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File:VFPt dipoles electric.svg

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English: Computed drawings of four different types of electric dipoles.

Upper left: An ideal point-like dipole. The field shape is scale invariant and approximates the field of any charge configuration with nonzero dipole moment at large distance.
Upper right: Discrete dipole of two opposite point charges at finite distance, a physical dipole.
Lower left: Thin round disc with uniform electric polarization along the symmetry axis.
Lower right: Plate capacitor with uniformly charged circular discs.

Although the four field configurations differ significantly, they all converge to the same dipole field at large distances. Each configuration may represent an electric dipole.
Русский: Рассчитанные электростатические поля четырех различных типов электрических диполей.

Поле идеального точечного диполя. Конфигурация поля в большом масштабе инвариантна и приблизительно соответствует полю любой конфигурации зарядов с ненулевым дипольным моментом на большом расстоянии. Дискретный диполь двух противоположных точечных зарядов разнесенных на конечное расстояние, – физический диполь. Тонкий круглый диск с равномерной электрической поляризацией вдоль оси симметрии. Плоский конденсатор с одинаково заряженными круглыми обкладками.

Несмотря на различие этих конфигураций, вблизи которых поля существенно различаются, все эти поля сходятся к одному и тому же дипольному полю на больших расстояниях где они приблизительно одинаковы, при этом любая система зарядов может моделировать идеальный электрический диполь.
Source Own work
Author Geek3
Other versions
SVG development
The SVG code is valid.
This plot was created with VectorFieldPlot.
 This file is translated using SVG switch elements: all translations are stored in the same file.
Source code

Python code

# paste this code at the end of VectorFieldPlot 3.3
R = 0.6
h = 0.6
rsym = 21

doc = FieldplotDocument('VFPt_dipoles_electric1', commons=True,
    width=360, height=360)
field = Field([ ['dipole', {'x':0, 'y':0, 'px':0., 'py':1.}] ])

def f_arrows(xy):
    return xy[1] * (sc.hypot(xy[0], xy[1]) / 1.4 - 1)
def f_cond(xy):
    return hypot(*xy) > 1e-4 and (fabs(xy[1]) < 1e-3 or fabs(xy[1]) > .3)

nlines = 19
startpoints = Startpath(field, lambda t: 0.25*sc.array([sin(t), cos(t)]),
    t0=-pi/2, t1=pi/2).npoints(nlines)
for p0 in startpoints:
    line = FieldLine(field, p0, directions='both')
    doc.draw_line(line, maxdist=1, arrows_style={'at_potentials':[0.],
        'potential':f_arrows, 'condition_func':f_cond, 'scale':1.2})

# draw dipole symbol
rb_grad = etree.SubElement(doc._get_defs(), 'linearGradient')
rb_grad.set('id', 'grad_rb')
for attr, val in [['x1', '0'], ['x2', '0'], ['y1', '0'], ['y2', '1']]:
    rb_grad.set(attr, val)
for col, of in [['#3355ff', '0'], ['#9944aa', '0.5'], ['#ff0000', '1']]:
    stop = etree.SubElement(rb_grad, 'stop')
    stop.set('stop-color', col)
    stop.set('offset', of)
    stop.set('stop-opacity', '1')
symb = doc.draw_object('g', {'id':'dipole_symbol',
doc.draw_object('circle', {'cx':'0', 'cy':'0', 'r':rsym,
    'fill':'url(#grad_rb)', 'stroke':'none'}, group=symb)
doc.draw_object('circle', {'cx':'0', 'cy':'0', 'r':rsym,
    'fill':'url(#white_spot)', 'stroke':'#000000', 'stroke-width':'3'},
doc.draw_object('path', {'fill':'#000000', 'stroke':'none',
    'd':'M 3,-12 V 0 H 12 L 0,15 L -12,0 H -3 V -12 H 3 Z'}, group=symb)

doc = FieldplotDocument('VFPt_dipoles_electric2', commons=True,
    width=360, height=360)
field = Field([ ['monopole', {'x':0, 'y':h, 'Q':1}],
    ['monopole', {'x':0, 'y':-h, 'Q':-1}] ])

def f_arrows(xy):
    return xy[1] * (sc.hypot(xy[0], xy[1]) / 1.4 - 1)
def f_cond(xy):
    return fabs(xy[0]) < 1.4

nlines = 18
stp = Startpath(field, lambda t: R*sc.array([.2*sin(t), 1+.2*cos(t)]),
    t0=-pi, t1=pi)
startpoints = [stp.startpos(s) for s in sc.arange(nlines)/float(nlines)]
for p0 in startpoints:
    line = FieldLine(field, p0, directions='both', maxr=100)
    doc.draw_line(line, maxdist=1, arrows_style={'at_potentials':[0.],
        'potential':f_arrows, 'condition_func':f_cond, 'scale':1.2})

