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NUSA(The United States of the Americas)
[edit]The New United States of the Americas (also called NUSA) is a Unitary republic Unitary Republic, divided in four cities, (Coast City , Mountain city, Lake city and Desert City), that share the functions of capital districts Capital Districts. In a regular calendar rotation, each city is the base of the government with the same/appropriate building structure. An area of 1,120,955 km squared with over 83 million people, the New United States of Americas is based on prior planned cities and urban centers. Using the successful model of Masdar City[1] , the NUSA applies the latest technology to make a zero-impact country. With the reuse of the natural resources of each of the cities, this country is a model to apply to the rest of the world. The current President is Marae Oliza and she is curently residing in Mountain City.
[edit]The design of the cities is a grid pattern on a square shape, based on other planned urban spaces such as La Plata[2] , Argentina. The city grid design is in compliance with the regulations on the Scottish Government[3] . Based on that report, the streets of NUSA support the six qualities of successful places: distinctive, safe and pleasant, easy to get to and move around, welcoming, adaptable, and resource efficient. The streets are divided into five segments: electric pods in the middle, two bicycle lanes on each side, walking lanes are the outermost segment. No sidewalks are needed and plants mark the transition between a road and another segment. In places where there isn’t enough space for five paths, the walking segment has priority over the other two. Also, a high speed pod route goes around the outside of each city as a long distance fast choice.
[edit]The cars are electric, called Pod-Cars[4] and they run on clean energy. Every ten blocks there is a station with multiple combinations to reach the proper destination. No individual pods are allowed. All public transportation is free and runs in different cycles depending of the volume of passengers (during the night, the pods are re-charged and the frequency of the Pods is based on the working hours, weekend or special holidays).
[edit]The houses are similar in shape and design; there are three basic models based on the needs of the population. The first house is designated to newly married couples. They are situated in the borders of the city, with access to fast transportation, workplaces and restaurants and amenities. After the couple has a baby, they move to a different house, closer to the center of town. Here there are parks, schools and sport venues available for the family. Depending on the amount of children or how big the family gets, they remain in the same building, or move to a different house to accommodate their needs. After all the children have left the home to study or work, the couple returns to a smaller house, in a segment between the other two areas, with more short walking paths and access to recreation centers and healthcare buildings.
[edit]There is an assigned value per family based on number and needs, designated to use for food, clothes and entertainment. Other needs are covered using a Barter System[5] of exchange.
Important Historical Foreign Events and Military
[edit]On April 1, 1946 a tsunami killed 159 people in Hawaii and five in Alaska. This led to the tsunami warning system also known as the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. This caused a huge fear in Americas’ population because at the time there was no kind of warning system established in the country. This event prompted the Americas’ to join the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration which provides hazard, risk assessment, vulnerability and sensitivity analysis, evacuation route planning as well as the education of tsunami threats for the population.
In 1960 the United States of the Americas attended UNESCO’s General Conference’s 11th session. This session was key because the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission(IOC) was established. There were 41 founding member states which included: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Finland, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Ghana, India, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Mauritania, Monaco, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Arab Republic, United Kingdom, United States of America, Unites States of the Americas, Uruguay, Viet-Nam. This commission was established to coordinate the exchange of data and information among member states and their respective national oceanographic data centers. This commission is key to keeping the United States of the Americas conscious of possible tsunami threats.
In April 1986 and explosion that released large portions of radioactive contamination into the atmosphere occurs at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. This event had a huge international impact which led to the Italian Referendums. The United States of the Americas was also in attendance(Italy being one of it’s closest allies) and later conducted its own referendum modeled after the Italians. As a result of these referendums both Italy and the United States of the Americas began phasing out their nuclear power plants. The United States of the Americas had a very small amount of plants which were used to help provide power during the construction of the cities. This in turn spurred a great interest in renewable energy. Being an island nation, the United States of the Americas had a heightened interest in Ocean Energy also known as hydro power. Americas’ Center for Marine Energy(CME) teamed up with Scotland’s European Marine Energy Centre and created the world’s first testing facility for wave and tidal machines. The wave and tidal stream generators that were developed at this facility are now being used to help power many homes the United States of the Americas. A 1.2 MW underwater tidal generator is powerful enough to power a thousand homes while having minimal environmental impact. Rotors are also no danger to wildlife because they move at very slow speeds.
