User:Ale jrb/sandbox.js
Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
Documentation for this user script can be added at User:Ale jrb/sandbox. |
/* ============================================== *\
** WikiApps JavaScript GUI, API & AJAX Library
** for MediaWiki v1.13 and above
** Created (c) by Alex Barley [[User:Ale_jrb]]
** version 1.0.10m
\* ============================================== */
// mediawiki objects
function wa_mediawikiUser ( who ) {
if ( ! who ) return false;
var waUserObj = this;
this.rootApi = mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php';
this.getUserGroup = function(group, onDone) {
var groups;
if (who == 'self') {
groups = mw.config.get('wgUserGroups');
for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i ++) {
if (groups[i] == group) return true;
return false;
} else {
this.ajax = new wa_ajaxcall();
this.ajax.requestUrl = this.rootApi + '?format=xml&action=query&list=users&usprop=groups&ususers=' + encodeURIComponent(who);
this.ajax.doRequest (function() {
wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse = waUserObj.ajax.response;
waUserGroups = wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('g');
for (var i = 0; i < waUserGroups.length; i ++) {
if (waUserGroups[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue == group) { onDone(true); return true; }
this.getUserContribs = function ( number, onDone ) {
if (who == 'self') { var user = mw.config.get('wgUserName'); } else { var user = who; }
if (number === 0) number = 1;
if (number > 100) number = 100;
this.ajax = new wa_ajaxcall();
this.ajax.requestUrl = this.rootApi + '?format=xml&action=query&list=usercontribs&uclimit=' + number + '&ucuser=' + encodeURIComponent(who) + '&ucprop=ids|title|timestamp|comment';
this.ajax.doRequest (function() {
wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse = waUserObj.ajax.response;
waUserObj.editDetails = [];
if (wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('item').length === 0) {
waUserObj.editDetails[0] = {};
waUserObj.editDetails[0].pageid = false; waUserObj.editDetails[0].revid = false;
waUserObj.editDetails[0].title = false; waUserObj.editDetails[0].timestamp = false;
for (var i = 0; i < wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('item').length; i ++) { // for each revision
var tempData = wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('item')[i];
waUserObj.editDetails[i] = {};
waUserObj.editDetails[i].pageid = tempData.getAttribute('pageid');
waUserObj.editDetails[i].revid = tempData.getAttribute('revid');
waUserObj.editDetails[i].title = tempData.getAttribute('title');
waUserObj.editDetails[i].timestamp = tempData.getAttribute('timestamp');
this.getUserLogs = function(number, onDone) {
if (who == 'self') { var user = mw.config.get('wgUserName'); } else { var user = who; }
if (number === 0) number = 1;
if (number > 100) number = 100;
this.ajax = new wa_ajaxcall();
this.ajax.requestUrl = this.rootApi + '?format=xml&action=query&list=logevents&lelimit=' + number + '&leuser=' + encodeURIComponent(who) + '&leprop=ids|title|timestamp|comment|type';
this.ajax.doRequest (function() {
wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse = waUserObj.ajax.response;
waUserObj.logDetails = [];
if (wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('item').length === 0) {
waUserObj.logDetails[0] = {};
waUserObj.logDetails[0].pageid = false; waUserObj.logDetails[0].logid = false;
waUserObj.logDetails[0].title = false; waUserObj.logDetails[0].timestamp = false;
waUserObj.logDetails[0].type = false; waUserObj.logDetails[0].action = false;
for (var i = 0; i < wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('item').length; i ++) { // for each revision
var tempData = wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('item')[i];
waUserObj.logDetails[i] = {};
waUserObj.logDetails[i].pageid = tempData.getAttribute('pageid');
waUserObj.logDetails[i].logid = tempData.getAttribute('logid');
waUserObj.logDetails[i].title = tempData.getAttribute('title');
waUserObj.logDetails[i].timestamp = tempData.getAttribute('timestamp');
waUserObj.logDetails[i].type = tempData.getAttribute('type');
waUserObj.logDetails[i].action = tempData.getAttribute('action');
// construct
if (who == 'self') {
this.isSysop = this.getUserGroup('sysop');
this.isRollback = this.getUserGroup('rollback');
this.isAutoconfirmed = this.getUserGroup('autoconfirmed');
var waUser = new wa_mediawikiUser('self');
function wa_mediawikiApi() {
// this function handles a multitude of Wiki API calls.
