English: I have cropped the image to show only Austria and its immediate surroundings, extracted the Austrian border (with much manual drawing required) and thickened the line, reduced the contrast of the area around Austria and stretched the image in y direction by about 5% to obtain the correct aspect ratio.
I have marked and labelled quite a lot of places with the help of the NASA Worldwind software and several maps. It was quite some work, but also a nice exercise in geography for me ;-).
Unless I have forgotten something, the map shows (among other cities) the capitals of all districts and provinces of Austria.
Please note: The cities of Wien (Vienna) and Linz were marked a few kilometers from their actual locations in the original satellite image; this has been corrected here.
Deutsch: Die Karte beruht auf einer Satellitenaufnahme der NASA
Das Bild wurde in y-Richtung um ca. 5% gestreckt, um eine wenig verzerrte Karte zu erhalten.
Um Österreich hervorzuheben, habe ich den Kontrast außerhalb der Grenzen Österreichs reduziert und die Grenzlinie dicker eingezeichnet, und danach durch Vergleich mit der NASA Worldwind Software und diversen Karten die Positionen diverser Orte, Berge und Pässe bestimmt und eingezeichnet.
Die Karte enthält (wenn ich keine vergessen habe) unter anderem alle Landes- und Bezirkshauptstädte Österreichs.
The NASA website hosts a large number of images from the Soviet/Russian space agency, and other non-American space agencies. These are not necessarily in the public domain.
The SOHO (ESA & NASA) joint project implies that all materials created by its probe are copyrighted and require permission for commercial non-educational use. [4]
{{Information| |Description = Satellite image of Austria with provincial capitals and other annotations | Source = The image is based on a satellite image from [http://visibleearth.nasa.gov/images/5947/Italy.A2003262.1005.250m.jpg]. Original image: Cre