In 2008 the UN appointed Olivier De Schutter as its Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food by its Human Rights council. His report[6] to the UN exclaims that feast is just as important as famine. He says that states “have a duty to protect the right to an adequate diet, in particular by regulating the food system”. His report states that it is that states responsibility to defend the public and prevent the food industry from creating an environment that makes its citizens unhealthy. This is seen as a violation of human rights, similar to the right to food. The Americas’ government sympathized with this report stating that the ‘agrifood’ business is contributing to obesity and health problems by marketing and selling fattening foods at low prices. This issue brought many changes to the lives of Americas’ citizens. The government passed a law that banned Trans fats and established a new committee within its Department of Social Welfare. One of these committees is a regulatory committee, the Health Watch Committee(HWC). This committee helps regulate the marketing of unhealthy foods as well as the administration of a given stake of the government’s domestic health fund. With this money the HWC helps subsidize projects that help promote healthy eating. A 10% sales tax proposition on soda and junk food is currently being reviewed.
Emergence of the world’s largest naval fleet
[edit]The United States of the Americas’ navy, later to be named ‘Grand Navy’ has its origins between the 10th and 13th century. Originally the only ships in the sea were just a collection of boats, some owned by the state and others private. Their sole purpose was fishing as this was an enormous market for the United States of the Americas. It was until the appearance of Polynesian pirates that the need for protection became a priority. As time went on the state began to attempt to organize these fishing boats which slowly began to arm themselves. The state eventually separated this phenomenon and helped form an organized state run navy separate from those boats in the fishing industry. This state run navy became known as the ‘Grand Navy’ and its primary objective was to protect its fishing boats from pirates. The importance of the protection of the fishing industry led to great advancements in naval warfare which set the stage for the emergence of the world’s largest, most advanced navy.
The United States of the America’s Grand Navy is currently the largest and most advanced navy in the world. It is larger than the next 15 largest Navy’s combined and is home to the world’s most renowned weapons engineers. The navy has about 500,000 active duty soldiers, 305 ships, 4,000 + aircraft, 15 aircraft carriers, 30 cruisers, 66 destroyers, 35 frigates, 96 submarines and 5 littoral combat ships. The United States of America’s largest naval station, Pace Naval Station, is located in Scoll, Locknum and is the world’s largest naval station surpassing the USA’s Norfolk station.
The Americas' army currently has over 600,000 active-duty service members and 500,000 reserves.
Geography and Climate
[edit]The Unites States of the Americas is located in between 0 and 20 degrees longitude and 140 and 100 degrees latitude. The southern portion of the country lies close to the equator giving it a tropical climate. This climate is ideal for the countries sustainable agriculture. The northern part of the country sees more moderate weather and is home to the mountain and lake cities. Due to its geographical location, its fishing industry a huge part of the country's economy and provides a big job market in this maritime industry.
[edit]The lack of certain species of wildlife in the area has puzzled scientists for decades. Although fossils have been recovered all around the country scientists are still working on an explanation of why there is not a diverse amount of life found on the island.However, using the resources available, NUSA was able to recover certain native animal species of the different areas. The DNA available through the program FROZEN ARK[7] , a bank of DNA from animals, was the main resource to reconstruct the original combination of species and maintain the eco balance on the zone.
[edit]Seeds from the GLOBAL SEED VAULT[8] were requested to repopulate those areas affected by construction and human impact during the planning of the United States of the Americas. As native plants are replanted, the seeds are being optimized to be used as a full resource for human feeding, animal feeding, clean combustion and mulch.
[edit]Indigenous population
[edit]The initial inhabitants of the United States of The Americas were aHunter-gatherer society. These people spoke many languages and were composed of a variety of tribal groups. Due to their proximity to the ocean, fishing techniques were highly developed. Fish composed a large part of the diet for the coastal population while the in-land population depended on livestock. The most fertile land was found in the south-eastern portion of the island. The inhabitants of this region depended highly on fish as a source of food. At this time the indigenous population was estimated to be in between 515,000 to 915,000. This population is believed to have been composed of more than 700 tribes with many different languages. The 2010 census recorded that about 810,225 of its population identified themselves as Vanpol and 866,500 identified as Resar Islanders. This adds up to an indigenous population of 1,676,725 which is 2% of the total population. These indigenous peoples are found in rural areas in the south and eastern parts of the Americas’ and in the cities of the North.
Population and Size
[edit]Population- 83,836,256
Size 1,120,955 km squared.