var wa_mediaWiki = this; // callback
this.rootApi = mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php';
this.apiResponse = false; // actual response from API - allows manual parsing, if desired
this.apiPage = {};
this.apiPage.plain = false; // the provided name of the last page called in this object
this.apiPage.enc = false; // the encoded name of the last page called in this object = {}; // general response of the method called - associative array filled with requested data
this.ajax = false; // the ajax object - allows manual access to the ajax object/functions, if desired
this.onCompleteAction = function() { return true; }; // onCompleteAction is the function that will be called whenever the current operation is complete
this.internalOnComplete = function() { return true; }; // internalOnComplete is the function that will be called (callback) when an internal operation completes
this.internalRequest = false; // internalRequest specifies whether this is an internal callback or not
this.getToken = function(token, page) {
// Store per-run information
this.apiPage['plain'] = page;
if (page.indexOf('%20') > -1) {
this.apiPage['enc'] = page;
} else {
this.apiPage['enc'] = encodeURIComponent(page);
page = this.apiPage['enc'];
token = token.toLowerCase();
// Check that the operation is supported
var requestToken = "";
if (token.match(/(edit|delete|protect|move|block|unblock)/i)) {
requestToken = "csrf";
} else if (token === "rollback") {
requestToken = "rollback";
} else {
// Not supported
return false;
// Build the response handler
var onTokenResponse = function() {
console.log("Got response! " + requestToken);
// Store the result
wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse = wa_mediaWiki.ajax.response;
// Parse result data
var pageData = wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName("page")[0];
var tokenData = wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName("tokens")[0];
var pageId = pageData.getAttribute("pageid");
var isMissing = pageData.getAttribute("missing");
var tokenValue = tokenData.getAttribute(requestToken + "token");
// Store specific result data['token'] = [];['token'].push(
// Internal result format
// [<page is missing>, <page ID>]
var internalResult = [];
internalResult[0] = !!isMissing;
internalResult[1] = pageId ? pageId : false;
if (wa_mediaWiki.internalRequest == false) {
} else {
wa_mediaWiki.internalRequest = false;
wa_mediaWiki.internalOnComplete(, internalResult);
// Run the request
console.log("Running the request!");
var requestUrl = this.rootApi + "?action=query&format=xml&meta=tokens&type=" + requestToken + "&titles=" + page;
this.ajax = new wa_ajaxcall();
this.ajax.requestUrl = requestUrl;
return true;
this.getPage = function(page, revisions, properties) {
// set vars
if (properties == 'rollback-int') {
properties = 'rollback';
} else {
this.apiPage['plain'] = page;
if (page.indexOf('%20') > -1) { this.apiPage['enc'] = page; } else { this.apiPage['enc'] = encodeURIComponent(page); }
page = this.apiPage['enc'];
// verification
if (revisions > 500) revisions = 500;
if (properties.match(/^(?:(?:ids|flag|timestamp|user|size|comment|content|rollback)\|?)*$/i) == null) properties = 'ids|user|content';
// go
if (properties.match(/rollback/i) != null) {
var rollbackRequest = true;
properties = properties.replace(/\|rollback\|/ig, '');
properties = properties.replace(/rollback\|/ig, '');
properties = properties.replace(/\|rollback/ig, '');
properties = properties.replace(/\|\|/ig, '|');
properties = properties.replace(/rollback/ig, '');
var requestUrl = this.rootApi + '?action=query&format=xml&prop=revisions&titles=' + page + '&rvtoken=rollback&rvprop=' + properties + '&rvlimit=' + revisions;
} else {
var rollbackRequest = false;
var requestUrl = this.rootApi + '?action=query&format=xml&prop=revisions&titles=' + page + '&rvprop=' + properties + '&rvlimit=' + revisions;
this.ajax = new wa_ajaxcall();
this.ajax.requestUrl = requestUrl;
this.ajax.doRequest (function() {
wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse = wa_mediaWiki.ajax.response; = new Object;
if (wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[0] == null) {['page'] = new Object;['page']['status'] = 'E'; } else {['page'] = new Object;['page']['revisions'] = [];['page']['status'] = 'OK';
for (var i = 0; i < wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev').length; i ++) { // for each revision['page']['revisions'][i] = new Object;
// get details
if (properties.match(/ids/i) != null)['page']['revisions'][i]['id']
= wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[i].getAttribute('revid');
if (properties.match(/size/i) != null)['page']['revisions'][i]['size']
= wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[i].getAttribute('size');
if (properties.match(/user/i) != null)['page']['revisions'][i]['user']
= wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[i].getAttribute('user');
if (properties.match(/comment/i) != null)['page']['revisions'][i]['comment']
= wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[i].getAttribute('comment');
if (properties.match(/timestamp/i) != null)['page']['revisions'][i]['timestamp']
= wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[i].getAttribute('timestamp');
if ( (rollbackRequest == true) && (i == 0) ) {['token'] = [];['token'][1] = encodeURIComponent(wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[i].getAttribute('rollbacktoken'));
var internal = [];
if (wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('page')[0].getAttribute('missing') != null) { internal[0] = true; } else { internal[0] = false; }
// get content
if (properties.match(/content/i) != null) {['page']['revisions'][i]['content'] = '';
for (var j = 0; j < wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[i].childNodes.length; j ++) {['page']['revisions'][i]['content'] += wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[i].childNodes[j].nodeValue;
if (wa_mediaWiki.internalRequest == false) {wa_mediaWiki.onCompleteAction(; } else
{ if (typeof internal == 'undefined') { var internal = false; } wa_mediaWiki.internalRequest = false; wa_mediaWiki.internalOnComplete(, internal); }
return true;
this.getLastNotUser = function(page, excludeWho) {
// this function gets the username of the most recent editor to the page who ISN'T excludeWho
if (typeof excludeWho != 'string') return false;
this.apiPage['plain'] = page;
if (page.indexOf('%20') > -1) { this.apiPage['enc'] = page; } else { this.apiPage['enc'] = encodeURIComponent(page); }
page = this.apiPage['enc'];
var requestUrl = this.rootApi + '?action=query&format=xml&prop=revisions&titles=' + page + '&rvprop=user&rvlimit=1&rvexcludeuser=' + encodeURIComponent(excludeWho);
this.ajax = new wa_ajaxcall();
this.ajax.requestUrl = requestUrl;
this.ajax.doRequest (function() {
var ret;
wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse = wa_mediaWiki.ajax.response;
if (wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[0] == null) {
// an error occurred - sort it
if (wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[0].getAttribute('missing') != null) { ret = 'missing'; } else {
ret = 'no-other-user'; }
} else {
ret = wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[0].getAttribute('user');
return true;
this.editPage = function(title, text, summary, minor, addWhere, token) {
// shortcut to performAction('edit')
var details = [];
details[0] = text;
details[1] = summary;
details[2] = minor;
details[3] = addWhere;
wa_mediaWiki.performAction('edit', title, details, token);
return true;
this.deletePage = function(title, reason, token) {
// shortcut to performAction('delete')
var details = reason;
wa_mediaWiki.performAction('delete', title, details, token);
return true;
this.rollbackPage = function(title, user, summary, token) {
// shortcut to performAction('rollback')
// NB. a user must be provided; rollback will only occur if they are the last editor to the page.
var details = [];
details[0] = user;
if (summary !== false) { details[1] = summary; } else { details[1] = ''; }
wa_mediaWiki.performAction('rollback', title, details, token);
this.performAction = function(action, target, details, token, internal) {
// this module only accepts block, edit, rollback and deletion requests. Other actions must be performed manually, though the getToken method allows the
// easy retrieval of the correct token for almost any action.
// --
// NB. internal is an internal parameter, allowing library to communicate internal data between functions. Modifying it will result in unexpected actions.
// verification
if ( (token == null) || (token == '') || (token == 0) || (token == false) ) {
// get a token
this.internalRequest = true;
this.internalOnComplete = function(passToken, internal) { wa_mediaWiki.performAction(action, target, details, passToken['token'][1], internal); };
this.getToken(action, target);
return false;
if (internal === undefined) {
internal = [];
// set vars
this.apiPage['plain'] = target;
if (target.indexOf('%20') > -1) { this.apiPage['enc'] = target; } else { this.apiPage['enc'] = encodeURIComponent(target); }
target = this.apiPage['enc'];
if (details == null) { details = ''; } else if (typeof(details) == 'object') { for (x in details) { if (typeof details[x] == 'string') details[x] = encodeURIComponent(details[x]); } } else { details = encodeURIComponent(details); }
// go
switch ( action ) {
case 'edit': // shortcut to this method from editPage method
if (typeof(details) != 'object') return false; // we need an array:
if (typeof(details[0]) != 'string') details[0] = ''; //details[0] - text
if (typeof(details[1]) != 'string') details[1] = ''; //details[1] - edit summary
if (typeof(details[2]) != 'boolean') details[2] = false; //details[2] - minor edit?
