Text Appearing Before Image: acflfo cogc fn Scanderbegum» 15 $ f(^Liber Tertfufdedmus Kultfmus» DtOIoriSf c5flicftatio Ottomani pncfpis ex raor#cBallabanitacdilTolutioneobltdionisCroit*Dclcrtus eius in Scandcr bcgum.Prouifio Caftriotipcrloca.AduentusTy rani ad cxpugoatione Dyrrach ii cfi dcfcrf«ptioeeiufdeu»bisilllliufqjfijdati6is:Kcaufsenois* i^tfAbfceflTjs Mcumcthis ab urbe Dyrrhachina rc infcifta adobiidioneCroiac. 15$ Eruptio Croicniium.Inuaiio Caftriotiin caftra hoQium.Difccflus tyranniex urbe Croix:a^ Epiro.EueriioChiurili* 15« Aducntu! AIi:K AiaspfccaojcMcumcthisadfines. 156Dedclecflucxercitus Caftrioti ad utbcm Valmo§c cxpu*gnandam:^ dc cgritudinc eius.Tcftamcntfi:8£uerba:quibusScaderbcgadfocios:duces:Kprxfcdoscaftroruraufuicft. 157 Irruptio Ahamathii turchagc prasfccfli cfi.XV.milibu»cgtfl in agrfi Scodrcnfcm:8c rcpetinaeius fuga ad nomefama^aduentus Scandeibcgicotra eura. 159. DemorteScadcrbcgi: Dcdurationcimpii: Deztatcfua*DcIocofcpulturxcfus:acdchis:qua:in obitu ftiocontiogcrunt, IJ9 FINIS* ^- Text Appearing After Image: .miSKMOEvscsigi^Erawa^^ MAR.INI BAR.LETri SCODRENSIS DE VITA ET REBVSGESTIS SCANDERBEGI PRiE/ CLARISSIMI EPIROTARVM PRIN/ CIPIS AD DONFERANDVM GASTRIOTVM EIVS NEPOTEM LIBER PRIMVS. PRyEFATlO.historiadeuitaet00barl
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