Age Structure
[edit]0-14 years of age: 15.1%
15-64 year of age: 71.6%
65 years and over: 13.2%
Population growth
[edit]The United States of The Americas conducts a census every 4 years. This process is conducted by the Bureau of Statistics which is part of the Department of Internal Affairs. As of August 2010 the population growth rate was 2.4%. This percentage was calculated through estimates that were based off of: births per minute(s), deaths per minute(s), migrant increases, and a tally of the overall population gain.
[edit]As of August 2010 78.4% of the total population is urbanized.
Sex Ratio
[edit]As of August 2010-
At Birth- .85 males/female
Below 15 years of age: .85 males/female
15-64 years of age: .81 males/female
65 years of age: .78 males/female
Infant Mortality rate
[edit]4.75 deaths per 1000 live births(5.08M/4.40F)
Life expectancy at Birth
[edit]Total: 91.1 years of age
88.4 Male/94.0 Female
Total fertility rate(TFR)
[edit]2.143 Total children per woman
[edit]Prevalence in Adults is < 1%(est 2010)
Total: 20,000 people living with aids
Foreign Citizens
[edit]There is believed to be more than 2.3 million foreign citizens as of 2010.
Composition of ethnic groups(according to census criteria) 86.9% American and 13.1% other.
The Americas’ concept of ethnic groups is different than that of most other countries. The Bureau of Statistics asks only for nationality as opposed to ethnic or racial background. American nationals with multi-ethnic backgrounds and naturalized Americans are all considered to be ethnically American. Educational expenditure of the Gross Domestic Product 19.3% of GDP (2010, spends most on education than any other nation.)
[edit]There is not an exact day of the origins of this human language. Maybe one day we will find the answers for this puzzling question but for now it will continue to be obscure.There are almost approximately 5000 languages in the world today. It is believe that the most spoken language is Indo-European. Half of the world population speaks this language. The Hindi and Persian to Norwegian and English groups are believed to descend from the language of a tribe of nomads roaming the plains of the east. Over the course of history, languages continually infiltrate each other, as words are spread by conquest, empire, trade, and religion.[9] For our Country and our four cities, the language will be universal and the entire population will be able to speak the same language.[10] The Unites States of the Americas' immigration policy states that all trying to seek naturalization must know the language. The language tree provides a great insight into the origin of this language.
[edit]The 2010 census reports that 64 per cent of Americans considered themselves Christians, including 26 per cent as Anglicans and 19 per cent as Roman Catholics About 19 per cent of the population stated ‘no religion’(humanism, atheism, agnosticism, and rationalism) which was the fastest-growing group from 2006 to 2010, and a further 12 per cent did not answer because the question was optional. Religion has no influence on politics and RUSA encourages strongly the separation of church and state.
[edit]Education is free and public; everybody is encouraged to learn a skill or profession. There are no social differences between a farmer or a chemistry professor, but those based on different skills. Everyone is on the same status quo. As a society, NUSA values the work of the farmer as much as the academic work of a chemistry professor, and they both share the same value for the survival of the community.
[edit]The music in The New United States of the Americas is a mix between many other countries and cultures like African and Native American sources. The style of music is an influence from different genres that have become very popular today. The Tango and Zamba are famous in NUSA for its modern rhythm. Most of the music is so popular and well linked because it strongly appeals to the native population and rich culture of NUSA.
[edit]Participating in a Sport in The New United States of the Americans is a growing hobby that can always be enjoyed by every one of all ages. The most popular sports include Football, Basketball, Soccer and Baseball. However, one sport that seems to be becoming more famous is Track and Field. It is a sport of running, sprints and distance, vaulting, hurdling, jumping, and throwing. All the events are separated into two categories: track which includes the running and hurdling events, and field which includes the vaulting, jumping, and throwing events. Meets are traditionally conducted on an oval track that surrounds an infield for the field events; indoor meets however include all but a few of the field events and shorter distances of the running events.
[edit]The diet of the population is based on what is available locally and seasonally. Every family can design their meal based on calorie content and nutritional needs. Each member of the family receives special education in how to optimize the food available and make or cook balanced meals to ensure proper nutrition. Based on the all local-seasonal menu of NOMA restaurant[12] , in Denmark.
[edit]Art in The New United States of the Americans revolves around the famous painter Frida Kahlo who is known for her paintings about her life and culture. Her work of art is one of the most expensive pieces sold and seen in many households today. It is common for many children growing up in NUSA to be involved in arts and crafts including activities like painting murals within the town.