if (typeof(details[3]) != 'string') details[3] = 'text';//details[3] - appendtext, prependtext, text
if (details[2] == true) { var minor = 'minor=true'; } else { var minor = 'notminor=true'; }
if (internal[0] == true) details[3] = 'text';
if (details[3] == 'appendtext') { details[0] = encodeURIComponent('\n\n') + details[0]; }
this.ajax = new wa_ajaxcall();
this.ajax.requestUrl = this.rootApi;
this.ajax.postParams = 'format=xml&action=edit&title=' + target + '&summary=' + details[1] + '&' + details[3] + '=' + details[0] + '&' + minor + '&token=' + token; (function() {
wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse = wa_mediaWiki.ajax.response;
return true;
case 'rollback':
if ( internal[0] == true ) { wa_mediaWiki.onCompleteAction(false); return false; }
if ( (details[1] == '') || (details[1] == null) || (typeof details[1] == 'undefined') ) { var useCustomSummary = false; } else { var useCustomSummary = true; }
var params = 'format=xml&action=rollback&title=' + target + '&user=' + details[0] + '&token=' + token;
if (useCustomSummary == true) params += '&summary=' + details[1];
this.ajax = new wa_ajaxcall();
this.ajax.requestUrl = this.rootApi;
this.ajax.postParams = params; (function() {
wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse = wa_mediaWiki.ajax.response;
if ( (wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('error')[0] == null) || (wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('error')[0].getAttribute('code') == null) )
//if (wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rollback')[0].getAttribute('revid') == wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rollback')[0].getAttribute('old_revid')) {
// var r = false;
//} else {
var r = wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rollback')[0].getAttribute('revid');
} else { var r = false; }
return true;
case 'delete':
// we have the required token. Perform the deletion!
if (internal[0] == true) return false;
this.ajax = new wa_ajaxcall();
this.ajax.requestUrl = this.rootApi;
this.ajax.postParams = 'format=xml&action=delete&title=' + target + '&reason=' + details + '&token=' + token; (function() {
wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse = wa_mediaWiki.ajax.response;
return true;
return true;
case 'block':
// additional verification for blocking
if (typeof(details) != 'object') return false; // we need an array:
if (typeof(details[0]) != 'string') return false; //details[0] - expiry as string - you must provide this, or the block will not happen
if (typeof(details[1]) != 'boolean') return false; //details[1] - anonymous only - you must provide this, or the block will not happen
if (typeof(details[2]) != 'string') details[2] = ''; //details[2] - reason as string
if (typeof(details[3]) != 'boolean') details[3] = true; //details[3] - prevent account creation
if (typeof(details[4]) != 'boolean') details[4] = true; //details[4] - autoblock - default, hardblock
// build valid syntax
if (details[1] == true) { var anonOnly = '&anononly'; } else { var anonOnly = ''; }
if (details[3] == true) { var createAccount = '&nocreate'; } else { var createAccount = ''; }
if (details[4] == true) { var autoblock = '&autoblock'; } else { var autoblock = ''; }
// we have the required token
this.ajax = new wa_ajaxcall();
this.ajax.requestUrl = this.rootApi;
this.ajax.postParams = 'format=xml&action=block&user=' + target + '&expiry=' + details[0] + '&reason=' + details[2] + anonOnly + createAccount +
autoblock + '&token=' + token; (function() {
wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse = wa_mediaWiki.ajax.response;
return true;
return false;
// non-gui objects
function wa_ajaxcall () {
var waMyAjax = this;
this.requestType = 'GET';
this.responseType = 'xml';
this.requestUrl = '';
waMyAjax.pageRequest = false;
this.postParams = '';
this.response = false;
this.abort = function () {
if ( waMyAjax.pageRequest != false ) {
waMyAjax.pageRequest.abort ();
return true;
} = function ( runOnComplete ) {
waMyAjax.requestType = 'POST';
waMyAjax.doRequest ( runOnComplete );
this.get = function ( runOnComplete ) {
waMyAjax.requestType = 'GET';
waMyAjax.doRequest ( runOnComplete );
this.doRequest = function ( runOnComplete ) {
if ( this.requestUrl == '' ) return false;
if ( window.XMLHttpRequest ) { // if good browser
waMyAjax.pageRequest = new XMLHttpRequest ();
else if ( window.ActiveXObject ) { // if IE
try { // try request 1
waMyAjax.pageRequest = new ActiveXObject ( "Msxml2.XMLHTTP" );
catch ( e ) { // it failed.
