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Weight management is a long-term approach to a healthy life style. It includes a balance of healthy eating and physical activity to equate energy expenditure and energy intake. Developing healthy eating habits while using tips and tricks that will keep us fuller longer can be useful tools in weight management. Knowing what your body needs is very important to weight management and can control the over/under consumption of food. Weight management does not include FAD diets that promote quick, temporary weight loss. It focuses on the long-term results that are achieved through slow weight loss (if necessary), followed be retention of an ideal body weight for age, sex and height. Weight management is important because rising obesity rates are a major concern in North America. About 60% of Canadians are overweight or obese [1]. Obesity is a risk factor for many chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease[2]. Managing one’s weight is one factor in preventing such chronic diseases.

Popular Diets

When assessing popular diets, it’s important to understand that a person’s food preferences, lifestyle and medical conditions should be taken into account when choosing the correct diet. Adherence level to the diet is a bigger determinant of clinical benefits over the diet type itself [3] Also “dieting” needs to be a lifestyle change and can’t just be for a short term amount of time.

Weight Watchers

Offers a variety of dieting products and services to assist weight loss and maintenance by a calorie restricting method. Weight watchers promote healthy habits, a supportive environment, exercise and healthy food choices [4]. A member to selects a goal weight that will result in a body mass index (BMI) generally accepted as healthy (18 – 24.9)[4]. Participants are encouraged to produce a rate of weight loss up to 2 pounds per week[4]. Their food guide promotes food choices that not only reduce calories, but also meet nutritional recommendations[4]. Exercise is also recommended for weight loss and is incorporated into their points system. They use a points system that incorporates calories, fat, and dietary fiber content of each food and you are given a certain number of points your suppose to consumer each day[4].


  • Their food guide promotes food choices that reduce calories, and also meet nutritional recommendations.
  • They construct an activity plan along with nutritional guidelines to encourage exercise.
  • They offer support and encouragement through weekly meetings


  • Can be quite expensive over time
  • Is a slower weight loss than other more restrictive diets

The Atkins Diet

Involves the restriction of carbohydrates in ones diet causing the body's metabolism to switch from burning glucose as fuel to burning stored body fat, sending the body into a state of ketosis [5]. Ketosis causes a person to get their energy from ketones, which also causes you to feel less hungry [5]. Carbohydrate consumption must be <40 grams/day (= 1 slice of bread) for ketosis to occur[5].


  • Allowed to eat rich foods
  • When in ketosis you feel less hungry and more satisfied


  • Ketosis causes unusual breath odor and constipation
  • There is worry that the diet promotes heart disease and there is a potential loss of bone and it is not recommended for people with liver and kidney problems due to the high amounts of protein.
  • The preferred source of energy for the brain is glucose, which is decreased in a low-carbohydrate diet

Ornish Diet

Is a fat restricting diet (less than 10% of calories from fat) focusing on eating high amounts of fiber, and following a low-fat vegetarian diet[6]. The Ornish diet recommends combining the diet with exercise that allows the body’s fat burning mechanism to work most effectively[6]. The philosophy is focused less on restricting calories but by watching the ones consumed, by recommending foods that can be eaten all the time, some of the time and none of the time[6]. Foods that can be eaten whenever you are hungry, until you are full are:

  • Beans and legumes, fruits, grains and vegetables

Foods eaten in moderation are:

  • Nonfat dairy products – skim milk, nonfat yogurt, nonfat cheese, nonfat sour cream and egg whites

Foods to avoid

  • Meats of all kinds – if can’t give up, only eat minimally
  • Oils and oil-containing products (margarine and most salad dressings)
  • Avocados, olives, nuts and seeds, dairy products (other than non-fat ones)
  • Simple sugar and simple sugar derivatives (honey, molassess, corn syrup, and high-fructose syrup)
  • Alcohol
  • Anything commercially prepared that has more than 2 grams of fat per serving

Suggests eating a lot of little meals because this diet makes you feel hungry more often, which will help you feel full faster and you’ll eat more food without increasing the number of calories[6].


  • Does not restrict calories
  • Doesn’t slow down metabolism
  • Recommends regular exercise, yoga and meditation along with the diet
  • Has been associated with a reversal of coronary blockage


  • Very restrictive
  • You will feel hungrier and need to eat more food (but less calories)

Weight Management Tips

Increase protein especially at breakfast

The satiating property of dietary protein is influenced by the time of protein consumption. Studies have shown that protein intake at breakfast has a greater satiety effect than later meal times [7]. There are several explanations as to why this is the case. Firstly, protein has a greater thermogenic affect than carbohydrates and fat, which enables the body to burn more calories [8]. Secondly, a high protein breakfast appears to slow gastric emptying, which attributes to the fact that protein appears to be the most satiating macronutrient [9]. Finally, a high protein breakfast increases the activity of glucagon [9], which activates the pathways for glucose synthesis. One study showed that fat loss was approximately twice as much in the high-protein diet group than the moderate-protein diet group in overweight/ obese individuals [8].

Use a smaller plate

Using smaller plates helps to consume smaller portion sizes and this leads to the consumption of fewer calories[10]. Studies have shown that portion size does influence energy intake [11]. People who are presented with larger portions do not report to have a higher level of satiety, which suggests that hunger and satiety signals are ignored when a large portion of food is placed in front of them [11]. In particular, one study showed that participants consumed 31% less calories with the small portion sized of a 6-inch submarine sandwich compared with the large portion size of a 12-inch submarine sandwich [11]. Increased portion sizes have occurred simultaneously with the increase in obesity rates and hence, large portion sizes can be one he factors contributing to the current increase in body weight of the US [11].