# draw charge symbols
symb_plus = doc.draw_object('g', {
    'transform':'translate(0,{0}) scale({1},{1})'.format(h, 1./doc.unit)})
symb_minus = doc.draw_object('g', {
    'transform':'translate(0,{0}) scale({1},{1})'.format(-h, 1./doc.unit)})
for i, g in enumerate([symb_plus, symb_minus]):
    doc.draw_object('circle', {'cx':'0', 'cy':'0', 'r':rsym, 'stroke':'none',
        'fill':['#ff0000', '#3355ff'][i]}, group=g)
    doc.draw_object('circle', {'cx':'0', 'cy':'0', 'r':rsym,
        'fill':'url(#white_spot)', 'stroke':'#000000', 'stroke-width':'3'}, group=g)
    c_symb = doc.draw_object('path', {'fill':'#000000', 'stroke':'none'}, group=g)
    if i == 0: # plus sign
        c_symb.set('d', 'M 3,3 V 12 H -3 V 3 H -12 V -3'
            + ' H -3 V -12 H 3 V -3 H 12 V 3 H 3 Z')
    else: # minus sign
        c_symb.set('d', 'M 12,3 H -12 V -3 H 12 V 3 Z')

doc = FieldplotDocument('VFPt_dipoles_electric3', commons=True,
    width=360, height=360)
field = Field([ ['ringcurrent', {'x':0, 'y':0, 'R':R, 'phi':pi/2, 'I':1.}] ])

def f_arrows(xy):
    return xy[1] * (sc.hypot(xy[0], xy[1]) / 1.4 - 1)
def f_cond(xy):
    return hypot(*xy) > 1.2*R and fabs(fabs(xy[0]) - 1.4) > 0.2

nlines = 19
startpoints = Startpath(field, lambda t: sc.array([R*t, 0.]),
    t0=-0.9375, t1=0.9375).npoints(nlines)
for p0 in startpoints:
    line = FieldLine(field, p0, directions='both')
    doc.draw_line(line, maxdist=1, arrows_style={'at_potentials':[0.],
        'potential':f_arrows, 'condition_func':f_cond, 'scale':1.2})

# draw polarized sheet
sheet = doc.draw_object('g', {'id':'polarized_sheet'})
s = 0.06
doc.draw_object('rect', {'x':-R, 'y':-s, 'width':2*R, 'height':2*s,
    'stroke':'none', 'fill':'#3355ff'}, group=sheet)
doc.draw_object('rect', {'x':-R, 'y':0, 'width':2*R, 'height':s,
    'stroke':'none', 'fill':'#ff0000'}, group=sheet)
grad = doc.draw_object('linearGradient', {'id':'grad-round',
    'x1':str(R), 'x2':str(-R), 'y1':'0', 'y2':'0',
    'gradientUnits':'userSpaceOnUse'}, group=doc.defs)
for o, c, a in ((0, '#000', 0.3), (0.3, '#999', 0.2),
                (0.8, '#fff', 0.25), (1, '#fff', 0.65)):
    doc.draw_object('stop', {'id':'grad',
         'offset':str(o), 'stop-color':c, 'stop-opacity':str(a)}, grad)
doc.draw_object('rect', {'x':-R, 'y':-s, 'width':2*R, 'height':2*s,
    'stroke':'#000000', 'stroke-width':0.03, 'fill':'url(#grad-round)',
    'stroke-linejoin':'round'}, group=sheet)

symbols_plus = []
symbols_minus = []
for x in sc.linspace(-R*0.875, R*0.875, 16):
    symbols_minus.append('M {:.3f},0 h 0.03'.format(x-0.015))
    symbols_plus.append('M {:.3f},0 h 0.03 M {:.3f},-0.015 v 0.03'.format(
        x-0.015, x))
doc.draw_object('path', {'d':' '.join(symbols_plus), 'stroke':'#000000',
    'fill':'none', 'stroke-width':0.01, 'stroke-linecap':'butt',
    'transform':'translate(0,0.025)'}, group=sheet)
doc.draw_object('path', {'d':' '.join(symbols_minus), 'stroke':'#000000',
    'fill':'none', 'stroke-width':0.01, 'stroke-linecap':'butt',
    'transform':'translate(0,-0.025)'}, group=sheet)