try { // try request 2
waMyAjax.pageRequest = new ActiveXObject ( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" );
catch ( e ) { return false; }
return false;
waMyAjax.pageRequest.onreadystatechange = function () {
if ( waMyAjax.pageRequest.readyState == 4 ) {
if ( waMyAjax.pageRequest.status == 200 ) {
if ( waMyAjax.responseType == 'xml' ) {
waMyAjax.response = waMyAjax.pageRequest.responseXML;
} else {
waMyAjax.response = waMyAjax.pageRequest.responseText;
if ( waMyAjax.pageRequest.responseXML ) waMyAjax.responseXML = waMyAjax.pageRequest.responseXML;
if ( waMyAjax.pageRequest.responseText ) waMyAjax.responseText = waMyAjax.pageRequest.responseText;
runOnComplete ();
if ( this.requestType == 'GET' ) {
// do get request'GET', this.requestUrl, true);
switch (this.responseType) {
default: case 'xml':
if ( waMyAjax.pageRequest.overrideMimeType ) { waMyAjax.pageRequest.overrideMimeType ( 'text/xml' ); } else {
waMyAjax.pageRequest.setRequestHeader ( 'Content-type', 'text/xml' ); }
case 'html':
if ( waMyAjax.pageRequest.overrideMimeType ) waMyAjax.pageRequest.overrideMimeType ( 'text/html' );
waMyAjax.pageRequest.send ( null );
else if ( this.requestType == 'POST' )
// do post request ( 'POST', this.requestUrl, true );
waMyAjax.pageRequest.setRequestHeader ( "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" );
waMyAjax.pageRequest.setRequestHeader ( "Content-length", this.postParams.length );
waMyAjax.pageRequest.setRequestHeader ( "Connection", "close" );
waMyAjax.pageRequest.send ( this.postParams );
{ /* unrecognised */ }
return true;
// drawing objects
function wa_document () {
// document -- main interface representation. grabs required document ids for easy use. not used directly. sits above wiki interface, to allow override
// vars
this.wk_base = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
this.wk_content_base = document.getElementById('bodyContent');
this.wk_top_links_port = document.getElementById('p-personal');
this.wk_top_links = document.getElementById('pt-watchlist') ? document.getElementById('pt-watchlist').parentNode : this.wk_top_links_port;
this.wk_pref_link = document.getElementById('pt-preferences');
this.root = mw.config.get('wgArticlePath');
this.user = mw.config.get('wgUserName'); = mw.config.get('wgTitle');
return true;
function wa_window ( parent_opt ) {
// window -- main interface compontent. wikiapps gui is built of windows. they're esentially divs, attached to a parent div. child of document.
// providing a parent_opt object (must be another window) will result in that object being the parent node. otherwise, the default document
// object is used.
// vars - enable quick window creation by setting CSS style defaults
this.win_fill = false; this.win_bd_wd = 0;
this.win_top = 0; this.win_bd_rt = '';
this.win_left = 0; this.win_bd_lf = '';
this.win_width = 0; this.win_bd_bt = '';
this.win_height = 0; this.win_bd_tp = '';
this.win_bg = '#000000'; this.win_class = '';
this.win_bd = '#000000'; this.win_alpha = 1;
this.win_disp = 'block'; this.win_obj = document.createElement ( 'div' );
this.win_z = '9999999';
this.win_pos = 'absolute'; this.win_handler = 'click';
this.win_func = function() { }; this.win_fade = 'visible';
this.win_attached = false; this.win_cursor = 'auto';
this.win_padding = 3; this.win_content = '';
this.win_margin = 0; this.win_id = '';
this.win_talign = 'left'; this.win_overflow = 'visible';
this.win_right = false; this.win_bottom = false;
this.win_maintfill = true; this.hidden = false;
this.win_fontsize = 10;
if ( parent_opt == null ) { this.parentObj = this.wk_base; } else {
if ( typeof parent_opt.win_obj !== 'undefined' ) {
this.parentObj = parent_opt.win_obj;
} else if ( parent_opt != null ) {
this.parentObj = parent_opt;
// methods
this.applyAll = function() {
// applyAll - method
// applyAll applies current settings to the window object. if createNew is set as true, a new window will be created and appended to the base.