Eat more soup

Soups have a significant satiety effect and studies have demonstrated that compared to solid foods, soup ingestion decrease the amount of energy intake [12]. Compared to having no soup, it has been shown that eating soup reduces total energy intake of a meal [13]. When soup is consumed before a meal, a decrease of 20% of energy is consumed in the meal[13].

Choose the low calorie foods

A moderate decrease in caloric intake will lead to a slow weight loss, which may be more beneficial for long term weight management [14]. For example, choosing a black coffee instead of a full fat latte will save calories that will add up in the long run. Low fat meats reduce the total amount of calories and cholesterol consumed [15]. For example, traditional beef patties have 19.2% fat and 272 kcal per 100 g of meat. On the other hand, lean beef patties have 9.8%fat and 196 kcal [15].

Eating more dairy can aid in fat loss

Studies have shown that a diet high in dairy decreases total body fat (7). This occurs because a high amount of dietary calcium increases the amount of energy and fat excreted from the body (8). Studies have shown that saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats all have a higher excretion rate with a high calcium intake (9). In these studies, a high calcium intake is considered 2300 mg and a low calcium intake is considered 700 mg (9). A possible explanation to this phenomenon is that high intakes of calcium cause calcium soap formation and/ or binding of bile acids in the intestine (9). Other studies specifically show that dairy sources of calcium demonstrate greater weight loss than supplemental calcium intake (15). This may be due to the other bioactive components present in milk, which may aid in metabolic efficiency and fat loss (15).

Incorporate more vegetables into your meals

Fruits and vegetables have been shown to increase satiety and decrease hunger (10). These foods have a low energy density, which is mainly due to the high water content and partly due to the fiber content (10). The reduction of energy density has been shown to enhance satiety. The water adds weight, without adding calories and the fiber slows gastric emptying. Both of these factors contribute to the satiating affect of vegetables and fruits. Studies have also shown that fiber decreases hunger and also decreases total energy intake (10).

Also See


  1. ^ Tiepkema, M. (2004) Measured Obesity: Adult obesity in Canada: Measured height and weight. Nutrition: Findings from the Canadian Community Health Survey 1: 1-10
  2. ^ Klein, K., Sheard, N. F., Pi-Sunyer, X., Daly, A., Whylie-Rosett, J., Kulkarni, K. and Clark, N. G. (2004) Weight Management Through Lifestyle Modification for the Prevention and Management of Type 2 Diabetes: Rationale and Strategies. Diabetes Care 27 (8): 2067-73
  3. ^ Dansinger, M. L., Gleason, J. A., Griffith, J.L., Selker, H.P. and Schaefer, J. (2005) Comparison of the Atkins, Ornish, Weight watchers and Zone Diets for weight loss and heart disease risk reduction: A randomized trial. JAMA; 293(1): 43-53
  4. ^ a b c d e How Weight Watchers Works, http://www.weightwatchers.ca/plan/index.aspx & October 15, 2010.
  5. ^ a b c The Atkins Diet, http://cauk.atkins.com/science & October 15, 2010.
  6. ^ a b c d The Ornish Diet & October 15, 2010.
  7. ^ Leidy, H. J., Bossingham, M.J., Mattes, R.D. and Campbell, W.W. (2009) Increased dietary protein consumed at breakfast leads to an initial and sustained feeling of fullness during energy restriction compared to other meal times. British Journal of Nutrition 101: 798-803
  8. ^ a b Paddon-Jones, D., Westman, E., Mattes, R.D., Wolfe, R.R., Astrup, A. and Westerterp-Plantenga, M. (2008) Protein, weight management, and satiety. Am J Clin Nutr 87(suppl):1558-61S
  9. ^ a b Blom, W.A.M, Lluch, A., Stafleu, A., Vinoy, S., Holst, J.J., Schaafsma, G. and Hendriks, H.F.J. (2006) Effect of a high-protein breakfast on the postprandial ghrelin response. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 83(2):211-220
  10. ^ Rolls, B.J., Morris, E.L. and Roe, L.S. (2002) Portion size of food affects energy intake in normal-weight and overweight men and women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 76(6):1207-13
  11. ^ a b c d Ello-Martin, J.A., Ledikwe, J.H. and Rolls, B.J. (2005). The influence of food portion size and energy density on energy intake: implications for weight management. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 82(1) 236-241
  12. ^ Mattes, R. (2005). Soup and satiety. Physiology & Behavior; 83(5): 739-747
  13. ^ a b Flood, J.E. and Rolls, B.J. (2007). Soup preloads in a variety of forms reduce meal energy intake. Appetite 49(3):626-634
  14. ^ Klein S., Sheard N. F., Pi-Sunyer, X., Daly A., Wylie-Rosett J., Kulkarni, K., Clark N.G. (2004). Weight Management Through Lifestyle Modification for the Prevention and Management of Type 2 Diabetes: Rationale and Strategies. Diabetes Care; 27(8) 2067-2073
  15. ^ a b Chizzolini, R., Zanardi E., Dorigoni V. and Ghidini S. (1999). Calorific value and cholesterol content of normal and low-fat meat and meat products. Trends in Food Science & Technology,10 (2-5):119-128