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User:Skagedal/Eminent psychologists

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This is a list of the 100 most eminent psychologists of the 20th century according to Haggbloom and colleagues[1]. Six different measures of "eminence" were used, and combined to a single measure. (Note: I have not yet corrected the whole lists, some of the "red names" should really be blue because of spelling errors or because the article is available under another name. Also, some of these are guesses as to who the indivudal behind the initials really is. Feel free to help out!)


After http://edtech.tph.wku.edu/~shaggblo/Table4.htm , the corrected version.

  1. B. F. Skinner
  2. Jean Piaget
  3. Sigmund Freud
  4. Albert Bandura
  5. Leon Festinger
  6. Carl R. Rogers
  7. Stanley Schachter
  8. Neal E. Miller
  9. Edward L. Thorndike
  10. Abraham H. Maslow
  11. Gordon W. Allport
  12. Erik H. Erikson
  13. Hans J. Eysenck
  14. William James
  15. David C. McClelland
  16. Raymond B. Cattell
  17. John B. Watson
  18. Kurt Lewin
  19. Donald O. Hebb
  20. George A. Miller
  21. Clark L. Hull
  22. Jerome Kagan
  23. C.G. Jung
  24. Ivan P. Pavlov, Ivan Pavlov
  25. Walter Mischel
  26. Harry F. Harlow
  27. J. P. Guilford
  28. Jerome S. Bruner
  29. Ernest R. Hilgard
  30. Lawrence Kohlberg
  31. Martin E.P. Seligman
  32. Ulric Neisser
  33. Donald T. Campbell
  34. Roger Brown
  35. Robert B. Zajonc
  36. Endel Tulving
  37. Herbert A. Simon
  38. Noam Chomsky
  39. Edward E. Jones
  40. Charles E. Osgood
  41. Solomon E. Asch
  42. Gordon H. Bower
  43. Harold H. Kelley
  44. Roger W. Sperry
  45. Edward C. Tolman
  46. Stanley Milgram
  47. Arthur R. Jensen
  48. Lee J. Cronbach, Lee Cronbach
  49. John Bowlby
  50. Wolfgang Kohler
  51. David Wechsler
  52. S. S. Stevens
  53. Joseph Wolpe
  54. Donald E. Broadbent
  55. Roger N. Shepard
  56. Michael I. Posner
  57. Theodore M. Newcomb, Theodore Newcomb, Theodor Newcomb
  58. Elizabeth F. Loftus
  59. Paul Ekman
  60. Robert J. Sternberg
  61. Karl S. Lashley
  62. Kenneth Spence
  63. Julian B. Rotter
  64. Konrad Lorenz
  65. Benton J. Underwood, Benton Underwood
  66. Alfred Adler
  67. Michael Rutter
  68. Alexander R. Luria
  69. Eleanor E. Maccoby, Eleanor Maccoby
  70. Robert Plomin
  71. Lewis M. Terman
  72. Eleanor J. Gibson
  73. Paul E. Meehl, Paul Meehl
  74. Leonard Berkowitz
  75. William K. Estes
  76. Elliot Aronson
  77. Irving L. Janis, Irving Janis
  78. Morton Deutsch
  79. Richard S. Lazarus, Richard Lazarus
  80. Walter B. Cannon, Walter Cannon
  81. Allen L. Edwards, Allen Edwards
  82. Lev Semenovich Vygotsky
  83. Robert Rosenthal
  84. Milton Rokeach
  85. James J. Gibson
  86. Louis Leon Thurstone
  87. Robert Woodworth
  88. John Garcia
  89. David Rumelhart
  90. John Dewey
  91. Edwin G. Boring
  92. Wilhelm Wundt
  93. Amos Tversky
  94. Herman A. Witkin, Herman Witkin
  95. Mary D. Ainsworth, Mary Ainsworth
  96. O. Hobart Mowrer
  97. Anna Freud
  98. Leo Postman
  99. Benjamin J. Winer, Benjamin Winer

The most quoted psychologists in journals

After http://edtech.tph.wku.edu/~shaggblo/jcl.htm :

