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Distinguishing coloring

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In graph theory, a distinguishing coloring of a graph is an assignment of colors to the vertices of the graph that destroys all of the nontrivial symmetries of the graph. The coloring does not need to be a proper coloring: adjacent vertices are allowed to be given the same color. For the colored graph, there should not exist any one-to-one mapping of the vertices to themselves that preserves both adjacency and coloring. The minimum number of colors in a distinguishing coloring is called the distinguishing number of the graph.

Distinguishing colorings and distinguishing numbers were introduced by Albertson & Collins (1996), who provided the following motivating example, based on a previous puzzle formulated by Frank Rubin.[1] Suppose you have a ring of keys to different doors; each key only opens one door, but they all look indistinguishable to you. How few colors do you need, in order to color the handles of the keys in such a way that you can uniquely identify each key? This example is solved by using a distinguishing coloring for a cycle graph.[2]


Eight asymmetric graphs, each given a distinguishing coloring with only one color (red)

A graph has distinguishing number one if and only if it is asymmetric. For instance, the Frucht graph has a distinguishing coloring with only one color.

In a complete graph, the only distinguishing colorings assign a different color to each vertex. For, if two vertices were assigned the same color, there would exist a symmetry that swapped those two vertices, leaving the rest in place. Therefore, the distinguishing number of the complete graph Kn is n. However, the graph obtained from Kn by attaching a degree-one vertex to each vertex of Kn has a significantly smaller distinguishing number, despite having the same symmetry group: it has a distinguishing coloring with colors, obtained by using a different ordered pair of colors for each pair of a vertex Kn and its attached neighbor.[2]

For a cycle graph of three, four, or five vertices, three colors are needed to construct a distinguishing coloring. For instance, every two-coloring of a five-cycle has a reflection symmetry. In each of these cycles, assigning a unique color to each of two adjacent vertices and using the third color for all remaining vertices results in a three-color distinguishing coloring. However, cycles of six or more vertices have distinguishing colorings with only two colors.[2]

Hypercube graphs exhibit a similar phenomenon to cycle graphs. The two- and three-dimensional hypercube graphs (the 4-cycle and the graph of a cube, respectively) have distinguishing number three. However, every hypercube graph of higher dimension has distinguishing number only two.[3]

Computational complexity

The distinguishing numbers of planar graphs and interval graphs can be computed in polynomial time.[4][5]

The exact complexity of computing distinguishing numbers is unclear, because it is closely related to the still-unknown complexity of graph isomorphism. However, it has been shown to belong to the complexity class AM.[6] Additionally, testing whether the distinguishing number is at most three is NP-hard,[5] and testing whether it is at most two is "at least as hard as graph automorphism, but no harder than graph isomorphism".[7]

Additional properties

For every graph G, the distinguishing number of G is proportional to the logarithm of the number of automorphisms of G. If the automorphisms form a nontrivial abelian group, the distinguishing number is two, and if it forms a dihedral group then the distinguishing number is at most three.[2]

For every finite group, there exists a graph with that group as its group of automorphisms, with distinguishing number two.[2]


A proper distinguishing coloring is a distinguishing coloring that is also a proper coloring: each two adjacent vertices have different colors. The minimum number of colors in a proper distinguish coloring of a graph is called the distinguishing chromatic number of the graph.[8]


  1. ^ Rubin, Frank (1979), "Problem 729", Journal of Recreational Mathematics, 11: 128. Solution in vol. 12, 1980. As cited by Albertson & Collins (1996).
  2. ^ a b c d e Albertson, Michael O.; Collins, Karen L. (1996), "Symmetry breaking in graphs", Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 3 (1): R18, MR 1394549.
  3. ^ Bogstad, Bill; Cowen, Lenore J. (2004), "The distinguishing number of the hypercube", Discrete Mathematics, 283 (1–3): 29–35, doi:10.1016/j.disc.2003.11.018, MR 2061481.
  4. ^ Arvind, V.; Cheng, Christine T.; Devanur, Nikhil R. (2008), "On computing the distinguishing numbers of planar graphs and beyond: a counting approach", SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 22 (4): 1297–1324, doi:10.1137/07068686X, MR 2443115.
  5. ^ a b Cheng, Christine T. (2009), "On computing the distinguishing and distinguishing chromatic numbers of interval graphs and other results", Discrete Mathematics, 309 (16): 5169–5182, doi:10.1016/j.disc.2009.04.004, MR 2548918.
  6. ^ Russell, Alexander; Sundaram, Ravi (1998), "A note on the asymptotics and computational complexity of graph distinguishability", Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 5: R23, MR 1617449.
  7. ^ Eschen, Elaine M.; Hoàng, Chính T.; Sritharan, R.; Stewart, Lorna (2011), "On the complexity of deciding whether the distinguishing chromatic number of a graph is at most two", Discrete Mathematics, 311 (6): 431–434, doi:10.1016/j.disc.2010.12.013, MR 2799894.
  8. ^ Collins, Karen L.; Trenk, Ann N. (2006), "The distinguishing chromatic number", Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 13 (1): R16, MR 2200544.