Text Appearing Before Image: NTOLOGY IN THECANADIAN ROCKIES During the field season in 1909, Dr. Charles D. Walcott, Secretaryof the Smithsonian Institution, continued his investigations in thegeology of the Cambrian and pre-Cambrian rocks of the Bow River\alley. Alberta, Canada, and on the west side of the ContinentalDivide north of the Canadian Pacific Railway in British Columbia. The first camp was made on the shores of Lake Louise, southwestof Laggan. From this point work was carried forward on the highmountains east, northeast, and southwest of the lake, and side tripswere made to the \alley of the Ten Peaks and across the Bow Valleyin the vicinity of Ptarmigan Lake. Many fine photographs w^eresecured, both of the beautiful scenery and of the geological sectionswhich are wonderfully well shown above timber line on the higherridges and peaks. The measurements of the Cambrian section were carried down toa massive conglomerate which forms the base of the Cambrian 40 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 Text Appearing After Image: NO. II SMITHSONIAN EXPEDITIONS, I9IO-I9II 41 system in this portion of the Rocky Mountains. This discoveryled to the study of the pre-Camhrian rocks of the Bow River Valley.These were found to form a series of sandstones and shales some4000 feet in thickness, that appear to have been deposited in fresh-water lakes prior to the incursion of the marine waters in which thegreat bed of conglomerate and the Cambrian rocks above weredeposited. Completing the reconnaissance survey of the Bow River area,
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