This picture was taken by Augusto Starita on a recent trip to Bolivia and north of Argentina. Permission is granted to redistribute them.
The copyright holder of this work allows anyone to use it for any purpose including unrestricted redistribution, commercial use, and modification.
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Argentina has no "freedom of panorama" provision in its copyright law. At least some think there is de facto freedom of panorama in Argentina regarding buildings:
It is uncontroversially accepted that buildings can be reproduced by paintings or photographs, without this reproduction infringing copyright.
Se ha admitido pacificamente que los edificios puedan ser reproducidos mediante pinturas o fotografías, sin estimarse que esta reproducción lesione los derechos de autor.
— Dr. Emery, Miguel Angel (professor of intellectual property law in Argentina), Propiedad Intelectual, Astrea Publishing, 4th. edition ISBN9789505085231. p.40 op cit
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"بورمماركا "هي قرية صغيرة تقع في شمال غرب الأرجنتين، وتشتهر بجمال طبيعتها وتضاريسها الفريدة. تُحيط بالقرية جبال ملونة، أبرزها جبل "السبعة ألوان" الذي يتميز بتدرجاته اللونية المتعددة.
Purmamarca, Jujuy, argentina This picture was taken by Augusto Starita on a recent trip to Bolivia and north of Argentina. Permission is granted to redistribute them. Category:Jujuy