// if not provided, the current object's settings will be updated. special behaviour: setting win_fill to true will cause the window to
// automatically maintain the shape of the window. setting it to false will disable auto updating, and unfill the screen. = this.win_pos; = this.win_z;
// special behaviour - fill screen, usage background cover etc. only 1 per page
if (this.win_fill == true) { = 'fixed'; = '0px'; = '0px'; = document.documentElement.clientWidth + 'px'; = document.documentElement.clientHeight + 'px';
// fill screen - attach updater to window resize
var wa_selfFill = this;
if (this.win_maintfill == true) {
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
}, false);
window.attachEvent('onresize', function() {
if (this.win_right !== false) { = this.win_right + 'px'; } else { = this.win_left + 'px'; }
if (this.win_bottom !== false) { = this.win_bottom + 'px'; } else { = this.win_top + 'px'; }
if (this.win_width != 0) { = this.win_width + 'px'; } else { = 'auto'; }
if (this.win_height != 0) { this.win_height + 'px'; } else { = 'auto'; }
if (this.win_obj.addEventListener) { this.win_obj.addEventListener(this.win_handler, this.win_func, false); }
else { this.win_obj.attachEvent('on'+this.win_handler, this.win_func); } = this.win_bg; = this.win_padding + 'px';
if (this.win_margin != 'auto') { = this.win_margin + 'px'; } else { = 'auto'; } = this.win_bd_wd + 'px solid ' + this.win_bd;
if (this.win_bd_rt != '') = this.win_bd_rt;
if (this.win_bd_tp != '') = this.win_bd_tp;
if (this.win_bd_bt != '') = this.win_bd_bt;
if (this.win_bd_lf != '') = this.win_bd_lf; = this.win_cursor; = this.win_overflow; = this.win_alpha.toString(); = this.win_alpha.toString(); = 'alpha(opacity='+ (this.win_alpha * 100) +')'; = this.win_talign; = this.win_fontsize + 'px';
// compatibility with 'hide' module
if (this.hidden == false) = this.win_disp;
this.win_obj.innerHTML = this.win_content;
if (this.win_attached == false) { this.parentObj.appendChild(this.win_obj); this.win_attached = true; }
return true; // successful init
// special methods - effects for windows = function(centerPositions, maintainCenter, offset) {
// center - places the window in the centre of the user's screen. set maintainCenter to true and this position will be kept even if
// the window is resized.
if (((this.win_pos != 'fixed') && (this.win_pos != 'absolute')) || (this.win_fill == true)) { return false; }
var screenWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
var screenHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
var myWidth = this.win_obj.offsetWidth;
var myHeight = this.win_obj.offsetHeight;
var leftPos = ((screenWidth / 2) - (myWidth / 2));
var topPos = ((screenHeight / 2) - (myHeight / 2));
if (typeof offset == 'object') {
leftPos += offset[0];
topPos += offset[1];
if ((centerPositions == 'left') || (centerPositions == 'both')) = leftPos + 'px';
if ((centerPositions == 'top') || (centerPositions == 'both')) = topPos + 'px';
if (maintainCenter == true) {
var wa_selfCenter = this;
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {;
}, false);
window.attachEvent('onresize', function() {;
return true;
this.fade = function(fadeSpeed, opacityLimit, runWhenFinished) {
// fade - toggle method - the object will be faded in if currently hidden, and faded out if currently visible.
var stepDefault = 20;
var stepNumber = fadeSpeed * stepDefault;
var stepSize = 1 / stepNumber;
var wa_selfFade = this;
if (opacityLimit == null) opacityLimit = 0;
if (interval != null) clearInterval(interval);
// user call - prepare fade
if (this.win_fade == 'visible') {
// start fade out
var tempAlpha = 1; // just in case
wa_selfFade.win_alpha = tempAlpha; = tempAlpha; = tempAlpha; = 'alpha(opacity='+ (tempAlpha * 100) +')';
var interval = setInterval(function() {
tempAlpha = parseFloat(;
tempAlpha = tempAlpha - stepSize;
wa_selfFade.win_alpha = tempAlpha; = tempAlpha; = tempAlpha; = 'alpha(opacity='+ (tempAlpha * 100) +')';
if (tempAlpha <= (0 + opacityLimit)) {
tempAlpha = (0 + opacityLimit);
wa_selfFade.win_alpha = tempAlpha; = tempAlpha; = tempAlpha; = 'alpha(opacity='+ (tempAlpha * 100) +')'; = 'none';
wa_selfFade.win_fade = 'invisible';
if (runWhenFinished != null) runWhenFinished();
clearInterval (interval);
}, (1000 / stepDefault));
// start fade in
var tempAlpha = 0; // just in case
wa_selfFade.win_alpha = tempAlpha; = tempAlpha; = tempAlpha; = 'alpha(opacity='+ (tempAlpha * 100) +')'; = 'block';
var interval = setInterval(function() {
tempAlpha = parseFloat(;
tempAlpha = tempAlpha + stepSize;
wa_selfFade.win_alpha = tempAlpha; = tempAlpha; = tempAlpha; = 'alpha(opacity='+ (tempAlpha * 100) +')';
if (tempAlpha >= (1 - opacityLimit)) {
tempAlpha = (1 - opacityLimit);
wa_selfFade.win_alpha = tempAlpha; = tempAlpha; = tempAlpha; = 'alpha(opacity='+ (tempAlpha * 100) +')';
wa_selfFade.win_fade = 'visible';
if (runWhenFinished != null) runWhenFinished();
clearInterval (interval);
}, (1000 / stepDefault));
return true;
this.setLocation = function( toLeft, toTop, domMove ) {
// this is a shortcut for setting the position of a window
if ( ! domMove ) {
this.win_top = toTop;
this.win_left = toLeft;
} else { = toLeft + 'px'; = toTop + 'px';
return true;
this.move = function(toTop, toLeft, time, runWhenFinished) {
// time is the length of time for the move. To be smooth, the move needs about a frame per 5 pixels of movement, regardless of time.
