Text Appearing Before Image: her than of the wayin which they have been treated. Personalia (Dou-bleday, Page), from the pen of an anonymous writer, isone of this class. The writer, who signs himself Sig-ma, has had a. most enviable acquaintance with a, sur-prisingly large number of prominent Englishmen inthe past fifty years. Writing in a gossipy and some-what acrid style, the author has divided his anecdotesand reminiscences into five parts,—Harrow in theEarly Sixties; Lawyers; The Church; Artand Letters; Personages and Retrospects. Thereader discovers, as he always does when reading any-thing biographical, that some of the most illustriouspeople have been possessed of certain distressing traitsof character,—in fact, Sigma has noted these withgreat accuracy, while he has failed to see the kindliertraits which genuine friendship with the persons de-scribed would certainly have revealed. Browning, Car- lyle, Dickens, Disraeli, A rehbishop Davidson, l)u Man-ner, Gladstone, Lord Milner, Shelley, ArchbishopTait, Text Appearing After Image: v^T^ MRS. GEORGE BAXCROFT. Thackeray, Bishop Wilberforce, Oscar Wilde, and ahundred others are mentioned. Mrs. George Bancrofts Letters from England(Scribners), which first appeared serially in Scribnei*tMagazine, is another of this type of book. London so-ciety in the forties could boast of a host of famous per-sons, and Mrs. Ban-crofts position as wifeof the American am-bassador, together withthe charm of mannerwhich must have beenhers, gave her a largeacquaintance amongthe most sought-afterpeople of the day. Theletters, addressed tomembers of her familyand to a few friends,are written in the dig-nified style of sixtyyears ago, with a puri-ty of diction and agrace of narrationworthy of the wife of the great historian. Still a third publication of the same general stamp asthe two mentioned above is Chats on Writers andBooks (Sergei), by the late John N.Crawford. Mr.Crawford was a newspaper writer of some repute, whosework appeared for many years in the Chicago papers.Beginning with D
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