTemplates[i] = tweakedTemplates[i].replace (originalParams[k], alignedParam);
// Also align the }}
tweakedTemplates[i] = tweakedTemplates[i].replace(/ *\n? *\}\}/g,"\n }}");
// Replace the original templates with the tweaked versions
txt.value = txt.value.replace(originalTemplates[i], tweakedTemplates[i]);
} else {
// Remove newlines
tweakedTemplates[i] = tweakedTemplates[i].replace(/\n/g, "");
// Normalize spaces around the pipes and equal signs
tweakedTemplates[i] = tweakedTemplates[i].replace(/ *\| *([a-z1-9_-]+) *= */g," |$1 = ");
// Remove potencial extra spaces before template ends
tweakedTemplates[i] = tweakedTemplates[i].replace(/ *\}\}$/," }}");
txt.value = txt.value.replace(originalTemplates[i], tweakedTemplates[i]);
// Update the edit summary
var sum = document.editform.wpSummary;
var summary = vertical ? "convert citation templates to vertical format" : "harmonize whitespace" ;
summary += " (using [[User:Waldir/formatcitations.js]])";
if (sum.value.indexOf(summary) == -1) {
if (sum.value.match(/[^\*\/\s][^\/\s]?\s*$/)) {
sum.value += " | ";
sum.value += summary;
if(!vertical) { document.editform.wpMinoredit.checked = true; }
$(function () {
if(document.forms.editform) {
mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:formatCitations(false)', '{{}}', 'ca-formatcitations', 'Format citations: add whitespace', '-', '');
mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:formatCitations(true)', '{{}}+', 'ca-formatcitations-vertical', 'Formats citations vertically', '-', '');
/* Opens edit summary in a new empty box, then reinserts section name */
importScript('User:Ohconfucius/script/MOSNUM_dates.js'); // Backlink: [[User:Ohconfucius/script/MOSNUM_dates.js]]
/* Adds refrenamer to tools */
importScript('User:Nardog/RefRenamer.js'); // Backlink: [[User:Nardog/RefRenamer.js]]