if (runWhenFinished == null) runWhenFinished = function() { };
if ( (toTop == this.win_top) && (toLeft == this.win_left) ) return false;
// first, calculate the distance to be travelled on both sides
var topDis = toTop - this.win_top;
var leftDis = toLeft - this.win_left;
// pick the bigger one
if (Math.abs(topDis) >= Math.abs(leftDis)) { var moveDis = Math.abs(topDis); } else { var moveDis = Math.abs(leftDis); }
// divide by the time to get how many pixels we have to move per second
var pps = moveDis / time;
var smoothSteps = ((1 / time) * 4);
var fps = pps / smoothSteps;
// we know the number of frames per second. Now, we need to know how far to move in each direction per step. Multiply the fps by the time,
// to get the total steps then divide the total distance by the total steps to get a value.
var totalSteps = fps * time;
if (topDis > 0) { var topMove = smoothSteps; } else if (topDis < 0) { var topMove = (smoothSteps * -1); } else { var topMove = 0; }
if (leftDis > 0) { var leftMove = smoothSteps; } else if (leftDis < 0) { var leftMove = (smoothSteps * -1); } else { var leftMove = 0; }
var wa_selfMove = this;
var i = 0;
var interval = setInterval(function() {
var newTop = wa_selfMove.win_top + topMove;
var newLeft = wa_selfMove.win_left + leftMove;
wa_selfMove.setLocation(newTop, newLeft);
if (i >= totalSteps) { wa_selfMove.setLocation(toTop, toLeft); clearInterval(interval); runWhenFinished(); }
i ++;
}, (1000 / fps));
this.hide = function () {
this.hidden = true; = 'none';
return true;
}; = function () {
this.hidden = false; = 'block';
return true;
this.addScriptEvent = function(eventHandler, eventFunction) {
if (this.win_obj.addEventListener) {
this.win_obj.addEventListener(eventHandler, eventFunction, false);
this.win_obj.attachEvent('on' + eventHandler, eventFunction);
return true;
function wa_element(elementType) {
// element -- wa building block. elements can be of any type, but if a div, use of wa_window is recommended. element offers a greater level of control, but less automation than
// windows. elementType must be a valid html element.
if (elementType == null) return false;
this.ele_obj = document.createElement(elementType);
this.attach = function(attachTo, attachWhere) {
// attachWhere can be [append, before]. if blank, append is used.
if (attachTo == null) return false;
if (attachWhere == null) var attachWhere = 'append';
switch (attachWhere) {
case 'after':
case 'before':
attachTo.parentNode.insertBefore(this.ele_obj, attachTo);
return false;
return true;
this.addScriptEvent = function(eventHandler, eventFunction) {
if (this.ele_obj.addEventListener) {
this.ele_obj.addEventListener(eventHandler, eventFunction, false);
this.ele_obj.attachEvent('on' + eventHandler, eventFunction);
this.destroy = function() {
var selfElement = this.ele_obj;
selfElement = null;
return false;
return true;
$(document).ready( function( $ ) {
wa_window.prototype = new wa_document;
wa_element.prototype = new wa_document;
// handy functions
// arrays
function in_array ( needle, haystack, recursive ) {
if ( recursive == true ) {
for ( var i in haystack ) { //var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i ++ ) {
if ( ( typeof haystack[i] == 'object' ) && ( typeof haystack[i] != 'function' ) ) {
var t = in_array ( needle, haystack[i], true );
if ( t == true ) return t;
} else {
if ( haystack[i] == needle ) return true;
return false;
} else {
if ( typeof haystack != 'object' ) return false;
for ( var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i ++ ) {
if ( haystack[i] == needle ) return true;
return false;
function sort_array_multi(array, id, direction) {
// this function sorts a multi-dimentional array into numerical order based
// on an id field in one of the sets.