  1. Sigmund Freud
  2. Jean Piaget
  3. Hans J. Eysenck
  4. Benjamin J. Winer, Benjamin Winer (author of Statistical Principles of Experimental Design)
  5. Albert Bandura
  6. Sidney Siegel
  7. Raymond B. Cattell
  8. B. F. Skinner
  9. Charles E. Osgood
  10. J.P. Guilford
  11. Donald T. Campbell
  12. Leon Festinger
  13. George Armitage Miller
  14. Jerome S. Bruner
  15. Lee Cronbach
  16. Erik H. Erikson
  17. Allen L. Edwards, Allen Edwards
  18. Julian Rotter
  19. Donn Byrne
  20. Jerome Kagan
  21. Joseph Wolpe
  22. Robert Rosenthal
  23. Benton J. Underwood, Benton Underwood
  24. Allan Paivio
  25. Milton Rokeach
  26. D. E. Berlyne, Daniel Berlyne, Daniel E. Berlyne
  27. Stanley Smith Stevens
  28. Carl R. Rogers
  29. Arthur R. Jensen
  30. Roger Brown
  31. Harold A. Witkin, Harold Witkin
  32. Herbert A. Simon
  33. Endel Tulving
  34. David C. McClelland, David McClelland
  35. Jacob Cohen
  36. Neal H. Anderson, Neal Anderson (psychologist)
  37. Abraham H. Maslow
  38. Morton Deutsch
  39. Lawrence Kohlberg
  40. Edward L. Thorndike
  41. Donald E. Broadbent, Donald Broadbent
  42. Leonard Berkowitz
  43. Neal E. Miller
  44. Michael Rutter
  45. Anna Freud
  46. Stanley Schachter
  47. Kurt Lewin
  48. Walter Mischel
  49. David Wechsler
  50. Carl G. Jung
  51. Gordon W. Allport
  52. Leo Postman
  53. H. G. Gough
  54. Robert R. Carkhuff, Robert Carkhuff
  55. John Bowlby
  56. Roger N. Shepard
  57. Edward E. Jones
  58. Donald O. Hebb
  59. Ulric Neisser
  60. Ari Rappoport
  61. Michael I. Posner
  62. Erving Goffman
  63. Daniel L. Schacter, Daniel Schacter
  64. William K. Estes
  65. John W. Atkinson, John Atkinson
  66. Kenneth W. Spence, Kenneth Spence
  67. Ernest R. Hilgard
  68. Eleanor Maccoby
  69. Angus Campbell?
  70. Evert E. Lindquist, Evert Lindquist
  71. Paul T. Costa, Paul Costa (psychologist)
  72. Harold H. Kelly, Harold Kelly
  73. Clark L. Hull
  74. Solomon E. Asch
  75. Carl L. Hovland, Carl Hovland
  76. Theodore Newcomb
  77. O. Hobart Mowrer
  78. Milton J. Rosenberg, Milton Rosenberg
  79. Irving Lorge
  80. D. A. Kenny, David Kenny
  81. Robert R. McCrae, Robert McCrae
  82. Alan E. Kazdin, Alan Kazdin
  83. E. Tory Higgins, Tory Higgins
  84. Edward Lichtenstein
  85. Eric Fromm
  86. Robert Plomin
  87. Shelly E. Taylor, Shelly Taylor
  88. William L. Hays, William Hays
  89. J. Philippe Rushton, Philippe Rushton
  90. Martin Fishbein
  91. Aaron T. Beck
  92. Edward B. Blanchard, Edward Blanchard
  93. Martin E.P. Seligman
  94. John H. Flavell, John Flavell
  95. Hazel Markus
  96. G. Terence Wilson, Terence Wilson
  97. Karen A. Matthews, Karen Matthews
  98. Peter M. Bentler, Peter Bentler
  99. Herbert W. Marsh, Herbert Marsh
  100. Harry F. Harlow

The most eminent psychologists, ranked from survey

After http://edtech.tph.wku.edu/~shaggblo/sl.htm

  1. B. F. Skinner
  2. Jean Piaget
  3. Sigmund Freud
  4. John B. Watson
  5. Albert Bandura
  6. William James
  7. Ivan Pavlov
  8. Kurt Lewin
  9. Carl Rogers
  10. E. L. Thorndike
  11. Leon Festinger
  12. Donald O. Hebb
  13. Gordon Allport
  14. Clark Hull
  15. Neal Miller
  16. Edward C. Tolman
  17. Erik Erikson
  18. Wolfgang Kohler
  19. Abraham Maslow
  20. Lev Vygotsky
  21. Mary Ainsworth
  22. Hans Eysenck
  23. Alexander R. Luria, Alexander Luria
  24. Stanley Schacter
  25. Herbert Simon
  26. Roger Sperry
  27. A. Binet
  28. J. Bowlby
  29. Jerome S. Bruner
  30. Raymond B. Cattell
  31. Eleanor J. Gibson
  32. David McClelland
  33. Paul E. Meehl
  34. Ulrich Neisser
  35. Martin Seligman
  36. F. C. Bartlett, Frederic Bartlett
  37. Urie Bronfenbrenner
  38. Noam Chomsky
  39. Carl G. Jung
  40. Karl S. Lashley
  41. Edward Titchener
  42. David Wechsler
  43. Robert Zajonc
  44. David Barlow
  45. E. G. Boring
  46. Egon Brunswik
  47. John Dewey
  48. Harry Harlow
  49. Ernest R. Hilgard
  50. Elizabeth Loftus
  51. O. Hobart Mowrer
  52. Daniel Kahneman
  53. Robert Plomin
  54. Robert Sternberg
  55. Kenneth Spence
  56. Amos Tversky
  57. Max Wertheimer
  58. Wilhelm Wundt
  59. Alfred Adler
  60. John Anderson
  61. Gordon Bower
  62. Mary W. Calkins, Mary Calkins
  63. Donald T. Campbell
  64. G. Stanley Hall
  65. Richard Herrnstein
  66. Jerome Kagan
  67. Eleanor E. Maccoby, Eleanor Emmons Maccoby, Eleanor E. Maccoby, Eleanor Maccoby
  68. Stanley Milgram
  69. George A. Miller
  70. Brenda Milner
  71. Walter Mischel
  72. Henry Murray
  73. Alan Newell
  74. Janet Spence
  75. Lewis Terman
  76. A. Anastasia
  77. Solomon Asch
  78. Jack Block
  79. David Buss
  80. Loren Chapman
  81. Kenneth Clarke
  82. Emanuel Donchin
  83. Hermann Ebbinghaus
  84. Paul Ekman
  85. William Estes
  86. Anna Freud
  87. John Garcia
  88. Michael Gazzaniga
  89. J. J. Gibson
  90. Carol Gilligan
  91. Fritz Heider
  92. David H. Hubel, David Hubel, David Hunter Hubel
  93. Arthur Jenson
  94. Diane S. Jones, Diane Jones
  95. Gregory Kimble
  96. Lawrence Kohlberg
  97. Peter Lang
  98. Arnold Lazarus, Arnold A. Lazarus
  99. Rensis Likert
  100. Konrad Lorenz
  101. R. Duncan Luce
  102. Charles Osgood
  103. Michael Posner
  104. Karl Pribram
  105. David Rumelhart
  106. Michael Rutter
  107. Richard M. Shiffrin, Richard Shiffrin
  108. Charles Spearman
  109. Larry Squire
  110. Travis Thompson
  111. Louis Leon Thurstone
  112. Nikolaas Tinbergen
  113. Paul Wachtel
  114. Margaret F. Washburn, Margaret Washburn
  115. Bernard Weiner
  116. Torsten Wiesel
  117. E. O. Wilson
  118. Robert S. Woodward, Robert Woodward

