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Thank you so much for the kind words about my copy edits. It's really inspired me! You, by the way, have nothing less than the coolest user pages I've ever seen. Thank you again! jengod 09:31, Mar 31, 2004 (UTC) -- awww shucks. if dec's busy, you can go to the sock hop with me anytime. +sj+

Eggs! : I should tell Guigui that several en users are liking his logos; it raised such an uproar on fr in december, he is hardly with us anymore... Tarquin ...said he would stop contributing as long as the (christmas) logo was there. Anth | Thanks (adminship supp). Jayjg 14 Sep

Beautiful work on Origins of the American Civil War!! It's downright elegant! To get an idea about how pleasantly surprised I am, take a look at the crude 8/03 two-part division of the History of the Soviet Union article. Thanks again. Great user pages too! 172 27 Mar 2004 (UTC)

I find your solution interesting. Since you fixed the size issue, the article is now going through the FA nomination process again. --mav 27 Mar 2004 (UTC)