// e.g. [0] = [1, hi]
// [1] = [3, test]
// [2] = [2, boo]
// where [#][0] is the id field would be sorted to [0], [2], [1] is acsending order etc.
if (typeof array != 'object') return false;
if ( (direction != 'ascending') && (direction != 'descending') ) { direction = 'descending'; }
if (typeof id != 'number') id = 0;
var index = []; // the index array is what keeps track of the ids in the array before sorting
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i ++) {
index[i] = array[i][id] + '::' + i;
// first, sort the index array into the correct order.
index.sort(function(a,b) {
var ta = a; var tb = b;
ta = ta.substr(0, ta.indexOf('::'));
tb = tb.substr(0, tb.indexOf('::'));
if (direction == 'ascending') { return (ta - tb); } else { return (tb - ta); }
// the index array is now in the right order. build a new array with full content based off the order in the index array.
var newArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < index.length; i ++) {
var aid = index[i].substr(index[i].indexOf('::') + 2);
newArray[i] = array[aid];
return newArray;
function echo_nodes_recursive ( parent ) {
var nex = '';
if ( ! parent.childNodes ) {
if (parent.nodeValue) if (parent.nodeValue != '') return parent.nodeValue;
return false;
} else
if (parent.childNodes.length == 0) {
if (parent.nodeValue) if (parent.nodeValue != '') return parent.nodeValue;
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < parent.childNodes.length; i ++) {
var nex2 = echo_nodes_recursive(parent.childNodes[i]);
if (nex2 != false) nex = nex + nex2;
return nex;
// internet explorer
function ie_create_document() {
if (typeof ActiveXObject == 'undefined') return false;
var implementations = ['Microsoft.XMLDOM', 'Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0', 'MSXML2.DOMDocument', 'MSXML.DOMDocument'];
for (var ii in implementations) {
try {
var r = new ActiveXObject(implementations[ii]);
return r;
} catch (e) {}
return false;
function ie_getElementById(parent, id) {
// parent should be document or an AJAX return etc.
if (parent.childNodes.length == 0) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < parent.childNodes.length; i ++) {
if (parent.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1){
var at = parent.childNodes[i].attributes;
at = at.getNamedItem('id');
if (at != null) if (at.value == id) return parent.childNodes[i];
var t = ie_getElementById(parent.childNodes[i], id);
if (typeof t == 'object') return t;
return false;
function ie_cloneNode(node, cloned) {
// clone a node to avoid the stupid IE no such interface error
var current;
if (!cloned) {
current = document.createElement(node.nodeName);
} else {
current = cloned.appendChild(document.createElement(node.nodeName));
for (var j = 0; j < node.attributes.length; j++) {
current.setAttribute(node.attributes[j].nodeName, node.attributes[j].nodeValue);
for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (node.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1) {
ie_cloneNode(node.childNodes[i], current);
} else if (node.childNodes[i].nodeType == 3) {
var text = document.createTextNode(node.childNodes[i].nodeValue);
return current;
// events
function wa_attach(object, eventHandler, eventFunction, useCapture) {
if ( useCapture == null ) useCapture = false;
if (object.addEventListener) {
if ( eventHandler == 'mouseenter' ) {
object.addEventListener('mouseover', mouseMove( eventFunction ), useCapture);
} else if ( eventHandler == 'mouseleave' ) {
object.addEventListener('mouseout', mouseMove( eventFunction ), useCapture);
} else {
object.addEventListener(eventHandler, eventFunction, useCapture);
object.attachEvent('on' + eventHandler, eventFunction);
function mouseMove ( eventFunction ) {
return function (e) {
var target = e.relatedTarget;
if ( ( this === target ) || ( wa_isChild ( target, this) ) ) { return; } ( this, e );
function wa_isChild ( childTest, parentTest ) {
if ( childTest === parentTest ) return false;
while ( childTest && ( childTest !== parentTest ) ) {
try { childTest = childTest.parentNode; }
catch ( e ) { return true; }
return ( childTest === parentTest );
function wa_getObjPos ( object ) {
var curleft = curtop = 0;
if ( object.offsetParent ) {
do {
curleft += object.offsetLeft;
curtop += object.offsetTop;
} while ( object = object.offsetParent );
return [ curleft, curtop ];
function mousex ( e ) {
// read event, return mouse x pos
if ( !e ) var e = window.event;
if ( e.pageX ) {
var r = e.pageX;
else if ( e.clientX ) {
var r = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
return r;
function mousey ( e ) {
// read event, return mouse x pos
if ( !e ) var e = window.event;
if ( e.pageY ) {
var r = e.pageY;
else if ( e.clientY ) {
var r = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
return r;
var wikiapps = true;