Text Appearing Before Image: . The Echinoderms are a step higher in the scale of life than theCoelenteratcs ; they have an alimentary canal, or food-cavity, aswell as a general body-cavity which contains various special organs.They have also a wonderful system of water-tube feet by which theycrawl about. They are radially ai-ranged as to their parts (notbilaterally like a worm). This chiss includes Starfishes, Brittle Stars,Crinoids (a sort of stalked Brittle Star), Sea Urchins, and SeaCucumbers. The Museum contains many excellent spocimens (in sjjirit ormounted dry) of different forms. Several groups of scholars have, since the lectures were delivered,visited the Museum with their teachers for further study of the mattersdealt with. Prizes have been offered to the Public Elernentaiy Schoolsfor the best essays sent in on these subjects. A fair number Of essayshave been sent in from the following elementaiy schools :—ChristChurch, St. Johns and Bedford Road and (iray Street Board Schools. 10 BOOTLE FliEE LIBRARY Text Appearing After Image: The Kagu Though formerly the Kagu was not rare in its native island, it isnow restricted to the wilder portions, where it is to be met withamong the rocks of craggy ravines or near stagnant waters, sleepingthroiighout the day and issuing from its concealment towards evening.It walks quickly, yet in a sttttely manner often coming to a standstillor croucliing and remaining motionless for a long period, but it canalso run rapidly with the head and neck outstretched, and the bodycarried after the manner of a Rail. The hal)its in confinement, how-ever, make it somewhat doubtful whether the bird is as nocturnal asis asserted, for in the daytime it is quick and lively in its motions,chasing its fellow-captives, dancing round with the tip of its outspreadwing or tail held fast in its bill, tossing about dry leaves or pieces ofpaper, spreading out its wings and thrusting its beak into the ground,kicking with its legs, and iinally tumbling about as if in a tit. Thenote is guttural and rattling,
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