English: "WITH the announcement over last weekend that polling is on Sunday September 22 in Haiti's third attempt to elect a President and Congress, the political campaigns of the three principal candidates to the presidency again swung into high gear.
The Council of Military Government, in order to keep political passions at as low a point as possible, and permit as little dislocation as possible in the daily life of the nation, restricted the periods of political broadcasts during the week to after official working hours and not later than nine o'clock at nights.
Outlining their respective platforms, ex-Senator Dejoie, Dr. Francois Duvalier, and Mr. Clement Jumelle made opening addresses over the radio. Highlights of these addresses are published below."
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it was first published before 1 March 1989 without copyright notice or before 1964 without copyright renewal or before the source country established copyright relations with the United States,
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