The most quoted psychologists in textbooks

After http://edtech.tph.wku.edu/~shaggblo/tcl.htm

  1. Sigmund Freud
  2. B. F. Skinner
  3. Albert Bandura
  4. Jean Piaget
  5. Carl Rogers
  6. Stanley Schachter
  7. Harry F. Harlow
  8. Roger Brown
  9. Neal E. Miller
  10. David C. McClelland
  11. Erik H. Erikson
  12. Stanley Milgram
  13. Martin E. P. Seligman
  14. Abraham Maslow
  15. Gordon H. Bower
  16. Hans Eysenck
  17. Lawrence Kohlberg
  18. John B. Watson
  19. Gordon W. Allport
  20. Leon Festinger
  21. Elizabeth F. Loftus
  22. Robert B. Zajonc
  23. Ivan P. Pavlov
  24. Jerome Kagan
  25. Robert J. Sternberg
  26. Walter Mischel
  27. Paul Ekman
  28. Ernest Hilgard
  29. Noam Chomsky
  30. William James
  31. Solomon Asch
  32. Elliot Aronson
  33. Irving L. Janis
  34. Richard S. Lazarus (was "S. Lazarus"...)
  35. Harold Kelley
  36. Sandra Scarr
  37. Raymond B. Cattell
  38. Daryl J. Bem, Daryl Bem
  39. Konrad Lorenz
  40. Carl Jung
  41. Judith Rodin
  42. Elaine Walster
  43. Joseph Wolpe
  44. William C. Dement, William Dement
  45. Edward Jones
  46. George Miller
  47. Philip Zimbardo
  48. Endel Tulving
  49. Bib Latane
  50. Edward L. Thorndike
  51. Eleanor Rosch
  52. Fergus I. M. Craik, Fergus Craik
  53. S. Synder
  54. W. Webb
  55. Hans Eysenck
  56. Alfred Adler
  57. Arthur Jensen
  58. Martin Orne
  59. Bernice L. Neugarten
  60. M. Snyder
  61. J. P. Guilford
  62. M. Lamb
  63. D. Meichenbaum
  64. William Masters
  65. Hans Selye
  66. Roger Sperry
  67. Z. Rubin
  68. J. Freedman
  69. W. B. Cannon
  70. A. Kinsey
  71. Jerome Bruner
  72. R. Plomin
  73. Ulric Neisser
  74. John M. Darley
  75. Kurt Lewin
  76. Clark Hull
  77. Leonard Berkowitz
  78. J. F. Kihlstrom
  79. J. E. Singer
  80. Leonard Krasner
  81. David Rosenhan
  82. John Dollard
  83. Theodore Newcomb
  84. R. R. McCrae
  85. David M. Buss
  86. Richard J. Herrnstein
  87. R. C. Kessler
  88. Howard Gardner
  89. M. W. Segall
  90. Larry R. Squire
  91. Alice H. Eagly
  92. J. C. Loenun
  93. K. W. Schaie
  94. John T. Cacioppo
  95. Aaron T. Beck
  96. Michael S. Gazzaniga
  97. J. S. Hyde
  98. J. W. Berry
  99. S. Kitayama
  100. N. P. Spanos
  101. E. Zigler
  102. Herman Ebbinghaus
  103. C. E. Izard
  104. A. G. Greenwald


  1. ^ Haggbloom, S. J. (2002). "The 100 Most Eminent Psychologists of the 20th Century". Review of General Psychology. 6 (2): 139–152. doi:10.1037/1089-2680.6.2.139. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)

Category:Psychology lists