Today is Wednesday, 11 December 2024, and the current time is 21:45 (UTC/GMT). There are currently 6,922,851articles. Purge this page for a new update.
Hello! It seems you have stumbled upon my user page. If you want to know more about me read the autobiography section. If you want my personal log of what I did on Wikipedia read the History section.
This user does not get the above userbox, but put it on their userpage anyway because they like it.
This user knows that the plural of userbox is userboxen.
This user believes that userbox should always be pluralised userboxen, and thinks that this is one of the most important and exciting issues of our time.
This user is an expert in Something
This user is an expert in Nothing Do not trust this user in any topic!
My name is Benjamin, I found Wikipedia in 2015, and I learned that I like to read random articles a lot. I only learned that I could create an account in 2019, and I thought that I had to use my email address for it. Before I learned that I thought it was just admins creating pages. I learned that that was not true in October of 2020.
I am learning to code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL. I started learning on Khan Academy in 2015/16 but later stopped due to not having enough time in my schedule because of school. I had enough free time in 2019 to start again, and so I did. I enjoy coding a lot and hope to continue with it as a career. I am also a musician. My main instrument is the Alto saxophone, though I am also learning the basics of the harmonica. I am learning 32nd notes on the saxophone and scales on the harmonica currently.
The user "Benc0917" was not created yet. The owner of the account was reading a large amount of Wikipedia articles, and wanted to create an account though did not know how to create one.
I went to Florida on Friday, October 12th, 2020, and took some photos. I love it in Florida, though I do not love the summer heat.
I created a website on October 21st, 2020, using the program StackBlitz and my website template I created a few months prior. It is mainly a test website to learn the program. If the website goes public, here is the link.
The user "Benc0917," registered their account on October 22nd, 2020 at 15:12. Benc0917 made his first edit on the page Cloudwatt on October 22nd, 2020 at 15:31.