doc = FieldplotDocument('VFPt_dipoles_electric4', commons=True,
    width=360, height=360)
field_D = Field([ ['coil', {'x':0, 'y':0, 'phi':pi/2, 'R':R, 'Lhalf':h,
    'I':1./(R**2*pi)}] ])
field_E = Field([ ['charged_disc', {'x0':-R, 'x1':R, 'y0':h, 'y1':h, 'Q':.5/h}],
    ['charged_disc', {'x0':-R, 'x1':R, 'y0':-h, 'y1':-h, 'Q':-.5/h}] ])
field_E_inside = Field([ ['homogeneous', {'Fx':0., 'Fy':-.5/(h*R**2*pi)}],
    ['coil', {'x':0, 'y':0, 'phi':pi/2, 'R':R, 'Lhalf':h, 'I':1./(R**2*pi)}] ])

def f_arrows(xy):
    return xy[1] * (sc.hypot(xy[0], xy[1]) / 1.4 - 1)
def f_cond(xy):
    return True

# Use fieldlines in D-field to find good starting points
nlines = 13
startpoints = []
startpoints2 = []
for iline in range(nlines):
    p0 = sc.array([R * (-1. + 2. * (iline + 0.5) / nlines), 0.])
    print('p0', p0)
    line_D = FieldLine(field_D, p0, directions='forward',
        maxr=100, stop_funcs=2*[lambda xy: -xy[1] - max(0, 1-hypot(*xy)/R)])
    p1 = line_D.nodes[-1]['p']
    if iline >= 3 and iline < nlines - 3:
        line_D = FieldLine(field_D, p0, directions='forward',
            maxr=2, stop_funcs=2*[lambda xy: xy[1] - h])
        p2 = line_D.nodes[-1]['p']
startpoints.append([0, -3])

for p0 in startpoints:
    line = FieldLine(field_E, p0, directions='both', maxr=100)
    doc.draw_line(line, maxdist=1, arrows_style={'at_potentials':[0.],
        'potential':f_arrows, 'condition_func':f_cond, 'scale':1.2})
for p0 in startpoints2:
    line = FieldLine(field_E_inside, p0, directions='forward',
        stop_funcs=2*[lambda xy: -xy[1] - h])
    doc.draw_line(line, maxdist=1, arrows_style={'at_potentials':[0.],
        'potential':f_arrows, 'condition_func':f_cond, 'scale':1.2})

# draw charged discs
disc_plus = doc.draw_object('g', {'id':'disc_plus',
disc_minus = doc.draw_object('g', {'id':'disc_minus',
s = 0.045
grad = doc.draw_object('linearGradient', {'id':'grad-round',
    'x1':str(R), 'x2':str(-R), 'y1':'0', 'y2':'0',
    'gradientUnits':'userSpaceOnUse'}, group=doc.defs)
for o, c, a in ((0, '#000', 0.3), (0.3, '#999', 0.2),
                (0.8, '#fff', 0.25), (1, '#fff', 0.65)):
    doc.draw_object('stop', {
         'offset':str(o), 'stop-color':c, 'stop-opacity':str(a)}, grad)
for i, g in enumerate([disc_plus, disc_minus]):
    doc.draw_object('rect', {'x':-R, 'y':-s, 'width':2*R, 'height':2*s,
        'stroke':'none', 'fill':['#ff0000', '#3355ff'][i]}, group=g)
    doc.draw_object('rect', {'x':-R, 'y':-s, 'width':2*R, 'height':2*s,
        'stroke':'#000000', 'stroke-width':0.03, 'fill':'url(#grad-round)',
        'stroke-linejoin':'round'}, group=g)
    symbols = []
    for x in [R * (2 * (0.5 + isy) / 11 - 1) for isy in range(11)]:
        if i == 0:
            d = 'M {:.3f},0 h 0.04 M {:.3f},-0.02 v 0.04'.format(x-0.02, x)
            d = 'M {:.3f},0 h 0.04'.format(x-0.02)
    doc.draw_object('path', {'d':' '.join(symbols), 'stroke':'#000000',
        'fill':'none', 'stroke-width':0.01, 'stroke-linecap':'butt'}, group=g)


I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
w:en:Creative Commons
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This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
You are free:
  • to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work
  • to remix – to adapt the work
Under the following conditions:
  • attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • share alike – If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same or compatible license as the original.


Four models of electric dipoles with accurately computed field lines

Items portrayed in this file


11 January 2020


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

current21:37, 22 May 2021Thumbnail for version as of 21:37, 22 May 2021840 × 840 (108 KB)Geek3added russion captions from VFPt_dipoles_electric-ru.svg
16:25, 11 January 2020Thumbnail for version as of 16:25, 11 January 2020840 × 840 (107 KB)Geek3User created page with UploadWizard

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